We have been making dual dome enclosures which are useful to track artificial space objects at SSNT (Space Science and Technology Lab.) Kyung Hee University. We verified the safety of the dome enclosures using basic design and structure analyses before manufacturing them, and then performed an optimization analysis for economic and safe systems. The dome enclosure has a fully-open type structure to smoothly operate a telescope made in the style of altazimuth mount with very fast tracking. It is also designed to be safe against extreme weather conditions. The general structure of the observatory system consists of the dual dome enclosures at the top of a container. For the structural analyses, we consider the following two methods: (1) gravitational sustain analysis - how the structure supporting the dome withstand the weight of the dome, and (2) wind load analysis that considers the effect of the wind velocity at the region where the observatory is located. The result of overall deformation is found to be less than 0.551mm and the result of equivalent stress is found to be 20.293Mpa, indicating that the dual dome system is reasonably designed. This means structurally to be safe.
Even though 30inch optical telescope at Kyung Hee Astronomy Observatory has been used to produce a series of scientific achievements since its first light in 1992, numerous difficulties in operating of the telescope have hindered the precise observations needed for further researches. Since the currently used PC-TCS(Personal Computer based Telescope Control System) software based on ISA-bus type is outdated, it doesn't have a user friendly interface and make it impossible to scale. Also accumulated errors which are generated by discordance from input and output signals into a motion controller required new control system. Thus we have improved the telescope control system by updating software and modifying mechanical parts. We applied a new BLDC(brushless DC) servo motor system to the mechanical parts of the telescope and developed a control software using Visual Basic6.0. As a result, we could achieve a high accuracy in controlling of the telescope and use the user friendly GUI(Graphic User Interface).
An alt-azimuth type mount system, developed at the Space Science and Technology Laboratory, Kyung Hee University, has been found to experience some difficulties in monitoring of the artificial space objects. Since the telescope installed on the alt-azimuth mount does not rotate on the same axis as the earth does, this mount system needs an instrument rotator to correct the field rotation. Although there are some commercial instrument rotators already in the market, those are not suitable for our system due to their low interchangeability. In this study, we have designed a new high speed instrument rotator and calculated the deformation of new designed system using structural analyses.
The H2S 22,0 - 21,1 line emission is observed to be strongly localized toward Sgr B2(M), and emissions from other positions in the more extended SgrB2 region are almost negligible. H2S is thought to form effectively by the passage of the C-type shocks but to be quickly transformed to SO2 or other sulfur species (Pineau des Forets et al. 1993). Such a shock may have enhanced the H2S abundance in Sgr B2(M), where massive star formation is taking place. But the negligible emission of H2S from other observed positions may indicate that these positions have not been affected by shocks enough to produce H2S, or if they have experienced shocks, H2S may have transformed already to other sulfur-containing species. The SO2 222,20 - 221,21 line was also observed to be detectable only toward the (M) position. The line intensity ratios of these two molecules appear to be very similar at Sgr B2(M) and IRAS 16239-2422, where the latter is a region of low-mass star formation. This may suggest that the shock environment in these two star-forming regions is similar and that the shock chemistry also proceeds in a similar fashion in these two different regions, if we accept shock formation of these two species.
We have developed a two fluid solar wind model from the Sun to 1 AU. Its basic equations are mass, momentum and energy conservations. In these equations, we include a wave mechanism of heating the corona and accelerating the wind. The two fluid model takes into account the power spectrum of Alfvenic wave fluctuation. Model computations have been made to fit observational constraints such as electron(Te) and proton(Tp) temperatures and solar wind speed(V) at 1 AU. As a result, we obtained physical quantities of solar wind as follows: Te is 7.4 X 10.5 K and density(n) is 1.7 X 107 cm-3 in the corona. At 1 AU Te is 2.1 X 105 K and n is 0.3 cm-3, and V is 511 km s-1. Our model well explains the heating of protons in the corona and the acceleration of the solar wind.
In 2002, a new solar spectroscopic system with the Coelostat type has been installed at Korea Astronomical Observatory. It was designed to observe solar spectra in the range from 3000 to 8000 Å with the spectral resolution of 1 Å/mm. The system is composed of a 40cm diameter Coelostat with 9m focal length, spectroscopic system with 600groove/mm grating, and a IK × IK CCD detector. By developing observational softwares for this system, we have successfully observed solar Ha spectra. In this paper, we development of telescope control and observational softwares.