
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 10

        2013.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ampelopsis brevipedunculata, a porcelain berry that is a kind of Korean domestic wild berry (Viticeae), has been known to be resistant to diseases and insects. A total of 2,622 unigenes containing 912 contigs and 1,710 singletons were obtained by sequencing 5,839 expressed sequence tag (EST) clones derived from the cDNA library of wild grape, A. brevipedunculata. In the gene ontology analysis, 1,175 genes related to biological process, 1,516 genes related to molecular function, and 1,413 ones related to cell components were annotated. Among the genes showing molecular function, 17 clones were classified into defense-related genes, and 102 were known to be related with responses to stress in plants. Domains, such as leucine-rich repeat, Serine/threonine protein kinase-related, WD40 repeat, EF-hand calcium-binding, pentatricopeptide repeat, and pathogenesis-related transcriptional factor were highly expressed. Genes encoding defense related proteins, such as chitinase, catalase, protein-serine/threonine kinases, were also clustered into an abundant group in cDNAs from A. brevipedunculata. Approximately, 80 simple sequence repeats with 2~5 nucleotides were detected in the cDNAs of A. brevipedunculata. These data could provide useful information for the genetic analysis of wild grapevines and in programs for breeding grape cultivars.
        1992.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논 문 에서는 직사각형 형태의 사용후 핵연료 저장구조물 에 대한 내진해석을 다루었다. Eulerian 과 Lagrangian 의 두가지 해석방법 을 사용하여, 그 결 과를 비교하였다. Eulerian 접 근 방법에서는 유체 운동에 대한 Laplace 방정식의 경계치 문제를 푼 반면, Lagrangian 접 근 방법에서는 저 장구조물은 고체 유한요소로 모 형화 하였고, 내부유체 는 유체 유한요소로 보형 화 하였다. 유체영역 을 모형화 하는데 사용된 유체요소의 강성올 적 절히 산정하기 위하여 (1 x 1) 의 갑차적 분을 적 용하였다. 응답스펙 트럼 해석 법으로 유체 구조물 상관관계의 내 진 해석 올 수행한 결 과, 뚜 접 근 방볍으로 구한 벽면에 작용하는 유동압이 장 일치 함을 알 수 있었다. 또한 벽면 유연성의 영향을 포함할 경 우, 지 진 발생시 벽면에 작용 하는 유통 압이 크 게 증가할 수 있 음올 알았다.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Panax ginseng C.A. meyer (family: Araliaceae) is a perennial crop that has been widely used as a traditional medicine in Korea. Various P. ginseng cultivars exhibit a range of morphological and physiological traits as well as genetic diversity. To elucidate the differences of primary metabolism underlying such genetic diverstiy, we performed primary metabolite profiles in adventitious roots from five Panax ginseng cultivars using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The GC-MS analysis revealed eight primary metabolites as biomarkers and allowed us to classify the five cultivars into three groups. We selected three cultivars to represent each group and analyzed their transcriptomes by Illumina sequencing. We inspected 100 unigenes involved in seven primary metabolite biosynthesis pathways and found that 21 unigenes encoding 15 enzymes were differentially expressed among the three cultivars. Integrated analysis of transcriptomes and metabolomes revealed that the ginseng cultivars differ in primary metabolites as well as in the putative genes involved in the complex process of primary metabolic pathways. Our data derived from this integrated analysis provide insights into the underlying complexity of genes and metabolites that co-regulate flux through these pathways in ginseng.