Veronica L., the largest genus in the family Plantaginaceae, is widespread in various habitats. Due to their long-blooming flowers, Veronica species have high horticultural value as indoor potted, garden, and landscape plants. Furthermore, Veronica plants are extremely important owing to their notable diversity in habitat usage, ploidy level, and evolution. Several native taxa, which are of key interest in breeding programs and phylogenetic studies, have been identified in Korea. The genome sizes and chromosomal characteristics are basic cytogenetic features of all taxa, and their knowledge is a prerequisite when commencing genome sequencing projects. It can provide essential information for cytogenetic, taxonomic, phylogenetic, and evolutionary studies. Thus, cytogenetic analysis and genome size estimation of seven Veronica taxa native to Korea were conducted in this study. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) karyotype analysis and chromosome counting was conducted using metaphase chromosomes probed with 5S and 45S rDNA. Nuclear DNA content and genome size were determined using flow cytometry. FISH karyotype analysis revealed a common number of 5S loci and varying 45S signals that create distinctive rDNA distribution patterns in each taxon. The results indicated that the seven investigated Veronica taxa have calculated genome sizes (1C values) ranging from 517.1 to 862.0 Mbp. This study is the first to report the chromosome number and karyomorphology of seven Veronica taxa native to Korea, as well as the use of rDNA markers for identifying individual chromosomes. These findings contribute to the crucial understanding the genomic characteristics of species within the genus Veronica, serve as a basis for studying Veronica phylogeny and evolution, and provide valuable information for future breeding programs.
꼬마배나무이 (Cacopsylla pyricola)에 저항성 품종육성을 위한 육종재료를 선발코자 월동형 성충수, 단과지내의 산란수, 과총엽내의약충수 및 수관 전체적인 그을음 발생정도를 15개 종 및 종간잡종133개 유전자원을 대상으로 조사하였다. 월동형 성충수는 Pyrus.calleryana 4.6마리, 단과지내 산란수는 P. calleryana 0.3개, 과총엽내약충수는 P. calleryana 0마리, 그리고 그을음 발생정도는 P.betulaefolia, P. calleryana, P. communis, P. hybrid (P.pyrifolia × P.communis), P. lindleyi 0으로 발생 및 피해정도가 가장 낮았으며 종간의 차이가 뚜렷하였다. 전체적으로 대목으로 이용하고 있는 콩배인P. calleryana와 P. betulaefolia가 조사 대상 유전자원 중 가장 높은 항객성(antixenosis)을 보였으나 품질개량에 많은 기간이 요구됨에 따라 실용적으로는 서양배(P. communis) 중 ‘Conference', 'Cascade','Bosc', 'Winter Nelis' 가 가장 낮은 발생 및 피해정도를 보여 꼬마배나무이 저항성 품종 육성을 위한 좋은 육종재료로 판단되었다.
The ripening behavior of three apple cultivars, ‘Tsugaru’, ‘Hongro’ and ‘Fuji’ was distinctive and the involvement of POLYGALACTURONASE(PG) in the fruit softening process was confirmed to be ethylene dependent. Fruit softening is genetically coordinated by the action of several cell wall enzymes, including PG which depolymerizes cell wall pectin. Also, loss of firmness is associated with increasing of the ripening hormone, ethylene. In this work, climacteric ripening of three apple cultivars, Tsugaru, Hongro and Fuji, producing different ethylene levels and ripening responses, was examined. Correspondingly in Fuji, a linear and basal ethylene level was observed over the entire period of measurements, and Tsugaru and Hongro displayed a typical climacteric rise in ethylene production. Transcript accumulation of genes involved in ethylene biosynthesis (MdACS3 and MdACO1) and MdPG1 was studied in Tsugaru, Hongro and Fuji cultivars. Expression of MdACO1 transcripts was shown in all three ripened apple fruits. However, the MdACS3 and MdPG1 were transcribed differently in these cultivars. Comparing the MdPG1 of ‘Tsugaru’, ‘Hongro’ and ‘Fuji’, structural difference was discovered by genomic Southern analysis. Overall results pointed out that MdACS3 and MdPG1 play an important role in regulation of fruit ripening in apple cultivar.
Genetic diversity of 94 japonica rice was assessed using 81 simple sequence repeat (SSR). All 81 SSR markers generated a total of 351 alleles. The number of alleles ranged from 1 to 16 with a mean of 4.3 alleles per SSR marker. Six of 81 SSR markers showe