During the expedition of Mt. Changbai-shan, China in 2000, a total 24 species of Carabidae was recognized. Of these, 4 species, Hemicarabus(Hemicarabus) macleayi coreensis(Breuning, 1933), Leptocarabus(Aulonocarabus) canaliculatus vojnitsi(Mandl, 1980), Megodontus(Nabicaraus) vietinghoffi borealis Kwon et Lee, 1984, and Cymindis(Tarulus) vaporariorum immaculatus Dejean et Boisduval, 1829, are reported for the first time from China.
During the expedition of Mt. Chanbai-shan, China in 2000, a total of 71 species of Olethreutinae was recognized. Of these, 15 species were reported of the first time from China. Phiaris semicremana (Christoph, 1881) was newly combined. The host plants, synonymies, and photographs of newly reported species are provided.