Predation, development, and ovipostion experiments were conducted to evaluate Amblyseius swirskii (Athias-Henriot) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) as a potential biological control agent for tomato russet mite, Aculops lycopersici (Massee) (Acari: Eriophyidae) which is a periodic pest of greenhouse tomatoes. Results show that A. swirskii attacked all developmental stages of A. lycopersici, and had a type II functional response on the prey densities given. The predation rates of A. swirskii on A. lycopersici in the presense of alternative food sources such as pollen, thrips first instar, or whitefly eggs were recorded as 74%, 56%, and 76%, respectively of the predation rate on A. lycopersici alone. Amblyseius swirskii successfully completed their life-cycle on either A. lycopersici or cattail pollen. At 25oC, 70% RH, development time of female A. swirskii fed on A. lycopersici or on cattail pollen took 5.0 and 6.2 days, respectively. For the first 10 days after moulting to the adult stage, A. swirskii fed on A. lycopersici had higher daily oviposition rate (2.0 eggs per day) than on pollen (1.5 eggs per day). From this laboratory study, it can be concluded that A. swirskii has promising traits as a predator against A. lycopersici and that their populations can be stably maintained using alternative food such as cattail pollen. We suggest that the effectiveness of A. swirskii against A. lycopersici under field conditions deserves to be investigated.
For the adsorption of ammonia, activated carbon fibers (ACFs) were subjected to sulfuric acid treatment in order to modify the surface functional groups. The surface acid and base value of ACFs were measured using titration and FT-IR spectrometry. SEM was used to investigate the surface morphology. Acid treatments by H3PO4, H2SO4, and HNO3 were performed to increase the adsorption capacity of NH3. As a result, Cellulose-based ACF has high adsorption capacity for ammonia. The ammonia removal efficiency of ACF was the maximum which was treated by 15 wt% sulfuric acid at 100℃ for 60 min. The average pore diameter little increased from 19a to 20.8a and the specific surface area of ACF considerably decreased and acid values increased by 15 wt% sulfuric acid treatment. Ammonia reacted with sulfonyl radicals. After adsorption of ammonia, white material was grown on the surface of ACF through the adsorption of ammonia and it was determined to ammonium sulfate.
감광성 수도품종 BPI-76을 공시하여 단일기간의 암기중 광간섭이 출수에 미치는 영향을 검토하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 공시품종의 최소단일처리회수인 12일의 단일기간중 간에 실시한 1분정도의 광간섭에 의해서도 단일효과의 집적은 방해를 받았고 10분이상의 광처리를 하면 단일효과가 크게 억제되었다. 2. 12회의 단일기간중 암기중간에 1∼15분간의 광처리를 7일이상 그리고 30분간의 광간섭을 4일이상 계속 받으면 전공시개체가 출수를 하지않아 광간섭의 누적효과를 보여 주었다. 3. 단일기간의 암기중간에 5분 또는 30분간의 광처리를 1회 실시하여서는 2∼10일간 집적된 단일효과를 크게 소거시키지 못했으나 1일1회씩 3일간 계속 광간섭을 하면 2∼8일간 집적된 단일효과를 크게 소거시켰다. 4. 13일간의 단일기간중 4∼8일간의 단일처리후 1회 또는 3회의 광간섭을 받은경우에 출수유제현상이 심하게 나타났다. 5. 13일간의 단일기간중에 실시한 1일간의 장일처이는 2일간의 단일처리효과를 완전히 소거시켰으나 4∼8일간의 단일처리효과는 완전히 소거시키지 못했으며 2일간의 장일처리는 4일간의 단일처리효과를 그리고 2∼4일간의 장일처리는 6∼8일간의 단일처리효과를 크게 소거시켰다. 6. 13일간의 단일기간중 8일간의 단일처리후 장일처리를 받았을 때 출수억제현상이 가장 심하게 나타났다. 7. 10회의 단일처리후 장일상태가 계속되면 분화된 유수는 퇴화되었고 15회의 단일처리를 한경우에도 그후의 장일에 의해서 유수의 발육속도가 늦어져 단일상태가 게속된 경우보다 출수가 지연되었다.