목적: 입체경에서 기하학적 단안 단서를 타깃의 배경에 적용하여 거리감 지각의 변화를 확인하였으며, 가상현실에 서 거리감의 효과적인 구현 방법을 분석하였다.
방법 : 타깃의 배경에 사용된 단안 단서는 결의 밀도, 선형 전망, 대기 전망 및 음영이었다. 결의 밀도 단서 및 선형 전망 단서는 선의 개수와 대비도, 대기 전망 단서 선의 개수와 대비도 차이, 음영 단서는 음영의 농도와 범위 를 각각 변수로 선정하였다. 타깃은 모든 대상자에게 무작위로 제시하였으며, 원거리 및 근거리에서 검사 후 5점 척도의 설문조사를 통해 거리감 변화를 확인하였다. 또한, 거리감 변화에 대해 대상자의 지각이 의도한 것과 일치 했을 때 긍정적, 그렇지 못했을 때 부정적 효과로 구분하고, 거리감 변화의 효율을 평가하였다.
결과 : 원거리와 근거리 모두 단안 단서의 변수에 대해 의도한 것과 대부분 일치하는 것으로 확인되었으며, 근 거리는 일부 변수 조정 항목에서 다소 차이가 발생했다. 또한, 거리감 변화 효과는 결의 밀도 단서 및 대기 전망 단서에 의해 선의 개수가 변화했을 가장 높았고, 일부 유의하였다(p<0.050).
결론 : 입체경에서 대상자의 거리감은 주시거리가 동일해도 타깃의 배경에 적절한 단안 단서를 제공하여 조정 이 가능한 것으로 확인되었다. 원거리 및 근거리 입체시표의 기하학적 단서 중 결의 밀도 및 대기 전망 단서에서 선의 개수를 변화시켰을 때 거리감 지각 변화의 효과가 가장 높은 것으로 나타났다. 보다 정확한 거리감 지각을 위해서는 조절 및 폭주 변화 등을 추가한 후속 연구가 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
The wild relative’s diploid species, which are reproductively isolated from one another, compromise populations with marked morphological variation, wide climatic tolerance, and adaptation to diverse habitats, and also vary genetically in biotic, abiotic stresses, and in seed protein content and quality. Large-scale proteomic analysis of three wild relatives of wheat grain (AA, BB, and DD genome) using matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization- time of flight (MALDI-TOF-MS), multi-dimensional protein identification technology (MudPIT), allowed the detection and classification of 213, 255 unique proteins (peptide match ≥ 2), which represents the most wide-ranging proteome exploitation to date. Development of standard proteomes exhibiting all of the proteins involved in normal physiology will facilitate the delineation of disease/defense (no. of unique protein (n) =33, 51), metabolism (n=15, 32), energy metabolism (n= 21, 27), protein synthesis (n=16, 22), folding/stability (n=17, 18), transcription (n=6, 18), cell growth/division (n=17, 17), signal transduction (n=16, 15), cellular organization (n=11, 12), development (n=9, 9), storage protein (n= 30, 7), transport facilitation (n=8, 6), and unclear classification (n= 14, 21), which is identification by using MALDI-TOF and LCQ DECA mass spectrometry couple to mascot database search, respectively. For instance, ABA inducible protein PHVA1 (HVA1), which can be induced by drought, cold, heat and salinity condition, and also basic endochitinase (RSCC, RSCA) showed defense against chitin containing fungal pathogens. Gluten (glutenin and gliadin), which is very important determinant for making high quality bread, noodles, and also associated with visco-elasticity. By using MALDI-TOF, we identified abundant disease related protein such as NBS-LRR involves in response to the presence of a foreign body or the occurrence of an injury, which result in restriction of damage to the organism attacked or prevention/recovery from the infection caused by the attack, puroindoline (a & b) and grain softness protein represents the molecular-genetic basis of grain texture. In addition, the PIN A and PIN B gene products have anti microbial properties with potential role in plant defense. Recent advances in mass spectrometry and bioinformatics have provided the means to characterize complex protein landscapes from a wide variety of organisms. Hierarchical clustering could be applied to protein information from different samples using Gene Pattern and NCSS software. Here we report also genome specific protein interaction network using Cytoscape software, which provides further insight into the molecular mechanism of biochemical pathways. By integrating shotgun proteomics with statistical and computation alanalyses, we developed promising understand about expressed protein and protein functions. Our approach should be applicable for marker assisted breeding or genetransfer for quality and stress research of cultivated wheat.
Seed color is an important trait affecting flour yield and quality in wheat. Seed color also is either tightly linked to or pleiotropically controls seed dormancy in wheat, because most of the red-seeded wheats are tolerant to pre-harvest sprouting in comparison to white-seeded wheats. Recently, metabolomics approaches have recently been used to assess the natural variance in metabolite content between individual plants, an approach with great potential for the improvement of the compositional quality of crops. Basically, in the study here, the simultaneous proteomic and metablomic approaches are being investigated to identify the expressed proteins of genes and specific metabolism responsible for the expression of red and white colors of seed.
Red seed “Jinpum” and white seed “Kumkang” cultivars were used in this study to identify the storage proteins use of 2-DE, MALDI-TOF/MS. Here we optimize tissue extraction methods compatible with high-throughput, reproducible nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy based metabolomics. It appears that the proteins expressed were different each other according to two different cultivars from the seeds of hexaploid wheat. Some selected protein spots were identified as follows: B3-hordein, Gamma-hordein-3,bifunctionalalpha amylase/subtilisin Inhibitor.
To monitor metabolic profile, wheat grain was ground in liquid nitrogen, ensuring a homogeneous mix of the tissue, solution samples extracted from seed grains of two wheat cultivars were conducted to measurement of metabolite using 1H-1D NMR method. Representative 1H-1D NMR spectra showing the metabolic fingerprints of wheat grain extracted and presented in Fig. The different peaks, observed at 3.4 and 4.3 ppm, were detected and difference in each two cultivars. The metabolic fingerprint of each two wheat cultivars by 1H-1D NMR were analysed using partial least squares (PLS) in mutivariate analysis to confirm metabolic profiling between different cultivars and to screen chemical shift spectrum corresponding to metabolite specifically abundant in each cultivars. Profiling using 1H-1D NMR was applied to measure of abundance of major metabolite. In total metabolites were compared between “Jinpum” and “Kumkang” cultivars. Therefore, NMR based on the metabolic-phenotyping should be mostly applicable to systematic exploration of plant genetic resources as well as to metabolite based on the breeding program involved in crops productivity.