We have been making dual dome enclosures which are useful to track artificial space objects at SSNT (Space Science and Technology Lab.) Kyung Hee University. We verified the safety of the dome enclosures using basic design and structure analyses before manufacturing them, and then performed an optimization analysis for economic and safe systems. The dome enclosure has a fully-open type structure to smoothly operate a telescope made in the style of altazimuth mount with very fast tracking. It is also designed to be safe against extreme weather conditions. The general structure of the observatory system consists of the dual dome enclosures at the top of a container. For the structural analyses, we consider the following two methods: (1) gravitational sustain analysis - how the structure supporting the dome withstand the weight of the dome, and (2) wind load analysis that considers the effect of the wind velocity at the region where the observatory is located. The result of overall deformation is found to be less than 0.551mm and the result of equivalent stress is found to be 20.293Mpa, indicating that the dual dome system is reasonably designed. This means structurally to be safe.
Even though 30inch optical telescope at Kyung Hee Astronomy Observatory has been used to produce a series of scientific achievements since its first light in 1992, numerous difficulties in operating of the telescope have hindered the precise observations needed for further researches. Since the currently used PC-TCS(Personal Computer based Telescope Control System) software based on ISA-bus type is outdated, it doesn't have a user friendly interface and make it impossible to scale. Also accumulated errors which are generated by discordance from input and output signals into a motion controller required new control system. Thus we have improved the telescope control system by updating software and modifying mechanical parts. We applied a new BLDC(brushless DC) servo motor system to the mechanical parts of the telescope and developed a control software using Visual Basic6.0. As a result, we could achieve a high accuracy in controlling of the telescope and use the user friendly GUI(Graphic User Interface).
An alt-azimuth type mount system, developed at the Space Science and Technology Laboratory, Kyung Hee University, has been found to experience some difficulties in monitoring of the artificial space objects. Since the telescope installed on the alt-azimuth mount does not rotate on the same axis as the earth does, this mount system needs an instrument rotator to correct the field rotation. Although there are some commercial instrument rotators already in the market, those are not suitable for our system due to their low interchangeability. In this study, we have designed a new high speed instrument rotator and calculated the deformation of new designed system using structural analyses.
It is realized that the extraterrestrial matter is in ionized state, plasma, so the matter of this kind behaves as not expected because of its sensitiveness to electric and magnetic fields and its ability to carry electric currents. This kind of subtle change can be observed by an instrument for the magnetic field measurement, the magnetometer usually mounted on the rocket and the satellite, and based on the ground observatory. The magnetometer is a useful instrument for the spacecraft attitude control and the Earth's magnetic field measurements for the scientific purpose. In this paper, we present the preliminary design and the test results of the two onboard magnetometers of KARl's (Korea Aerospace Research Institute) sounding rocket, KSRIII, which will be launched during the period of 2001-02. The KSR-III magnetometers consist of the fluxgate magnetometer, MAG/AIM (Attitude Information Magnetometer) for acquiring the rocket flight attitude information, and of the search-coil magnetometer, MAG/SIM (Scientific Investigation Magnetometer) for the observation of the Earth's magnetic field fluctuations. With the MAG/AIM, the 3-axis attitude information can be acquired by the comparison of the resulting dc magnetic vector fields with the IGRF (International Geomagnetic Reference Field). The Earth's magnetic field fluctuations ranging from 10 to 1,000 Hz can also be observed with the MAG/SIM measurement.
We have investigated future large telescopes, which should represent the next generation of Korean optical and infrared telescopes. We first studied the history of the development of large telescopes in the USA, European countries, and Japan. Based on these studies, we came up suitable Korean large telescopes, which fit the current status of Korea in terms of financial situation, required technology, sciences, and manpower. We presented the potential impacts of developing large telescopes on the relevant Korean industry and Korean astronomical society. We also discussed a possibility to install large Korean telescopes at foreign sites utilizing highly competitive seeings and twice available observing dates there.
인공우주물체는 출현 시간이 비교적 짧고 운동 특성이 고정적이지 않기 때문에 한 번의 관측으로 측광 및 분광 데이터를 획득하기 어렵다. 따라서 인공우주물체의 측광 및 분광 동시 관측을 위해서 경희대학교 인공위성 추적 및 관측시스템에 다중 광학계를 탑재할 수 있는 가대를 설계하였다. 이 연구에서 구조해석을 통해 다중 광학계 탑재 시에 개조된 가대의 변형을 계산하고 인공우주물체 추적 및 관측 시 발생할 수 있는 가대의 지향오차를 추론하여 관측시야에서 인공우주물체를 안정적으로 추적할 수 있음을 보였다. 또한 등가응력 해석을 수행하여 가대의 구조적 안전성을 확인하였다.