
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 60

        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 한국의 중부에 위치한 제천의 관속식물상 을 밝히고 주요 식물을 조사하였다. 2013년 3월부터 동 년 10월까지 총 18회의 현지조사를 수행하였다. 그 결과 127과 411속 678종 9아종 70변종 6품종 2교잡종의 765 분류군의 분포를 확인하였다. 환경부 법적보호종인 멸종 위기야생식물은 6분류군이며, IUCN 평가기준에 따른 적 색목록은 21과 26속 29종의 29분류군으로 확인되었다. 한반도 고유종은 25분류군이 조사되었다. 식물구계학적 특정식물은 122분류군으로 5등급 12분류군, 4등급 13분 류군, 3등급 34분류군, 2등급 11분류군, 1등급 52분류군으 로 나타났다. 외래식물은 58분류군(7.58%)이 조사되었다.
        2000.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have investigated the numerical methods to calculate model atmosphere for the analysis of spectral lines emitted from the sun and stars. Basic equations used in our calculations are radiative transfer, statistical equilibrium and charge-particle conservations. Transfer equation has been solved to get emitting spectral line profile as an initial value problem using Adams-Bashforth-Moulton method with accuracy as high as 12th order. And we have calculated above non linear differential equations simultaneously as a boundary value problem by finite difference method of 3 points approximation through Feautrier elimination scheme. It is found that all computing programs coded by above numerical methods work successfully for our model atmosphere.
        2000.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have investigated the solar activity variation with period shorter than 1000 days, through Fourier transformation of solar cycle 21 and 22 data. And real time predictions of the flare maximum intensity have been made by multilinear regression method to allow the use of multivariate vectors of sunspot groups or active region characteristics. In addition, we have examined the evolution of magnetic field and current density in active regions at times before and after flare occurrence, to check short term variability of solar activity. According to our results of calculation, solar activity changes with periods of 27.1, 28.0, 52.1, 156.3, 333.3 days for solar cycle 21 and of 26.5, 27.1, 28.9, 54.1, 154, 176.7, 384.6 days for solar cycle 22. Periodic components of about 27, 28, 53, 155 days are found simultaneously at all of two solar cycles. Finally, from our intensive analysis of solar activity data for three different terms of 1977~1982,1975~1998,and1978~1982, we find out that our predictions coincide with observations at hit rate of 76%,63% 76%,63% , 59 respectively.
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