The onion thrips, Thrips tabaci, is a serious global pest attacking many agricultural crops such as onion and Welsh onion. The thrips, assumed to originate in the Mediterranean region, has been reported for a long time in South Korea. According to worldwide molecular works, the species composes of three genetic lineages (LI, L2 and T) which related to reproductive mode (arrhenotoky vs. thelotoky). To understand the genetic diversity of T. tabaci in South Korea, we investigated genetic lineage and haplotype composition, using about 80 mitochondrial COI gene sequences (369bp) along with foreign sequences from GenBank and BOLD. The COI gene analysis shows that both of thelotokous L1 and arrhenotokous L2 population distribute in South Korea. Among 97 COI-haplotypes worldwide, only six haplotypes are found and thelotokous H1 dominantly distributes.
열대 및 아열대 아메리카 지역이 원산지인 열대거세미나방(신칭; Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1797))은 최근 전세계적에서 돌발적으로 문제가 되고 있는 농업 해충이다. 높은 비행능력을 가진 열대거세미나방은 2016년 아프리카를 시작으로 2018년 인도, 2019년 동남아시아에서 발견되어 확산 속도가 매우 빠르다. 한국에서 열대거세나방은 2019년 6월 13일 제주도 옥수수 재배 농가포장에서 처음 발견되었고, 그 후 2019년 7월 초까지 전라도, 경상남도의 여러 시/군에서 추가로 발견되었다. 한국에서 최초 침입집단을 미토콘드리아 COI유전자를 이용하여 열대거세미나방임을 유전적으로 동정하였고, 서로 다른 분기군에 속하는 2개의 haplotypes(hap-1, hap-2)으로 구성됨을 확인하였다. 분석된31개의 COI 염기서열 중 hap-1 이 93.5%로 우점하였다.
The beet armywom, Spodoptera exigua Hübner, originated from Southeast Asia is one of important agricultural pests worldwide. The moth having no diapause mechanism has highly migratory capacity which contributes to population outbreaks and geographic expansion. Although the moth was first reported in 1926 from Korea, it has been important since the late 1980s. In July 2018, the species outbreaked in Gimje, Jeonbuk Province causing serious damage to soybean in several paddy fields. In this study, we investigate the genetic diversity of the outbreaking populations using a partial sequence of mitochondrial DNA COI gene. 37 COI sequences obtained from specimens collected at the fields of Gimje, Korea were compared with 249 COI sequences from GenBank. In total, 25 haplotypes were detected from 18 countries. Three haplotypes (H1, H2, and H5) found in Korea were all shared with those in China. Haplotypes H1 and H2 were prominent in Korea as well as in invasive regions worldwide. This suggest that outbreaking populations in Korea were invaded from China. The migration source was estimated using backward trajectory analysis, and found to be Zhejiang Province, China.
Until recently, Thrips setosus Moulton, 1928 (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) has been regarded as endemic to Japan, occurring in open and greenhouse fields. The thrips causes direct feeding damage as well as transmits Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) to agricultural vegetables and ornamentals. In 2014, it was found on Hydrangea in the Netherlands and then also confirmed as a invasive pest in the other European countries such as France and Germany. Interestingly, Hydrangea originated in Southern and Eastern Asia has not previously been recorded as a host plant. In Korea, since its first discovery in a commercial Hydrangea greenhouse in Gimje, Jeonbuk Province this year, the species was additionally found on the same crop in Jeonnam and Gyeonggi Provinces. Occording to the farmers, all Hydrangea plants has been imported from the Netherlands. Molecular phylogenetic study using COI partial gene strongly suggests that the thrips may have recurrently invaded with infested Hydrangea plants from Europe.
좁은가슴잎벌레의 각 태별 발육기간은 25℃에서 알기간 6.8일, 유충기간 1령 2.4일, 2령 2.2일, 3령 5.4일, 번데기기간 4.1일로 알부터 번데기까지의 기간은 20.6일이 소요되었다. 유충 및 번데기 발육기간 중 생존율은 25℃에서 1령 유충은 87.5%이고 2령, 3령유충과 번데기는 83.3%가 생존하였다. 성충의 산란과 수명은 25℃에서 산란전기간 10.6일(6 ∼10일), 산란기간 130.6일(13∼269일), 산란수 566.4개(13∼1,237개), 성충수명 189.0일(25∼365일)이었다. 또 성충의 최대 산란기간이 10, 15, 20℃에서 각각 650, 682, 402일로 매우 길었으며 산란기간 동안 일정한 시기에 산란수가 없거나 급격히 낮아지는 기간이 나타나는 생리적 현상에 대하여 보다 정밀한 추가 구명이 필요하다.
Thrips setosus Moulton, 1928 (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), one of the Tospovirus vectors, was found at a commercial greenhouse in Korea. It damaged to leaves of hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla). The thrips widely distributes in Japan, being regarded as its origin. Recently, it invaded in Europe such as the Netherlands, France, and Germany. Unlike Japan, it was found on Hydrangea plants in European countries. In Korea, the thrips was recorded in 1974 by Woo. However, examination of voucher specimens reveals that the record is not true. According to the collection data since 2000, its distribution in Korea is rarely limited in Jeonbuk and Jeju. For identification, representative morphological characteristics and COI barcoding results are provided with possibility of introduction from Europe.