
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lycium barbarum extract has a high potential to be developed as a health functional food due to the various health-promoting effects of Lycium barbarum. This study analyzed changes in nutritional and functional components depending on the extraction solvent (purified water and a mixture of purified water and alcohol) and the condition of the sample. The nutritional components (carbohydrates, protein, fat, ash), organic acids, amino acids, total phenolic compounds, and total flavonoids of the extract produced during the extraction process were analyzed. The nutritional composition and functional substances of the extracts showed some differences depending on the type of solvent and the condition of the sample. The amounts of crude protein (7.61%), crude fat (1.63%), carbohydrate (90.22%), and ash (0.54%) of dried Lycium barbarum extract using purified water as a solvent were similar to those of the powder sample extract. The highest content of citric acid was 4.31 mg/mL, similar to the case of acetic acid, when the powder sample used a mixture of purified water and alcohol as a solvent. The highest amino acid content was 357.39 mg/mL when the powder sample was mixed with purified water and alcohol as a solvent. The total amount of phenolic compounds was 686.16 g/L when the powder sample was extracted with a mixture of purified water and alcohol as a solvent. The highest total flavonoid content was 111.32 g/L when the powder sample was extracted with a mixture of purified water and alcohol as a solvent.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is concerned with the optimization of the manufacturing process of a hot water extract containing antioxidant activity from Lycium barbarum, traditionally known to have various physiological activities. For the establishment of the optimization process, the central composite design of response surface methodology(RSM) was used. Thirteen extraction processes were performed by encoding the independent variables, extraction temperature (65.9oC–94.1oC) and extraction time (2.59 hr–5.41 hr). As a result of the experiment, the optimal manufacturing conditions for the extract were 340.0 mg/100 g of GAE at an extraction temperature of 94.1oC and an extraction time of 5 hr. The maximum yield of flavonoids was 22.44 mg/100 g of HES at an extraction temperature of 94.1oC and an extraction time of 4 hr. The conditions for producing the extract with the maximum antioxidant capacity (DPPH 92.12%) were 90oC and 4.5 hr extraction time. Therefore, the optimal manufacturing process conditions for extracts containing total phenol content, flavonoid content, and DPPH radical scavenging activity, which are dependent variables, were extraction temperature of 90-95oC and extraction time of 4 hr, which were not significantly different from the actual values. Therefore, Lycium barbarum extract rich in total phenol and flavonoid content related to antioxidant function is expected to be used as a functional food and cosmetic material.