This study was conducted to find out some important agronomic characteristics and qualities in response to different transplanting dates in Alisma plantago at southern parts of Korea. Yield components such as number of floral axis per plant, plant height and number of leaves were highest at the transplanting date of Aug. 15 and Aug. 25. Plants sown at Aug. 15 and Aug. 25 also showed highest yield. Considering from our results, optimum transplanting date were semed to be transplanting date of Aug. 15 and Aug. 25.
To find out the best complex fertilizer for high yielding of rapeseed crop, experiment was conducted on complex fertilizers at the experiment field in upland of rapeseed in Mokpo Experiment Station, Nat'l Institute of Corp Science, RDA, Korea. Experiment was laid out in randomized complete block (RCBD) design. The effects of complex fertilizer (22-22-11) on the number of branches, pod length, percentage of seed set and seed yield were highest but on the plant height, ear length, and number of pods per ear were negligible. On th basis of the results reported above, for getting higher yield of rapeseed crop, among the tested fertilizers complex fertilizer (22-22-11) gave the superior performance and is recommended for application.
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of seed disinfectant, in control of brown leaf blight, growth characteristics, and dry root yield in the cultivation of Alisma plantago after early maturing rice cropping. Experimental plot was laid out in split plots design with three replications. The major seed disinfectants were benomyl Wp, 20%, Captan Wp, 50%, Triferine Ec, 17%, Etridia zole Ec, 25%, and Thioplant-mythyl Wp, 50%. Even though seed disinfectant treated had no effect on the growth and flowering date of Alisma plantago, dry root yield was increased largely with benomyl Wp, 20%, in seed disinfectant than in the other seed disinfectants and contorl. All seed disinfectants had no injury with standard dosage. But all seed disinfectants had slight injury in the double dosage level for the Alisma plantago. On the basis of yield, vegetative and disease paramerer, benomyl Wp (20%) (100g/20l) had shown superior performance, however, all the seed disinfectants are effective as compare to without treatment.
The objectives of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of seeding and transplanting date on yield and quality of rapeseed experiment were conducted in the research field of Chungcheongnam Do(Taejun) Agricultural Research and Extension Services with Yudal, one of the rapeseed cultivar of different growth characteristics among the six treatments were examined and recorded. Results showed that yield components such as plant height, length of ear and pod, number of branches and pods and percentage of pod setting and seed set were highest at the plot with direct seeding in Sep. 10. In this treatment yield of seed, 1,000 grains weight and weight of 1l were highest. On the basis of vegetative and yield parameter of direct seeding in Sep. 10 was the best sowing date of rapeseed crop in Chungcheongnam Do region of Korea. Experiments were conducted in the research field of Chungcheongnam Do(Taejun) Agricultural Research and Extension Services with Yudal variety, which showed different growth characteristics. Yield components such as plant height, length of ear and pod, number of branches and pods and percentage of pod setting and seed set were highest at the plot with direct seeding in Sep. 10. Yield of seed, 1,000 grains weight and weight of 1l were highest at the direct seeding in Sep. 10. Judging from the results reported above, seemed to be direct seeding in Sep. 10.
This study was conducted to evaluate the control effect of fungicides on control of Gray mold, growth characteristics, and root yield in the cultivation of Scutellaria baicalensis after barley cropping. All fungicides treated had no effect on the growth and flowering rate of Scutellaria baicalensis. All seed disinfectants had no effect on the growth and flowering date of Scutellaria baicalensis Georg. The major seed disinfectants were Benomyl Wp, 20%, Captan Wp, 50%, Hymexazol Ec, 30%, Carboxin D, 37.5%. Dry root yield were increased largely with Benomyl Wp, 20%, seed disinfectant than the other seed disinfectants had no injury with standard dosage. On the other hand, all seed disinfectants had slight injury in the double dosage level for the Scutellaria baicalensis Georg.
In order to find out the optimum harvest (dipping) date combined with sowing date on yield and nutrient quality of forage rye which is suitable at the Southern part of Korea, Paldanghomil variety was grown Sep. 2001 to May 2002 at Sunchon National University, and yield and nutrient quality of plant were observed. As harvest date and sowing date were delayed, the plant length was longest, number of leaves per plant was increased in the time of May 20 clipping. Fresh yield was the heaviest in the time of May 20 clipping and Oct. l0 sowing, and the most dry matter yield was the heaviest in the time of May 20 clipping and Oct. 10 sowing. Content of crude protein was the highest and that of crude fiber such as NDF, ADF, hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin were the lowest in the late time of clipping and sowing. Further more IVDMD was high and dry matter yield and digestible dry matter yield were the highest in the time of May 20 dipping and Oct. 10 sowing. Judging from the results reported above, at optimum harvest (dipping) date combined with sowing date for yield and nutrient quality of forage rye seemed to be the time of May 20 clipping and Oct. 10 sowing.
Twenty two varieties of pecan including wild types were classified based on 6 characters measured by principal component analysis score distance. The results are summarized as fellow. Twenty two varieties were classified into 5 groups based in PCA score distance. Five groups were distinctly characterized by many morphological characters. Total variation could be explained by 51%, 95%, 99% with first, third and fifth principal components respectively. Varimax rotation of the factor loading of the first factors indicated that the first component was highly loaded with leaf characters, the second component with fruit characters, but fruit length was negative loaded. The second, the third and the fourths groups of cultivars had very close genetic parentage similarity.
In vitro shoot regeneration from cotyledon and hypocotyl explants derived from germinating mature Impatiens seeds. The induction of organogenetic tissue was also influenced by the cotyledon and hypocotyl. Multiple shoot induction was higher in hypocotyl than in the cotyledon explant with Thidiazuron and a NAA medium.