Almost all buildings and infrastructures made of advanced composite materials are fabricated without proper design. Unlike airplanes or automobiles, prototype test is impossible. One cannot destroy 10 story buildings or 100-meter long span bridges. People try to build 100-story buildings or several thousand meter long span bridges. In order to realize "composites in construction", the following subjects must be studied in detail, for his design. Simple method of analysis, Folded plate theory, Size effects in failure, and Critical natural frequency. Unlike the design procedure with conventional materials, his design should include material design, selection of manufacturing methods, and quality control methods, in addition to the fabrication method. In this paper, folded plate theory are presented for practicing engineers.
In this paper, the result of application of this simple method of vibration analysis developed by the author, to the special orthotropic plates with variable cross-section, and with a pair of opposite edges simple supported and the other pair of opposite edges free is presented. This problem represents the simple-supported single span bridge system without effective longitudinal edge beams. The effect of concentrated point mass/masses is also studied.
In this paper, the method of vibration analysis for calculating the natural frequency is presented. This method is a simple but exact method of calculating natural frequencies corresponding to the modes of vibration for the cantilevered composite materials conical beam. The influence of natural frequency of the cantilevered composite materials conical beam is presented. This method may be extended to stability analysis of complex structureal elements.
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate to the practicing engineers, how to apply the advanced composite materials theory to the slab bridges. For general construction material used, there is certain theoretical limit in sizes. For super slab bridges construction, the reduction in panel weight is the first step to take in order to break such size limits. For a typical slab bridges panel, both concrete and advanced composite sandwich panels are considered. The concrete panel is treated as a special orthotropic plate. Advanced composite sandwich panels are considered as a self-weights less than one tenth of that of concrete panel, with deflections less than that of the concrete panel. This conclusion gives good guide line for design of the light weight of slab bridges.
Almost all buildings and infrastructures made of advanced composite materials are fabricated without proper design. Unlike airplanes or automobiles, prototype test is impossible. One cannot destroy 10 story buildings or 100-meter long span bridges. People try to build 100-story buildings or several thousand meter long span bridges. In order to realize "composites in construction", the following subjects must be studied in detail, for his design. Concept optimization, Simple method of analysis, Folded plate theory, Size effects in failure, and Critical natural frequency. Unlike the design procedure with conventional materials, his design should include material design, selection of manufacturing methods, and quality control methods, in addition to the fabrication method. In this paper, concept optimization and folded plate theory are presented for practicing engineers.
The special orthotropic plate theory is used for analysis of panels made of plate girders and cross beams. The cross-sections of cross-beams are WF types. The result is compared with that of the beam theory. According to the numerical examination given in this paper, the result by the plate theory is 2.43 times stiffer than that of beam theory.
In this paper, the relation between the applied load distribution and the natural frequency of vibration of some structural elements is presented. In this paper, the effects of the loading sizes on the natural frequency of vibration of some structural elements is presented. Many junior engineers get confused on such relations. This method extended to two dimensional problems including advanced composite laminated structures. It is hoped that this paper gives some guideline to such junior engineers.
대부분의 건설기술자들은 강판형교나 콘크리트 교량을 단위 폭을 가진 보로 해석 하나 이러한 구조물은 엄연히 복합재료로 이루어진 판(plate) 구조이다. 이러한 구조물은 균등단면에 등분포하중을 받고 4변 단순 지지된 경우가 아니면 정확한 해석이 불가능하다. 복합 재료의 이론은 일반 기술자들이 이해하기 힘드나. 본 논문에서는 이러한 문제를 비교적 쉽게 정확히 해석하는 방법을 제시한다. 본 논문에서는 3경간 연속 판 교량과 포스트텐션된 강교에 대한 수치해석을 수행하였다.
대형구조물 설계 건설시 가장 큰 제한 조건은 모든 건설재료에는 치수의 한계가 있다. 따라서 본 논문 에서는 고전 보 이론에 의하여 단순 지지된 비등방성 슬래브의 처짐값을 구한 후 그 값을 비교 하였고, 특별 직교이방성 판 이론에 의하여 콘크리트와 샌드위치 교량의 물성을 비교하여 그 결과에 따른 처짐비와 강성값을 비교하였다. 경계조건은 임의의 경계조건을 갖는 판에 대한 해석해가 없기 때문에 부득이하게 네변이 모두 단순지지 되었을 경 우로 해석을 하였고 복합재료의 인장강도는 콘크리트나 강재보다 훨씬 높으므로 비교대상은 처짐으로 하였다. 즉, 철근 콘크리트와 동일하거나 작은 처짐을 일으키는 몇 가지 샌드위치판을 선택하여 고려하였다.
The current load combination criteria for design of nuclear power plant structures(NPP) are not
based on the probability • based design concept but rely on the conventional design concept. ln this
paper. a load combination criteria for design of NPP containment structures are proposed based on
a FEM - based random vibration analysis. More accurate reliability analyses under various dynamic
loads such as earthquake loads were made possible by incorporating the FEM and random vibration
theory‘ which is different from the conventional reliability analysis method. ln this paper‘ the load
factors for the design of NPP structures in Korea are pro∞sed by considering appropriate load
combination criteria for design
In this paper, the method of vibration analysis for calculating the natural frequency is presented. This method is a simple but exact method of calculating natural frequencies corresponding to the modes of vibration for the cantilevered composite materials beam. As a calculations of the method of vibration analysis, it is noted that the result of the second cycle is only 2.2% away from the ‘exact’ result. In the case of cantilevered composite materials beam, increase of mass near the support does not significantly affect the vibration characteristics. This method may be extended to stability analysis of complex structural elements.