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        검색결과 13

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        KAERI has developed a Radioactive Waste Information Management System (RAWINGS) to manage the life-cycle information from the generation to the disposal of radioactive waste, in compliance with the low- and medium-level radioactive waste acceptance criteria (WAC). In the radioactive waste management process, the preceding steps are to receive waste history from the waste generators. This includes an application for a specified container with a QR label, pre-inspection, and management request. Next, the succeeding steps consist of repackaging, treatment, characterization, and evaluating the suitability of disposal, for a process to transparently manage radioactive wastes. Since the system operated in 2021, The system is enhanced to manage dynamic information, including the tracking of the location of radioactive waste and the repackaging process. Small packages of waste could be classified as either radioactive or clearance waste during pre-inspection. Furthermore, waste generated in the past has already been packaged in drums, and a new algorithm has been developed to apply the repackaging when reclassification is required. All radioactive waste with the unique ID number on the specific container is managed within a database, the total amount and history of waste are managed, and statistical information is provided. This system is continuously be operated and developed to oversee life-cycle information, and serve as the foundational database for the Waste Certification Program (WCP).
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Natural uranium-contaminated soil in Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) was generated by decommissioning of the natural uranium conversion facility in 2010. Some of the contaminated soil was expected to be clearance level, however the disposal cost burden is increasing because it is not classified in advance. In this study, pre-classification method is presented according to the ratio of naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) and contaminated uranium in the soil. To verify the validity of the method, the verification of the uranium radioactivity concentration estimation method through γ-ray analysis results corrected by self-absorption using MCNP6.2, and the validity of the pre-classification method according to the net peak area ratio were evaluated. Estimating concentration for 238U and 235U with γ-ray analysis using HPGe (GC3018) and MCNP6.2 was verified by 􀟙-spectrometry. The analysis results of different methods were within the deviation range. Clearance screening factors (CSFs) were derived through MCNP6.2, and net peak area ratio were calculated at 295.21 keV, 351.92 keV(214Pb), 609.31 keV, 1120.28 keV, 1764.49 keV(214Bi) of to the 92.59 keV. CSFs for contaminated soil and natural soil were compared with U/Pb ratio. CSFs and radioactivity concentrations were measured, and the deviation from the 60 minute measurement results was compared in natural soil. Pre-classification is possible using by CSFs measured for more than 5 minutes to the average concentration of 214Pb or 214Bi in contaminated soil. In this study, the pre-classification method of clearance determination in contaminated soil was evaluated, and it was relatively accurate in a shorter measurement time than the method using the concentrations. This method is expected to be used as a simple pre-classification method through additional research.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As the importance of radioactive waste management has emerged, quality assurance management of radioactive waste has been legally mandated and the Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD) established the “Waste Acceptance Criteria for the 1st Phase Disposal Facility of the Wolsong Lowand Intermediate-Level Waste Disposal Center (WAC)”, the detailed guideline for radioactive waste acceptance. Accordingly, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) introduced a radioactive waste quality assurance management system and developed detailed procedures for performing the waste packaging and characterization methods suggested in the WAC. In this study, we reviewed the radioactive waste characterization method established by the KAERI to meet the WAC presented by the KORAD. In the WAC, the characterization items for the disposal of radioactive waste were divided into six major categories (general requirements, solidification and immobilization requirements, radiological, physical, chemical, and biological requirements), and each subcategories are shown in detail under the major classification. In order to satisfy the characterization criteria for each detailed item, KAERI divided the procedure into a characterization item performed during the packaging process of radioactive waste, a separate test item, and a characterization item performed after the packaging was completed. Based on the KAERI’s radioactive waste packaging procedure, the procedure for characterization of the above items is summarized as follows. First, during the radioactive waste packaging process, the characterization corresponding to the general requirements (waste type) is performed, such as checking the classification status of the contents and checking whether there are substances unsuitable for disposal, etc. Also, characterization corresponding to the physical requirements is performed by checking the void fraction in waste package and visual confirmation of particulate matter, substances containg free water, ect. In addition, chemical and biological requirements can be characterized by visually confirming that no hazardous chemicals (explosive, flammable, gaseous substances, perishables, infectious substances, etc.) are included during the packaging process, and by taking pictures at each packaging steps. Items for characterization using separate test samples include radiological, physical, and chemical requirements. The detailed items include identification of radionuclide and radioactivity concentration, particulate matter identification test, free water and chelate content measurement tests, etc. Characterization items performing after the packaging is completed include general requirements such as measuring the weight and height of packages and radiological requirements such as measurements of surface dose rate and contamination, etc. All of the above procedures are proceduralized and managed in the radioactive waste quality assurance procedure, and a report including the characterization results is prepared and submitted when requesting acceptance of radioactive waste. The characterization of KAERI’s radioactive waste has been systematically established and progressed under the quality assurance system. In the future, we plan to supplement various items that require further improvement, and through this, we can expect to improve the reliability of radioactive waste management and activate the final disposal of KAERI’s radioactive waste.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Over the last three decades, various disciplines of discourse analysis have shared a common interest in language use, especially in how people use real language. It is therefore of immediate interest to language teachers when selecting and devising teaching materials or when engaging learners in activities aimed at leading them to be more proficient users of their target language. This paper begins with outlining essential written discourse elements, such as grammatical and lexical cohesive devices, clause relations and larger text patterns which play important roles in syntactic and semantic cohesion and coherence in written texts. Then, the procedure of a written discourse analysis on a news text is described. The paper ends with a discussion on the insights from the written discourse analysis, which might be applicable, in specifiable ways, to language teaching, focusing on how to apply written discourse elements to teaching written English in real classrooms.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper demonstrates the findings of an investigation into Korean secondary school English teachers’ practices and perceptions regarding writing instruction. The research employs in-depth interviews with a small number of teachers to identify: (a) teachers’ practices of writing instruction and assessment in the classroom; (b) teachers’ perceptions of writing instruction; (c) teachers’ evaluation of students’ writing abilities; and (d) teachers’ concerns or problems in teaching of writing. The results indicate that there exist discrepancies among teachers’ practices, perceptions, the National Curriculum and the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT): the curriculum provides writing goals that are too high for students; teachers cannot help focusing on low-level features of writing mainly due to students’ poor writing ability; and teachers and students do not have an urgent necessity to teach and learn writing, since writing is not tested in the CSAT. The paper concludes by providing implications and suggestions for future development of writing instruction in the Korean secondary school English classroom.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper concerns on a multiprocessor task scheduling problem with precedence relation, in which each task requires several processors simultaneously Meta-heuristic generally finds a good solution If It starts from a good solution In this paper, a tabu