목포의 관광명소인 전설의 섬 삼학도는 과거 개발의 시대에 매립되어 육지로 변해버린 곳이다. 그런데 이 삼학도를 섬으로 되돌리고자 하는 시도가 21C 환경시대에 시민들의 노력으로 시작 되게 된다. 삼학도 복원화 사업은 지금도 진행 중이며, 부분적으로 공원 및 공공건축물 등은 개 방되어 이용되고 있다. 본 연구는 삼학도 공원을 대상으로, 현재 진행 중인 복원화 사업을 포함 한 이용현황 및 공간구성 등을 검토하여 개선방안을 제시해보고자 진행된 것이다. 삼학도 원형 복원의 의미와 가치 그리고 섬다움을 느낄 수 있는 리모델링 계획을 수립하였다. 대상지는 목 포 내항과 마주하고 있는 근린공원으로, 면적은 약 454,850㎡이다. 계획추진을 위한 기본방향 은, 1) 삼학도 전설이 꽃으로 피우는 낭만이 있는 안전한 꽃 섬, 2) 어린이와 가족 모두, 1-3세대 가 함께 즐기는 테마가 있는 체험형 공원, 3) 복원된 삼학도의 물길과 숲길을 따라 자연과 사람 이 함께 하는 미래 공존의 숲으로 제시하였다. 계획대상지는 매립으로 이루어진 기존공원 Zone 과 삼학도 원형 복원 Zone으로 크게 구분하였다. 복원된 삼학도는 지역 Identity를 근거로 특화 된 테마를 부여하여 계획하였다. 대삼학도는 ‘학 섬 동산’, 중삼학도는 ‘꽃 섬 동산’, 소삼학도는 ‘꿈 섬 동산’ 으로 공간을 구성하였고, 부여된 이미지가 이용자들에게 쉽게 전달될 수 있도록 계획하였다. 그 외에 공원입구 상징 Zone과 목포내항 해안 Zone을 설정하고, 각각의 공간특성 을 적극 활용하면서도 상호 연계할 수 있는 소공간 및 관련시설 등을 계획 배치하였다. 특히 삼 학도 공원으로 연결되는 매립제방 형태의 도로를 가동식 교량으로 변경하여 삼학도가 섬이라 는 인식과 상징적 의미를 부여하는 진입교량 조성계획은 높은 평가를 받았다. 연구성과로 도출 된 리모델링 계획의 적극적 추진을 통해 삼학도가 다시 목포의 섬으로 되돌아오길 기대한다.
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to analyze the current status of various fusion research journals and its operational strategies, comparing them to those of IJIDB.
Research design, data, and methodology - This study focused on the content analysis and strategies of operations for other convergence journals, comparing them to IJIDB in terms of the number of publication journals, publications, academic scope, and the impact factor.
Results - IJIDB is relatively new and in its developmental stages compared to other convergence journals. But, IJIDB also shows much promise in that it came second in the field of economic publications of 54 journals in 2017. In order to To elevate IJIDB journal to the top in Korea Citation Index Journals, KODISA should host more international conferences to increase its international recognition levels, develop its managerial functions for increased stability, and open more opportunities for Candidates of Ph.D and Masters degree students to publish for fostering and building potential leaders and innovators.
Conclusions – IJIDB is a newly born academic journal. In the future, IJIDB will be able to develop exponentially and be one of the leading journals in the Korea Citation Index by continually learning and developing its operational strategies.
Purpose – The aim of this paper is to examine the newly formed a partnership of Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway (Berkshire) and JPMorgan through the lens of strategic alliance, corporate philanthropy, and corporate social responsibility.
Research design, data, and methodology – This is an analytical case study that examines the existing scholarly articles in strategic alliances, corporate philanthropy, and corporate social responsibility to explain the recent strategic alliance.
Results - There is a clear limitation in explaining this type of unconventional strategic alliance with exiting definitions and concepts because there is no existing study or case available today. Forming a strategic business alliance to create and operate healthcare for their domestic employees could be viewed as a social innovation that resulted from an effort to resolve a social problem, the ineffective healthcare system in the U.S., rather than focusing on business benefits and profits.
Conclusions – The success or failure of this type of business alliance would certainly affect the current healthcare system of the United States and global businesses and healthcare industries in the future. However, just entering or tapping into uncharted territory by these three companies to deal with a social issue is significant enough to merit further exploration and analysis for scholars and practitioners.
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to evaluate two multinational companies that seem to have reconciled the two mandates of CSR and profit maximization while becoming multibillion dollar companies and examine their organizational culture and practices and their management and leadership in order to determine the controlling factors, if any, that have elicited their success while renowned for their CSR policies.
Research design, data, and methodology - This is a case study, an analytical approach, which focuses on exploring and analyzing the CSR policies of Starbucks and IKEA.
Results – IKEA and Starbucks considered their position in the global business environment and their social responsibilities as crucial and did more than a cursory lip service to the issues. In fact, they both took the more difficult long-term approach and tried to resolve the root causes for the environmental and social issues in their supply chain. Ultimately though, it is the ethical leadership of the top management that sets the tone for the organizational culture and its CSR. Conclusion - IKEA and Starbucks are “living proof” that a company can be successful while treating its employees and the community of suppliers and associates with respect and dignity and while making this world a better place.
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to explore and examine the effects of airline deregulation in the United States and South Korea as a comparative analysis. The study focuses on identifying the purposes of airline deregulation and analyzing its benefits and consequences.
Research Design, Data, and Methodology - This is a case study, a comparative method, which analyzes and measures the benefits and disadvantages of airline deregulation in both the United States and South Korea.
Results - Airline deregulation removed unnecessary and ineffective government controls, resulting in more efficient airline industries in both countries. However, the negative consequences are much greater than the benefits of airline deregulation.
Conclusion - The purpose of airline deregulation was to foster an efficient and effective environment in airline industry, and cleare vidence of the positive intended effects of airline deregulation e.g., increasing domestic competition, decreasing airfare, increasing productivity, and removing unnecessary government regulations in the beginning of airline deregulation. However, the current state of airline industry in both countries depicts only the consequences of airline deregulation.