Metal-free N–S- and N–P-doped nanocarbon (SCNP and PCNP) electrocatalysts prepared through sustainable microwaveassisted synthesis using hemigraphis alternata plant leaves. The prepared heteroatom-doped nanocarbon materials are active catalysts for the two-electron oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) to produce 65–70% of hydrogen peroxide. As evidenced from the XPS, most proportion of the doped heteroatoms contain the oxygen functional groups in the nanocarbons. These attributes are the critical factors to see the selective two-electron transfer ORR for the PCNP and SCNP. This approach shed light on the critical role of dual heteroatoms doping and the oxygen functionalities in nanocarbon towards the selectivity of ORR. We believe that this method would allow the preparation of heteroatom that contains oxygen functionalities. Our work paves a sustainable way of preparation of nanocarbon based ORR catalysts that are only selective for two-electron transfer process.
The rapid synthesis techniques and interesting multidisciplinary applications make carbon nanodots (CNDs) stand out from semiconductor quantum dots. Moreover, CNDs derived from green precursors have gained more importance beyond chemically derived CNDs due to sustainable synthesis opportunities. However, the presence of molecular impurities or intermediates or fluorophores was neglected during the entire process. Herein, we illustrate the sustainable synthesis of CNDs from Hemigraphis alternata plant leaves with extended carbonization procedure (3 and 9 min) along with simultaneous ethylene glycol and diethyl ether solvent treatment method for the successful removal of interfering fluorophores. To unravel the distinction between purified CNDs (P-CNDs) and organic fluorescent carbon nanostructures (org-FCNs), we carried out photophysical, structural, and morphological studies. A quantum yield (QY) of 69 and 42% was observed for crude org-FCNs, and crude P-CNDs; however after purification, QY of 1% and absence of one component from the fluorescent decays curve suggest the removal of fluorophores. Further, HR-TEM and DLS studies showed the quasi-spherical amorphous particles having < 10 nm particle size for P-CNDs. Besides, in vitro biocompatibility investigation and cellular uptake assay (1–100 μg/mL) against the MDA-MB 468 cell lines proves the ≥ 95% cell viability and good internalization for both org-FCNs and P-CNDs. Hence, our study shows the presence of fluorophore impurities in plant-derived CNDs, the removal and resemblance in biocompatibility properties. Hence, this information can be considered during the synthesis and isolation of CNDs. Simple and effective removal of impurities to harvest pure carbon nanodots (CNDs) through solvent-based selective separation method, and revelation of the cocktail flourphores similar to biocompatible blue fluorescent CNDs were studied.
We present the analysis of KMT-2016-BLG-0212, a low flux-variation (Iflux−var ∼ 20 mag) microlensing event, which is in a high-cadence (Γ = 4hr −1) field of the three-telescope Korea Microlensing Telescope Network (KMTNet) survey. The event shows a short anomaly that is incompletely covered due to the brief visibility intervals that characterize the early microlensing season when the anomaly occurred. We show that the data are consistent with two classes of solutions, characterized respectively by low-mass brown-dwarf (q = 0.037) and sub-Neptune (q < 10−4) companions. Future high-resolution imaging should easily distinguish between these solutions.
본 연구는 공기주입 이중피복온실과 관행 이중피복온실의 생육환경과 단열성능을 비교하기 위하여 수 행하였다. 두 온실의 온도, 상대습도, 포차, 이산화탄소농도, 일사량, 딸기 생산량 및 난방연료소비량을 비교하 였다. 공기주입온실이 관행온실보다 야간에 상대습도가 더 높고 포차는 더 낮게 나타나 딸기의 생육에 좋지 않은 환경을 보여주었다. 이산화탄소농도는 공기주입온실이 관행온실보다 더 높게 나타났으며, 이는 공기주입 온실이 더 밀폐되어 있어 환기량이 적기 때문인 것으로 판단된다. 관행온실의 광투과율이 77%로 공기주입온실 의 72%보다 더 높아 관행온실의 광환경이 더 우수한 것으로 나타났다. 관행온실의 딸기 생산량이 더 높게 나 타났으며, 이는 관행온실의 생육환경이 공기주입온실보다 더 우수한 결과로 판단된다. 난방연료는 공기주입온 실에서 더 적게 소모되어 공기주입온실의 단열성능이 더 우수한 것으로 나타났다.