This study develops a dynamic scheduling model for parallel machine scheduling problem based on genetic algorithm (GA). GA combined with discrete event simulation to minimize the makespan and verifies the effectiveness of the developed model. This research consists of two stages. In the first stage, work sequence will be generated using GA, and the second stage developed work schedule applied to a real work area to verify that it could be executed in real work environment and remove the overlapping work, which causes bottleneck and long lead time. If not, go back to the first stage and develop another schedule until satisfied. Small size problem was experimented and suggested a reasonable schedule within limited resources. As a result of this research, work efficiency is increased, cycle time is decreased, and due date is satisfied within existed resources.
When developing a product, ensuring the quality and reliability is essential. Reliability process is always underestimated compared to its importance, especially in the field of domestic medical devices. In this paper, reliability process developed for near-infrared solid microscope, based on a variety of existing practices and other product process. The following findings were obtained as research progressed. First, learning about the medical equipment needed to assure the quality and reliability standards. Second, reliability process established to design a product in the field of medical devices
In this research, customized management performance index for small and medium enterprises in solar energy area was developed. To acquire management performance index, first Delphi technique is applied and secondly, AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) used to give weight to each main index and then final management performance index was achieved. By developing management performance index, top management could manage their company more efficiently.