The purpose of the study was to develop clothing that enhances comfort for children using gastrostomy tubes while maintaining a design that is no different from that of non-disabled children. The discomfort experienced by children with gastrostomy tubes wearing regular daily clothing was investigated through medical papers and blogs of their parents. The designs were then created to address the issues. The results were as follows: Because the location of the gastrostomy tube is in the upper body, four types of clothing items were developed: one sweatshirt for boys, two one-piece dresses for girls, and one windbreaker suitable for both boys and girls. Considering practicality for children’s clothing, cotton fabric was prioritized. For sweatshirts and windbreakers, a patched pocket with a dog pattern was placed over the area containing the gastrostomy tube to hide it. Frills were used to conceal the gastrostomy tube in one-piece dresses and designed to allow easy access for eating or disinfecting the area. This study aimed to address the challenges children with gastrostomy tubes face when wearing the regular daily clothes of non-disabled children while also offering aesthetically pleasing designs that enhance convenience for those using gastrostomy tubes. We believe this study will not only raise public awareness of disabilities but also inspire research on future clothing for both children and adults using gastrostomy tubes.
Kori Unit 1, the first commercial nuclear power plant (NPP) in Korea, was permanently shut down in 2017 and was scheduled for decommissioning. Various programs must be planned early in the decommissioning process to safely decommission NPPs. Radiological characterization is a key program in decommissioning and should be a high priority. Radiological characterization involves determining the decommissioning technology to be applied to a nuclear facility by identifying the radiation sources and radioactive contaminants present within the facility and assessing the extent and nature of the radioactive contaminants to be removed from the facility. This study introduces the regulatory requirements, procedures, and implementation methods for radiological characterization and proposes a methodology to link the results of radiological characterizations for each stage. To link radiological characteristics, this study proposes to conduct radiological characterization in the decommissioning phase to verify the results of radiological characterization in the transitional phase of decommissioning NPPs. This enables significantly reducing the scope and content of radiological characterization that must be performed in the decommissioning phase and maintaining the connection with the previous phase.
The present study describes Philodromus rufus Walckenaer, 1826 with detailed descriptions, taxonomic photographs, distribution map, and proposition of a new synonym. Due to morphological similarity between P. pseudoexilis Paik, 1979 and P. rufus, taxonomic identity of P. pseudoexilis has been doubtful to date. A detailed bibliographic study of types of P. pseudoexilis between P. rufus and examination of specimens from the type locality of P. pseudoexilis with specimens of P. rufus collected across the country showed that P. rufus has all diagnostic characters found in types of P. pseudoexilis. Therefore, P. pseudoexilis Paik, 1979 should be regarded as a new synonym of Philodromus rufus Walckenaer, 1826.
The Yeongsan River is a prominent inland waterway, alongside the Han River, Nakdong River, and Geum River in South Korea. Numerous bacterial strains were isolated from the Yeongsan River basin for a comprehensive investigation into indigenous prokaryotic species conducted between 2020 and 2023. These bacterial strains were identified using 16S rRNA gene sequencing, wherein 45 bacterial strains shared >98.7% sequence similarities with bacterial species not recorded in Korea thus far. Therefore, this study aimed to catalogue aforementioned unrecorded species and characterize them contingent upon their Gram nature, colony and cell morphologies, biochemical properties, and phylogenetic positions. These bacterial species were determined to be phylogenetically diverse. They were categorized into nine classes, 18 orders, and 25 families. These previously unrecorded species were classified into the following genera and classes: Chitinophaga (class Chitinophagia); Flavobacterium (class Flavobacteriia); Rhodopseudomonas, Gemmobacter, Paracoccus, Azospirillum, Sphingomonas, Novosphingobium, Sphingorhabdus, and Erythrobacter (class Alphaproteobacteria); Bordetella, Pararobbsia, Polynucleobacter, Rhodoferax, Aquabacterium, Malikia, Comamonas, Ideonella, Paucibacter, Undibacterium, Cupriavidus, and Thauera (class Betaproteobacteria); Pectobacterium, Arenimonas, Lysobacter, and Luteimonas (class Gammaproteobacteria); Luteolibacter (class Verrucomicrobiia); Mycolicibacterium, Angustibacter, Ornithinibacter, Janibacter, Schumannella, Aurantimicrobium, Luedemannella, Nocardioides, and Propionicimonas (class Actinomycetes); Geothrix (class Holophagae); and Lactococcus (class Bacilli).
국립원예특작과학원에서는 밝은 화색과 안정적인 화형의 생 육이 우수한 빨간색 스탠다드 장미 품종을 육성하기 위해 진한 적색 스탠다드 장미 품종 ‘엔드리스러브(Endless Love)’를 모 본으로, 꽃잎수가 많고 안정적으로 가시가 적은 밝은 노란색 ‘페니레인(Penny Lane)’ 품종을 부본으로 인공교배하였다. 37 개의 교배실생을 양성해 1, 2, 3차에 걸친 특성검정 및 현장실증 을 통해 꽃이 크고 화형이 안정적이며, 재배안정성 및 생산성, 절화특성이 우수한 ‘원교 D1-390’을 최종 선발하였다. 2023년 ‘루비레드(Ruby Red)’로 명명하여 국립종자원에 품종보호출원·등록되었다. ‘루비레드’ 품종은 밝은 적색(R53C)을 가졌으 며, 꽃잎수가 32.8매, 화폭과 화고는 각각 10.9, 5.9cm로 대조 품종보다 크다. 절화장은 평균 71.7cm, 절화수명은 약 16.7일, 수량은 연간 168대/m2로 대조품종인 ‘레드스퀘어(Red Square)’ 대비 절화장이 길고 절화수명도 2배 이상 길며, 수확량도 1.4배 우수하다. 2023년 국내 육성 장미 품종 서울식물원 관람객 대상 공동평가회에서 스탠다드 장미 중 우수한 평가를 받았으며, 현 장 실증 결과 농가별로 균일하고 우수한 수량과 절화품질을 보 였다. 절화용 장미 ‘루비레드’ 품종은 밝은 적색과 우수한 화형 을 가지는 품종으로 해외 대체 품종으로 국내에서 많이 재배될 것으로 기대된다.
본 연구는 국내산 절화류 품질보증 가이드라인 기초자료 제 공을 위해 수행되었다. 국내산 절화류 20품목을 대상으로 소비 단계에서의 계절별 절화수명과 상업용 절화보존제 효과를 조사 하였다. 그 결과, 계절별 절화수명의 차이가 뚜렷했고 사계절 중 여름철에 46.2% 짧아졌다. 또한, 계절과 상관없이 국내산 절화류 20품목의 절화수명 품질보증 기한을 3수준(3일, 5일, 7일 이상)으로 분류 가능하였다.
Drought is one of the environmental factors inhibiting plant productivity and growth, leading to oxidative damage. This study aims to identify the role of sodium hydrosulfide (NaHS) as a hydrogen sulfide (H2S) donor in drought stress tolerance in Brassica napus. Drought-induced stress symptoms appeared eight days after treatment, showing wilted leaves and a significant reduction of leaf water potential. Drought-induced increase of lipid peroxidation was significantly reduced by NaHS application. NaHS-treated plants mitigated stress symptoms under drought conditions by reducing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content, confirmed with H2O2 localization in situ. Furthermore, NaHS promotes photosynthetic activity by maintaining chlorophyll and carotenoid content, thereby supporting plant growth under drought conditions. Pyrroline-5-carboxylate and proline contents were significantly increased by drought but further enhanced by NaHS treatment, indicating the important roles of proline accumulation in drought stress tolerance. In conclusion, this study provides valuable insight into the roles of NaHS in alleviating drought stress by reducing oxidative stress and promoting proline accumulation. Therefore, NaHS may serve as an effective strategy to enhance crop production under drought-stress conditions.
Unlike companion cats raised at home, feral cats are more likely to be infected with parasites. Feral cats can transmit parasites not only to other cats but also to pets and people. This study was conducted to investigate prevalence intestinal parasites prevalence through the fecal examination of feral cats in Gunsan City. After making a suspension in Sheather's Sucrose solution, the feces were mixed and centrifuged, and then examined under a microscope. The results were revealed mostly unsporulated oocysts and sporulated oocysts of coccidia, followed by pinworm's eggs, which showed a relatively high infection rate. Scabies and mites were also found in the feces. Due to the behavioral characteristics of cats, they tend to remove the foreign objects from their fur through grooming, which is why a lot of hairs were observed in the feces, and it is thought that this is why scabies and mites were also found in the fecal examination results. The results of this study confirm that feral cats are exposed to those parasites. It is also thought that consideration should be given to expanding the TNVR (trap-neuter-vaccinate-release) program, which can reduce the number of feral cats.
본 연구는 국립수목원 내 전문전시원에 발생한 이입식물을 대상으로 2015년부터 2023년까지 이입식물 분포조사를 시행 하였다. 그 결과 자생식물 299종, 귀화식물 49종, 재배식물 13 종 총 63과 214속 361종이 조사되었다. 국화과가 63종으로 가장 많았고, 벼과, 사초과 순으로 발생하였다. 이입식물의 이입 경로를 분석하기 위하여 광릉숲에 분포하는 식물상과 비교 분석 한 결과 309종이 광릉숲에 분포하는 식물로 확인되었으며, 전 문전시원 내 식재 식물이 확산된 경우가 17종으로 조사되었다. 조사된 귀화식물 49종을 원산지별로 구분하면 유럽과 북아메리카가 69.4%, 이입 시기별 1기와 3기의 비율이 90%를 차지하였 다. 귀화식물의 귀화도 분포 등급을 적용한 결과 4등급 이상이 면서 이입 시기가 3기인 식물 9종은 빠르게 확산할 우려가 큰 식물이므로 지속적인 모니터링이 필요하다. 국립수목원에 어느 정도 귀화식물이 분포하는지를 가늠하는 도시화지수를 산출한 결과 15.0%로 나타났으며, 환경부 지정 생태계교란 야생식물 중 돼지풀, 단풍잎돼지풀, 애기수영, 미국쑥부쟁이가 출현하였 다. 이입식물은 자생식물군락과 전문전시원 내 관람로에 침입하 여 세력권을 확장하고 우점하는 경향이 있어 각각의 생태적 특 성을 고려한 제거 방법이 필요하다.
This study examines the challenges faced by native English-speaking professors who teach general English courses in Korean universities, specifically focusing on the issue of social marginalization. Data were collected through online surveys and interviews. The findings indicate that these professors view themselves as a non-mainstream group within university faculties, often experiencing exclusion from decision-making processes and professional development opportunities, primarily due to language barriers. Moreover, cultural differences and structural discrimination exacerbate these challenges. Although the respondents did not report significant difficulties related to student education and exhibited a strong sense of efficacy in teaching English, some lacked sufficient understanding of the institutional curriculum. To address these issues, this study suggests that, for foreign professors to fully demonstrate their expertise in English education and foster a sense of belonging within the university community, they should be granted the authority and responsibility to participate in curriculum improvement research, along with administrative assistance.
Schlumbergera truncata absorbs CO2 through its mature phylloclades during the night, and can use a substantial amount of CO2 without requiring ventilation. This study investigated the growth and photosynthetic responses of S. truncata ‘Red Candle’ at two CO2 levels—ambient (≈ 400 μmol・mol-1) and elevated (≈ 1000 μmol・mol-1). At 0–8 weeks after treatment (WAT), width and length of mature phylloclade and length of immature phylloclade did not differ significantly among the CO2 treatments. At 4–8 WAT, number of branches and phylloclades were significantly greater in plants grown under ambient CO2 than those under elevated CO2. Net CO2 uptake was highest in mature phylloclades of plants grown under ambient and elevated CO2 regimes at night, at 2.51 and 1.30 μmol·CO2·m-2·s-1, respectively. However, no statistically significant variation was observed at 6 WAT, and stomatal conductance was significantly affected only by CO2 uptake time at 6 and 8 WAT. Water-use efficiency of mature and immature phylloclades at night increased with increase in CO2 levels (r = 0.7462 and 0.9312, respectively). At 123 days after treatment, plants grown under elevated CO2 had 82.7 floral buds, compared to 72.1 buds in those under ambient CO2. However, this difference was not statistically significant. Moreover, S. truncata grown under elevated CO2 exhibited decreased growth and photosynthesis, whereas the number of floral buds did not exhibit any significant differences among the treatments.