경제성장을 위한 도시화 및 불투수면의 증가는 자연적인 물순환 체계를 변화시켰으며, 강우시 첨두유량 증가, 발생 시간 단축, 지하 침투량 감소 및 지표수 유출량 증가 등의 수문학적 문제 발생의 원인이 되고 있다. 이에 환경부에서는 기존의 한정된 수자원을 더욱 효율적으로 관리하고 이용하고자 LID/GSI 기법을 통한 강우유출수 관리 방법을 도입하였다. 지붕유출수의 경우, 오염물질 농도가 도로 및 주차장에 비하여 낮게 나타나기 때문에 LID 시설을 통한 처리 후 저류 및 지하 침투를 통한 자연적인 물순환 체계의 재현 혹은 조경, 청소 용수 등으로 이용이 가능할 것으로 판단된다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 지붕유출수 관리를 위한 LID 시설의 운영 및 처리효율 평가를 통하여 도시내 물순환 체계 구축과 물의 재이용을 도모하고자 수행하였다.
본 연구를 수행하기 위한 LID시설은 침투화분으로서 공주대학교 천안캠퍼스내 조경공간에 설치하였다. 침투화분의 규모는 1.6×1.5(A×D, m2×m)이며, 시설은 강우시 지붕유출수가 직접 유입되는 자갈부와 식생이 식재된 토양층(상부)으로 나뉘어져있으며, 하부에는 모래와 자갈이 충진 되어있다. 시설 하단에는 시설로 유입된 강우유출수를 지하로 침투시키기 위한 지름 10 cm의 침투구멍이 존재한다. 모니터링은 포장지역의 강우유출수 특성을 고려한 수질모니터링 방법으로 수행되었으며 채취된 시료는 입자상물질, 유기물질, 영양염류 및 중금속(Total Pb, Total Cu, Total Zn) 항목에 대하여 수질오염공정시험법에 의해 분석을 실시하였다. 모니터링 및 수질 분석 결과를 토대로 시설 적용 전과 후의 수문학적, 환경적 분석을 수행하였다.
시설의 효율 평가를 위한 강우시 모니터링은 2013년 11월부터 2014년 9월까지 총 12회가 수행되었다. 모니터링이 수행된 대부분의 강우사상은 10 mm 이하의 소규모 강우로 평균 강우량은 8.8±6.7 mm로 나타났다. 침투화분 설치 후의 수문학적 분석 결과, 침투화분을 통하여 지붕유출수의 유출을 약 3시간 정도 지체 시키는 것으로 나타났으며 시설로 유입된 양의 최소 17%에서 최대 100%, 평균적으로 79% 정도 시설 내 저류 및 침투를 통한 유출시간 지체와 유출량 저감 효과를 보였다. 수질시료 분석결과를 토대로 모니터링 기간 동안 집수구역에서 발생된 오염물질의 처리효율을 분석한 결과, 입자상 물질의 경우 평균적으로 76%, 유기물질의 경우 94%, 영양염류는 86~96% 및 중금속의 경우 93% 처리되는 것으로 나타났다.
도시화의 급격한 변화로 인한 불투수층의 증가는 도시 내의 강우유출수를 아무런 처리 없이 직접 도시 내에 유출되어 홍수, 첨두유량 증가 등의 문제점을 야기 시킨다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 미국, 유럽, 우리나라 등 많은 국가에서 개발 전 자연이 가지고 있던 수문학적 기능을 최대한 유지하면서 개발 후 발생되는 비점오염물질을 효율적으로 관리하는 저영향 개발 기술을 도입하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 도시지역 물순환 관리 및 비점오염물질 저감에 기여하고자 저류와 침투가 가능한 식생체류지를 개발 및 평가하고자 수행되었다.
본 연구는 식생체류지의 물순환 및 비점오염물질 저감 능력을 평가하기 위하여 공주대학교 내 주차장에 설치된 식생체류지의 모니터링을 수행하였다. 모니터링한 수질시료는 수질오염공정시험법에 준하여 입자상물질, 유기물, 영양물질 및 중금속에 대한 분석을 수행하였다. 또한 첨두유량 발생시간 및 지체시간, 첨두유량 저감 및 물수지를 산정하여 물순환 효과를 분석하였다.
식생체류지 시설의 모니터링은 2013년 11월부터 현재까지 총 11회가 수행되었으며 모니터링 결과, 강우유출수의 발생시간은 식생체류지를 적용하기 전에 비하여 약 40min 지체되는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 첨두유량의 발생 시간은 시설 적용 전에 비하여 약 80min 이후에 발생하는 것으로 분석되었으며, 첨두유량은 약 0.3m3/min 저감되는 것으로 나타났다. 물수지 산정 결과, 시설 내 저류 및 침투되는 양은 90%로 높은 물순환 효과를 나타낸 것으로 분석 되었다. 비점오염물질 저감효율을 산정한 결과, 모든 오염물질에서 90% 이상으로 높은 저감효율을 나타내는 것으로 분석되었다. 이는 여재부에서 일어나는 오염물질 저감 기작이 효과적으로 작용되는 것으로 판단된다.
Recently, Low Impact Development (LID) technology has been developed and used to collect, infiltrate, filter and confine runoff in order to enhance the storm water quality and to preserve the natural water cycle. In this study, two technologies were employed in order to treat runoff from an impervious surface such as a paved road and a parking lot. The infiltration trench which was constructed to manage stormwater runoff from a paved road abates and temporarily holds stormwater runoff and removes sediments and attached pollutants within the sub-surface structure prior to infiltration into the subsoils. On the other hand, the tree box filter which incorporates trees and other gardening plants to regulate and treat runoff drains the stormwater from a parking lot. The infiltration trench and tree box filter represent only 1% of the catchment area that they drain. This research was conducted to evaluate the hydrologic and water quality effects of the infiltration trench and tree box filter after LID. Storm event monitoring was conducted for the infiltration trench from May 2009 to August 2014 with a total of 38 storm events and 24 storm events in the tree box filter from July 2010 to July 2014. Hydrologic (i.e., total rainfall, antecedent dry day (ADD), runoff volume, etc.) and water quality (i.e. particulates, nutrients, organics, and heavy metals) parameters were analyzed before and after LID. The major findings of this study are as follows: The runoff before LID was discharged directly to the sewers and could lead to local flooding of transport systems and pollution to receiving waters during intense storm events. But, after LID the runoff was partially reduced for atleast 50% on the two (2) urban landuses. Furthermore, the pollutant concentration before LID was observed to be at high concentrations. However, it was reduced to an approximate of 60% after LID. With the combined processes of infiltration, filtration, retention and evapotranspiration that were provided by the infiltration trench and tree box filter, the runoff was partially reduced and a significant decrease in pollutant concentration has been observed. The results and findings of this study will help facilitate the LID for further application.
Urban stormwater runoff was considered to be more contaminated than the runoff from other land uses due to vehicle and human activities. Specifically, road runoff was commonly regarded as the primary pollutant (e.g. particulates and heavy metals) in the urban environment. Effectiveness of stormwater management strategies and treatment facilities in treating road runoff were highly based on the accuracy of the stormwater quantity and quality estimation. Although direct sampling of runoff during a storm event effectively quantifies the contaminant contributions in a specific area, it is expensive and time consuming. In order to efficiently design these treatment facilities based from the typical pollutant and hydrologic processes, the operation of modelling techniques were recommended. In this research, the physical characteristics of an existing tree box filter treating road runoff were adjusted using stormwater management model (SWMM) to determine the most suitable design configuration for better volume and pollutant reduction. The catchment area (CA), storage volume (SV) and surface area (SA) of the facility was increased or decreased by an increment of 25%. These changes were simulated by SWMM and would predict the influence of larger or smaller CA, SV or SA with respect to the facility performance. The hydrologic, hydraulic and water quality data used in the modelling were gathered from the 10 storm events monitored from July 2012 to July 2013. The total suspended solids were considered as the main target pollutants for this research however, the results will be correlated with the common heavy metal constituents present in the sampled runoff. Various design installations (e.g. series and parallel installation of tree box filter) were also modelled to accurately justify the obtained design configurations. Among the different configurations simulated, increasing the original values of the CA, SV and SA between 0.75% and twice the original value would result to better performance for the system. As for the installations being modelled, a centralized system would provide better volume and pollutant reduction than a divided system.
Best management practices (BMPs) are a continuous cycle of implementation, monitoring and refinement. Lack of perception on BMPs that are implemented based on the literature impedes the system`s capacity to fulfil its purpose to regulate stormwater volume and peak flows and attenuate pollutants. In this study, a series of monitoring in hybrid multi-functional BMP system was conducted to determine the performance as well as the irregularities during actual storm events. This system was connoted as hybrid wherein it is defined as a technology that integrates and incorporates several functions such as, infiltration, filtration and retention in a single system to overcome spatial constraints. It has two adjacent treatment tanks serving the infiltration and retention functions. The infiltration function of the hybrid BMP aims to treat stormwater runoff for groundwater recharge while the retention function allocates treated water to a subsurface extended detention basin. Moreover, it has an overflow tank adjacent to the retention tank to allow bypass of excess stormwater runoff. Based from the results, TSS is the most removed pollutant parameter for both infiltration and retention followed by the organics and appreciable load reductions were observed in nutrient and heavy metal parameters. Loads discharges at the infiltration and retention function were 68-92% lower compared to inflow loads. It has also been found out that regardless of sudden increase and decrease in loading rates during a storm event, the discharge of most pollutants in the infiltration, retention and overflow continuously decrease with respect to time. However, problems were uncovered during monitoring. It has been identified on the water balance as the rainfall depth increases the water entering the infiltration and retention tank decreases while larger the amount of water was being bypassed to the overflow. Based from the results, it can be recommended to renovate the facility to reduce the water being bypassed out of the system in order to allow more stormwater runoff to pass through the infiltration and retention unit. The results obtained can provide guidelines for this newly developed system and will render valuable information to allow the system top perform at its optimum.