In order to improve the durability of the asphalt pavement, the glass fiber reinforced asphalt which reinforces the aggregate and the binder in three - dimensional form by adding glass fiber to the asphalt mixture has been studied and the durability improvement effect of the asphalt pavement has been confirmed. Porous pavement has been increasingly applied due to reduced traffic accidents and noise reduction, but durability problems such as aggregate stripping and pot-hole are emerging. This study evaluated the durability enhancement effect by adding glass fiber to the porous mixture. The cantabro loss ratio and the indirect tensile strength test were performed to evaluate the performance of the glass fiber reinforced porous mixture. The glass fibers were added to the mixture using PG76-22 and PG64-22 binder and not to the mixture using PG82-22 binder. The mixture using the PG76-22 binder was added 1.4% (PEGS 0.6%, Micro PPGF 0.2%, Macro PPGF 0.6%) glass fiber based on the weight of the mixture. The mixture using the PG64-22 binder was added 1.4% (PEGS 0.6%, Micro PPGF 0.2%, Macro PPGF 0.6%) and 2.1% %(PEGS 0.9%, Micro PPGF 0.3%, Macro PPGF 0.9%)glass fibers by weight of the mixture. The glass fibers were used at the same ratio as that applied to the conventional asphalt mixture test. As a result of the cantabro loss rate test, the mixture using the PG82-22 binder showed a loss rate of 10.7% at 20 ℃ and 22.4% at -20 ℃. The mixture using PG76-22 binder and 1.4% glass fiber showed a loss ratio of 13.2% at 20 ℃ and 26.7% at -20 ℃. The mixture using PG64-22 binder and 1.4% glass fiber showed a loss rate of 12.5% at 20 ℃ and 35.9% at -20 ℃. The mixture using PG64-22 binder and 2.1% glass fiber showed a loss rate of 11.9% at 20 ℃ and 26.6% at -20 ℃. The three mixtures (using of PG82-22 binder, PG76-22 binder + 1.4% glass fiber and PG64-22 binder + 2.1% glass fiber) satisfied quality standard of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. As a result of the indirect tensile strength test, the mixture using the PG82-22 binder showed 0.73 N/㎟. The mixture using PG76-22 binder and 1.4% glass fiber showed 0.88 N/㎟. The mixture using PG64-22 binder and 1.4% glass fiber showed 0.62 N/㎟. The mixture using PG64-22 binder and 2.1% glass fiber showed 0.74 N/㎟. In this study, the durability enhancement effect was confirmed by adding glass fiber to the drainage mixture. We will do further research to confirm the optimal combination of glass fibers.
PURPOSES: The objective of this study is to analyze and evaluate the behavior of orthotropic steel bridge deck pavement using three-dimensional finite element analysis and full-scale wheel load testing. METHODS: Since the layer thickness and material properties used in the bridge deck pavement are different from its condition, it is very difficult to measure and access the behavior of bridge deck pavement in the field. To solve this problem, the full-scale wheel load testing was conducted on the PSMA/Mastic bridge deck pavement and the deflection of bridge deck and horizontal tensile strain on top of pavement were measured under the loading condition. Three-dimensional finite element analysis was conducted to predict the behavior of bridge deck pavement and the predicted deflection and tensile strain values are compared with measured values from the wheel loading testing. RESULTS: Test results showed that the predicted deflections are 10% lower than measured ones and the error between predicted and measured horizontal tensile strain values is less than 2% in the critical location. CONCLUSIONS: The fact indicates that the proposed the analysis is found to be accurate for estimating the behavior of bridge deck pavements.
최근 도로포장에 수분이 많이 침투한 상태에서 중차량 교통량의 증가로 아스팔트 포장에 파손이 증대되어 그 중 하나인 포트홀이 많이 발생한다. 이에 따라 도로안전운전에 심각한 장애가 되며 교통사고가 빈번하게 발생하여 기준에 미달하는 자재 사용으로 도로의 조기 파손을 불러온다는 지적이 제기되고 있다. 다양한 포트홀 보수 방법이 사용되고 있지만, 보수 후 포트홀 발생 부위에 적절하지 않은 보수 방법으로 인하여 다시 포트홀이 발생되고 있으며, 그로 인한 잦은 재보수로 유지 보수 비용역시 증가되고 있는 실정이다.
이에 따라 본 연구에서는 아스팔트 혼합물의 내구성을 증진하여 도로포장에 발생하는 포트홀을 방지할 수 있는 포장 재료를 개발하는데 목적이 있다. 산업 부산물인 유리섬유 파분을 이용하여 골재형태로 제조한 석분대체용 유리 파분 골재와 유리섬유를 이용하여 실내 실험에서 검증된 유리 섬유 혼합물을 현장 적용성을 평가 하였다. 실내 배합설계를 통하여 최적 보강 섬유량을 결정하였으며, 유리 섬유 보강 아스팔트 혼합물의 적정 생산 온도 및 다짐 횟수를 결정해 현장 적용을 실시하였다. 수원 국토 관리 사무소 관내 국도 38호선에 2회에 걸쳐 시험 포장을 진행하였고, 총 500m 구간 중 100m에 적용하였으며, 현장 적용도를 비교 평가하기 위해 1차 시험 포장의 경우 전체 생산 혼합물량 대비 유리 보강 섬유량 1.3%(유리 장섬유 펠렛 0.66%+ 리사이클 펠렛 0.66%), 2차 시험 포장의 경우 유리 보강 섬유량 1.0%(유리 장섬유 펠렛 0.5%+ 리사이클 펠렛 0.5%)로 각각 다른 보강 섬유량을 결정하여 생산하였다.