본 연구에서는 홍차 흑효모 발효물의 기능성화장품 소재로서의 가능성을 규명하고자 항산화, 미백, 항주 름 효능을 확인하였다. 홍차 흑효모 발효물의 결과는 홍차 추출물, 흑효모 발효물과 비교하여 나타내었다. 항산 화능 평가 결과 홍차 흑효모 발효물은 흑효모 발효물보다 뛰어난 DPPH 라디칼 소거능을 나타냈으며 홍차 추출 물과는 유사한 결과를 나타냈다. 과산화수소로 유도된 세포 내 활성산소종 실험에서도 홍차 흑효모 발효물은 유의적 제거 활성을 보였다. 또한 홍차 흑효모 발효물은 tyrosinase 저해 활성을 보이며 Melan-a, B16F10 세포를 이용한 멜라닌 형성이 억제됨을 확인하였다. 항주름 효능 확인을 위해 콜라겐 분해 효소(MMP-1)를 측정한 결과 홍차 흑효모 발효물이 홍차 추출물, 흑효모 발효물보다 높은 항주름 활성을 보였다. 본 연구 결과를 통해 홍차 흑효모 발효물은 항산화능 효능을 보이며 미백, 항주름 효능을 보아 기능성 화장품 소재로 개발될 수 있음을 확인하였다.
Phenolic compounds are naturally occurring secondary metabolites from various plants. These compounds play important roles in plant such as antioxident, antibacterial and anticancer effects. The purpose of this research was to analyze the phenolic compounds contents in Kenaf leaf and stem using High Performance Liquid Chromatograpy. Kenaf is widely distributed throughout the country and third largest fiber crop. Recently, interest in this crop is growing. But, there is little research on their functional material. The obtained results showed that phenolic compounds were significantly various among the examined cultivars of Kenaf. Especially, phenolic compounds contents of leaf were higher than those of stem. The highest concentration of phenolic compounds was in the E41 leaf(24358.99㎍/g) and the lowest concentration was in the Kenaf (in korea) stem(988.21㎍/g). The results of this experiment showed that its contents were different in leaf and stem. These results suggested that Kenaf can be used for functional plant.
Gangjeong is a Korea traditional sweet cookie. Since long ago, Koreans have made Gangjeong at home whenever they have a feast such as a wedding or an ancestral rite. Gangjeong is made of rice or brown rice, honey, and oil, and has many sizies and shapes. They soak the fried pieces of Gangjeong in malt syrup, and produce different colored cookies by covering them with flour made from sesame, beans, pine nuts, pine pollen or grains of boiled rice dyed various colors. Recently, types of Gangieong has varied as the well-being trends. This experiment was conducted to examine the concentration of phenolic compounds the 24 types of Gangjeong finished goods and raw material. The total average concentration of phenolic compounds was 2340.66㎍/g and the most and the least were detected in cinnamon powder(21143.10㎍/g) and rice(49.40㎍/g), respectively. Cinnamon, green-tea powder and others had the highest content of phenolic compounds in the raw materisls. And the finished gangjeong, rice plus curry products exhibited the highest content of total phenolic compounds(1221.60㎍/g). Among the individual phenolic compounds, benzoic acid showed the highest (379.24㎍/g) concentration and sallicylic acid was the lowest (0.34㎍/g) consitutent.
Cereal grains are sort of crops like barley, sorghum, millet, oats, rye and many others. Research of other scientists were shown that whole grain consumption helps lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, ischemic stroke and gastrointestinal cancers. They are rich source of carbohydrates, protein, fats and oils, and have many health-promoting components such as vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, which include phenolic compounds. This research was conducted quantitative analysis about phenolic compounds in 15 lines of cereals by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC). Samples are 5 of Sorghum bicolor Moench, 5 of Setaria italica, 5 of Panicum miliaceum L. they are harvested from Kyungbook-bongwha in 2009. The phenolic compounds contents of Moktak-sorghum (1187.298㎍/g), Hwanggeumchal-sorghum(897.7417㎍/g) and Hwanggeum-sorghum(762.8306㎍/g) are the highst, those have dark color between Sorghum bicolor Moench. Analysis Among the contents of Sorghum bicolor Moench (+)Catechin(avg. 139.95㎍/g) and Benzoic acid(avg.116.695㎍/g) were higher contents than others. Myricetin(avg.46.15㎍/g) and Quercetin(avg. 47.4368㎍/g) were many contents in Steria italica. Chlorogenic acid(avg. 46.258㎍/g) and Quercetin(avg. 43.0496㎍/g) were many contents in Panicum miliaceum L. The result of this experiment is considered to be the basic data of the functional food manufacturing by utilizing domestic cereal grains.
In this study, we examined the variation of 30 phenolic compounds in the mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) germplasms. Recent studies showed that the potential health benefits from the antioxidnant activity of the phenolic compounds. The average concentration of phenolic compounds among the 70 mungbean germplasms was 2424.9 μg g-1. Among the mungbean germplasms, 25 kinds of mungbean germplasms were higher than others. Specially, 69 (IT 182280) (3836.63 ㎍ g-1) and 63 (IT 180525) (3491.51 ㎍ g-1) revealed highest levels of the total phenolic compounds. On the other hand, 27 (IT 154078) (1624 ㎍ g-1) was revealed lowest concentration of the total phenolic compounds. Among the individual phenolic compounds, rutin (avg. 1776.09 ㎍ g-1) showed highest concentrations, pyrogallol (144.31 ㎍ g-1), gentisic acid (119.19 ㎍ g-1) and chlorogenic acid (78.24 ㎍ g-1) were relatively higher than other phenolic compounds. The germplasm of 69 (IT 182280) had the highest rutin (3156.87 ㎍ g-1) concentraion. While, the biochanin A (avg. 2.02 ㎍ g-1) and formonetin (avg. 2.61 ㎍ g-1) had the lowest levels among the mungbean germplasms. This study indicateded that determination of the functional substances in mungbean germplasms and it is more valuable for the future crop cultivation and food industries.