A numerical method is proposed to calculate the response of detectors measuring particle energies from incident isotropic fluxes of electrons and positive ions. The isotropic flux is generated by injecting particles moving radially inward on a hypothetical, spherical surface encompassing the detectors. A geometric projection of the field-of-view from the detectors onto the spherical surface allows for the identification of initial positions and momenta corresponding to the clear field-of-view of the detectors. The contamination of detector responses by particles penetrating through, or scattering off, the structure is also similarly identified by tracing the initial positions and momenta of the detected particles. The relative contribution from the contaminating particles is calculated using GEANT4 to obtain the geometric factor of the instrument as a function of the energy. This calculation clearly shows that the geometric factor is a strong function of incident particle energies. The current investigation provides a simple and decisive method to analyze the instrument geometric factor, which is a complicated function of contributions from the anticipated field-of-view particles, together with penetrating or scattered particles.
In this paper, we present observations of the Space Radiation Detectors (SRDs) onboard the Next Generation Small Satellite-1 (NEXTSat-1) satellite. The SRDs, which are a part of the Instruments for the study of Stable/Storm-time Space (ISSS), consist of the Medium-Energy Particle Detector (MEPD) and the High-Energy Particle Detector (HEPD). The MEPD can detect electrons, ions, and neutrals with energies ranging from 20 to 400 keV, and the HEPD can detect electrons over an energy range from 0.35 to 2 MeV. In this paper, we report an event where particle flux enhancements due to substorm injections are clearly identified in the MEPD A observations at energies of tens of keV. Additionally, we report a specific example observation of the electron distributions over a wide energy range in which we identify electron spatial distributions with energies of tens to hundreds of keV from the MEPD and with energy ranging up to a few MeV from the HEPD in the slot region and outer radiation belts. In addition, for an ~1.5-year period, we confirm that the HEPD successfully observed the well-known outer radiation belt electron flux distributions and their variations in time and L shell in a way consistent with the geomagnetic disturbance levels. Last, we find that the inner edge of the outer radiation belt is mostly coincident with the plasmapause locations in L, somewhat more consistent at subrelativistic energies than at relativistic energies. Based on these example events, we conclude that the SRD observations are of reliable quality, so they are useful for understanding the dynamics of the inner magnetosphere, including substorms and radiation belt variations.
This paper describes the initial operations and preliminary results of the Instrument for the study of Stable/Storm-time Space (ISSS) onboard the microsatellite Next Generation Small Satellite-1 (NEXTSat-1), which was launched on December 4, 2018 into a sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of 575 km with an orbital inclination angle of 97.7°. The spacecraft and the instruments have been working normally, and the results from the observations are in agreement with those from other satellites. Nevertheless, improvement in both the spacecraft/instrument operation and the analysis is suggested to produce more fruitful scientific results from the satellite operations. It is expected that the ISSS observations will become the main mission of the NEXTSat-1 at the end of 2020, when the technological experiments and astronomical observations terminate after two years of operation.
We have developed a 2.5-dimensional electromagnetic particle simulation code using the particle-in-cell (PIC) method to investigate electromagnetic phenomena that occur in space plasmas. Our code is based on the leap-frog method and the centered difference method for integration and differentiation of the governing equations. We adopted the relativistic Buneman-Boris method to solve the Lorentz force equation and the Esirkepov method to calculate the current density while maintaining charge conservation. Using the developed code, we performed test simulations for electron two-stream instability and electron temperature anisotropy induced instability with the same initial parameters as used in previously reported studies. The test simulation results are almost identical with those of the previous papers.
In this study, we investigated the effect of space plasmas on the floating potential variation of a low-altitude, polar-orbiting satellite using the Langmuir Probe (LP) measurement onboard the STSAT-1 spacecraft. We focused on small potential drops, for which the estimation of plasma density and temperature from LP is available. The floating potential varied according to the variations of plasma density and temperature, similar to the previously reported observations. Most of the potential drops occurred around the nightside auroral region. However, unlike the previous studies where large potential drops were observed with the precipitation of auroral electrons, the potential drops occurred before or after the precipitation of auroral electrons. Statistical analysis shows that the potential drops have good correlation with the temperature increase of cold electrons, which suggests the small potential drops be mainly controlled by the cold ionospheric plasmas.