Various types of spent fuel assembly in nuclear power plants have been transported to a post irradiation examination facility (PIEF) in KAERI to examine the mechanical and chemical properties of fuel and cladding. Once the fuel assembly arrive at PIEF, it is dismantled in a pool area to extract the fuel rods. Dismantling of the fuel assembly is performed by cutting the top nozzle. Currently, couple of dismantled assemblies have been stored in a storage pool without the top nozzle in PIEF. These assemblies cannot be handled directly using a gantry crane in the pool, and thus are contained in a special basket to handle. In this research, we developed a restoration method for a dismantled spent fuel assembly, especially for 16×16 Korea Optimized Fuel Assembly (KOFA). After reviewing the original design document and reports of KOFA, two tools are devised; an assembly tool and a tightening tool for a bolt. Since the top nozzle and dismantled KOFA can be re-assembled using a bolt, we follow the original design, size, and materials of the previously used bolt. The bolt to restore the top nozzle of KOFA is made of 321 stainless steel and has a design that fits the guideline of DIN 13-21 international standard. Our procedure can potentially be used to restore and repair the dismantled spent fuel assembly.
High temperature is one of major environmental stress. Some of molecular markers related heat stress or tolerance have been reported by many researchers. Heat tolerance managing is difficult through the phenotypic selection, so marker assistant selection (MAS) using molecular markers like as RAPD, SSR ect. was tried to selection of useful traits for heat tolerance. Fourteen SSR markers reported by previous research were selected for this research. These markers were linked to important traits including grain filling duration, HIS (Heat susceptibility index) grain filling duration. In this study, we tried to evaluate 14 SSR markers for MAS using 31 useful wheat resources including 24 crossing line from Turkey and six Korean wheat cultivars using 14 SSR markers. The average of the number of alleles and PIC values in this study were 6.14 and 0.63, respectively. Two major clades and six sub clades were grouped by phylogenetic tree using UPGMA program. Six Korean wheat cultivars were distinct from other Turkey resources in the phylogenetic dendrogram. From the results, we expected that these markers were able to adapt to screening wheat genotyping for heat tolerance.