This experiment was conducted to develop optimum sesame cultivation practices as succeeding cropping system of watermelon in the greenhouse condition. We also compared major components in sesame seed cultivated in the greenhouse and open field condition. The adaptable varieties under the greenhouse condition were white sesame 'Pyoungan' and black sesame 'Jinki' which showed higher yield and disease resistance. We also conducted several experiments to determine optimum sowing date, planting density and pinching time. Grain yields were statistically different according to the several sowing dates. In general, sesame sowing on June 30th showed higher grain yields than July 10th, July 20th and July 30th in the greenhouse. We also found out sesame cultivation practice with the row spacing of 40 cm and interplant spacing of 30 cm (a few branch type) or 40 cm (many branch type) showed higher yield than other treatments. Optimum pinching time was 25 days after first flowering in main stem when thousand seed weight and grain yield were highest. In the comparison of major components of sesame at the different cultivation conditions, sesame seeds cultivated in the greenhouse contained 4% much more oil content than open field condition. The lignan compounds, sesamin and sesamolin were also higher by 6% in the greenhouse than open field condition. It was concluded that sesame cultivation practices as succeeding cropping system of watermelon in the greenhouse condition guaranteed higher grain yield with less labor input which is now emerging alternative farming practice system in present aging rural society and will also give sesame cultivation farmers to increase net income in Korea.
This experiment was conducted to develope optimum seedling quality for the sesame transplanting system. To determine optimum seedling quality condition, we conducted several experiments. At the optimum pot selection experiment for the sesame transplanting, plastic pot with 105 holes showed relatively better early growth status of sesame than those of other plastic pots with 72, 128, 164 and 200 holes. And the soil combination, 'Bunong + Plant World' which is mixed 50% respectively showed higher germination rate, lower disease and lodging rate than those of other nursery soils at the determination of optimum nursery soil mixtures. We also conducted one experiment to find out seedling duration for the optimum transplanting seedling quality. According to the result, the seedling stage with about 4 or 5 regular leaves which came to 40 days after sowing showed higher number of capsule per plant and yield potential. Those results will help to develop mechanized sesame seedling transplanting system to reduce labor and increase net income for the sesame cultivation farmers.
This experiment was conducted to develope optimum cultural system of sesame under greenhouse condition with the comparison of open field cultural condition. The relatively higher adaptable varieties under greenhouse condition were white sesame "Pyoungan" and black sesame "Jinki" which showed higher yield potential and disease resistance. To set up standardized cultural system under greenhouse condition, we conducted several experiments of optimum sowing date, planting density and pinching time etc. When it came to sow sesame seed soon after early cultivated crops were harvested, the yield potential was higher than those of other sowing dates. Therefore, "June 30th" was optimum sesame sowing date in the greenhouse cultivation system. We also found out the space of 40㎝ between rows and 30cm(a few branch type) or 40cm(many branch type) between plants was better than those of other treatments. Optimum pinching time was 25 days after first flowering date when 1000 seeds weight and yield potential showed higher than other treatments.