Feltiella acarisuga(Vallot) is a common gall midge that feeds on many species of spider mites. The effect of temperature and humidity on the development of F. acarisuga female were determined using eggs of the twos potted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae(Koch), as prey under laboratory condition (27.9±0.5℃, 90% RH, and 14:10 [L:D] h). F. acarisuga female laid the most eggs on the 5th day after mating, and the acumulative fecundity reached it speak on the 13th day. The sex ratio of F. acarisuga was 6:4, male to female. The average number of eggs per day during life was 2.7 but during the egg-laying period was 3.1. The female’s lifespan was about 3.5 days longer than that of the male in the adult stage but 6.2 days longer including the egg and larval period. The temperature did not affect the female survival and fecundity, but as humidity was lowered, the female’s survival period washortened and fecundity decreased. When using F. acarisuga as natural enemies, the optimal temperature rage was 20 to 30℃ and the relative humidity was 80 to 95%.
월동기 논과 논두렁에서 서식하고 있는 다양한 절지동물의 발생밀도를 조사하여 생물다양성에 대한 정보를 제공하고자 본 연구를 수행하였다. 동력흡충기를 이용하여 논과 논두렁에서 각각 5지점씩 50×50 cm 격자 내에 있는 지표면과 식물을 흡입하여 채집하였다. 논과 논두렁에서 채집한 총개체수는 41,197개체였으며, 대부분 Collembola, Hemiptera, Diptera가 많이 채집되었다. 영농형태별 유기농법 재배지와 관행농법 재배지에서의 절지동물 출현패턴은 거의 유사하였으나 채집된 개체수는 유기농법 재배지에서 더 많았다. 종다양성지수, 종풍부도지수, 종균일도 지수는 논보다는 논두렁에서 모두 높게 나타났고, 시기별로 큰 차이를 보였는데 이는 통계적으로 유의하였다(P < 0.05).
해바라기, 콩, 들깨, 참깨를 트랩식물로 이용하여 미국선녀벌레 약충에 대한 유인효과를 조사한 결과, 실내실험의 경우, 어린단계와 성숙단 계 모두에서 해바라기가 각각 평균 47.6%와 66.5%로 가장 높은 유인력을 보였고, 야외실험의 경우에도 어린단계와 성숙단계 모두에서 해바라기가 각각 평균 52.3%, 53.2%로 가장 높았다. 실내실험과 야외실험에서 어린단계의 콩은 시간이 지나면서 해바라기 다음으로 유인력이 높았으나 성숙단계의 콩은 들깨 보다도 낮은 유인력을 보였으며 실내실험과 야외실험간 비교에서 동일 트랩식물간 유의성은 없는 것으로 보아 미국선녀벌레 약충에 대하여 가장 유인력이 높은 식물은 해바라기였다.
Recently, Metcalfa pruinosa is the pest that can not be easily controlled due to its wide host range. Therefore, it seems necessary to develop a trap plant that can block the entry of M. pruinosa into the farm. We have examined the host preference of M. pruinosa in previous studies and verified their attractiveness to these pests for some favored plants(bean, perilla, sunflower and sesame). We divided the plants used in the experiment into young and maturing stages. In the yougn stage of the plant, the soybeans were highly suscetible to M. pruinosa, but the sunflower was the most influential in the mature stage. Therefore, we selected sunflower as a trap plant to M. pruinosa and conducted a field survey. The sunflower attracted effectivley M. pruinosa in aronia cultivation system. But the time of our experiments was at the nymphal stages of M. pruinosa and at the beginning of adult emergence. Therefore, we plan to conduct experiments at the peak period of adult emergence and develop the trap with attractants.
Metcalfa pruinosa is the agricultural pest, first reported in Seoul, Gyeong-gi, Gyeongnam, Korea in 2009. This pests are difficult to control due to the wide range of hosts such as beans, apples, ginseng, pears, persimmon, and peaches. This study was carried out to investigate the ecological characteristics of M. pruinosa in pepper cultivation area. As a result of the density of M. pruinosa survey in Chungnam, Korea in 2018, the density of wintering-eggs, nymph, adult was the largest in Dang-jin area. And the results of the ecological characteristcs survey of M. pruinosa in red pepper cultivation area of Korea, M. pruinosa didn’t enter a red pepper field. In addition, the possibility of using three kinds of plants as attraction plants was examined in order to control environmentally friendly M. pruinosa. Among them, the greatest number of M. pruinosa nymph were attracted to Sunflower and Green perilla during nymph stage.