This study developed an IoT-based agricultural well control system and demonstrated it through a control system in the current state of domestic open-field smart farms where systematic management is insufficient due to the difficulty of collecting accurate data such as agricultural water intake and usage. As a result, it was possible to derive the optimal control system test results according to the watering conditions for each schedule by conducting automatic control focusing on periods when there is no precipitation. This means that irrigation can be carried out smoothly during the time when irrigation is needed to improve crop quality and secure farm income, and as a result, it is possible to systematically manage and operate among demonstration farms connected to irrigation, resulting in a shortage of agricultural water and a resolution of supply imbalances.
As the use of capacitors in electrical appliances and electrical control circuits increases, the related electrical fire is increasing. There are various parts such as resistors, coils, and capacitors that make up an electric circuit. Among them, the ignition of a capacitor with a temporary charging function is closely related to the structural characteristics of the capacitor. Capacitors can explode due to various reasons, and the high heat generated when they explode ignites the inflammable dielectric, which in turn burns the inflammable materials such as the surrounding electric wires and spreads into a fire. In this paper, the ignition mechanism is studied by conducting a reenactment experiment on the various probabilities that can be ignited in an electric capacitor, and the prevention measures to be applied to the fire prevention are presented.
전기차, 에너지저장시스템의 수요급증으로 에너지 저장장치에 대한 관심이 세계적으로 증가해왔다. 에너지 저장장치의 핵심원료인 리튬과 바나듐 등과 같은 에너지저장광물 자원을 안정적으로 공급하기 위하여 새로운 기술적 대안이 필요하다. 이미 리튬과 바나듐을 직접 확보할 수 있는 기술에 대한 여러 국가들의 연구개발 활동이 이루어지고 있다. 이에 따라 효과적인 연구개발 전략을 수립하기 위해서 특허 및 논문 분석을 통해 각국의 기술동향을 분석하고 향후 기술발전방향을 설정하는 것이 중요하다. 본 연구는 1970년부터 2019년 10월까지 출원 공개 또는 출원 등록된 한국, 미국, 유럽, 일본의 특허자료와 2000년 1월부터 2019년 10월까지의 논문을 대상 검색된 자료를 통해 신기술 개발 동향 및 국내외 연구개발 현황을 분석하였다. 분석결과, 현재 에너지저장광물과 관련된 기술의 성장단계는 태동기 단계에 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 따라서 기술시장 선도와 기술 경쟁력 강화를 위해 새로운 기술의 개발과 개발된 기술에 대한 실증을 병행하여 빠르게 기술을 고도화 하는 전략이 필요하다고 사료된다.
Thrombin-induced platelet microbicidal protein (tPMP) is a small cationic peptide that exerts potent in vitro microbicidal activity against a broad spectrum of human pathogens, including Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus rattus BHT. Earlier evidence has suggested that tPMP targets and disrupts the bacterial membrane. However, it is not yet clear whether membrane disruption itself is sufficient to kill the bacteria or whether subsequent, presumably intracellular, events are also involved in this process. In this study, we investigated the microbicidal activity of rabbit tPMP toward S. rattus BHT cells in the presence or absence of a pretreatment with antibiotics that differ in their mechanisms of action. The streptocidal effects of tPMP on control cells (no antibiotic pretreatment) were rapid and concentration-dependent. Pretreatment of S. rattus BHT cells with either penicillin or amoxicillin (inhibitors of bacterial cell wall synthesis) significantly enhanced the anti-S. rattus BHT effects of tPMP compared with the effects against the respective control cells over most tPMP concentration ranges tested. On the other hand, pretreatment of S. rattus BHT cells with tetracycline or doxycycline (30S ribosomal subunit inhibitors) significantly decreased the streptocidal effects of tPMP over a wide peptide concentration range. Furthermore, pretreatment with rifampin (an inhibitor of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase) essentially blocked the killing of S. rattus BHT by tPMP at most concentrations compared with the respective control cells. These results suggest that tPMP exerts anti-S. rattus BHT activity through mechanisms involving both the cell membrane and intracellular targets.