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        검색결과 7

        2008.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Abstract: Using the spectral data in the 3700 to 10050˚A wavelength range secured with the Hamilton Echelle Spectrograph (HES) at the Lick observatory, we have investigated the expansion velocities and the physical conditions of the elliptical planetary nebula NGC 6803. Various forbidden and permitted lines, e.g. HI, HeI, HeII, [OIII], [NII], [ArIII], and [SII], indicate complicated but systematic physical conditions variation: electron temperatures Tϵ ∼ 9000 – 11 000 K and electron number densities Nϵ ∼ 2000 – 9000 cm−3. The line profile analysis of these ions also indicates the systematic change or the acceleration of the expansion velocities in the range of 10 – 22 km s−1. We show that the velocity gradient and physical condition found in various ions are closely related to the prolate ellipsoidal structure of NGC 6803. The expansion velocity and the ionic abundance of O2+ were derived based on the OII and [OIII] lines. In spite of the discrepancy of ionic abundances derived by the two cases and their line profiles, the expansion velocities of them agree well. We find that the ratios of the red to blue line component of the HeII & OII lines are different from those of the [OIII] or other forbidden lines that indicates a possible involvement of emission of HeII & OII lines. This subtle difference and the different physical condition of the lines are likely to be caused by the elongated geometry and the latitude dependence of the emission zone.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The high-resolution optical region spectroscopic data of the symbiotic nova AG Peg secured with the Hamilton Echelle Spectrograph at the Lick Observatory, have been analyzed along with the International Ultraviolet Explorer UV archive data. We measure about 700 line intensities in the wavelengths of 3859 to 9230Å and identify about 300 lines. We construct pure photoionization models that represent the observed lines and the physical condition for this symbiotic nova. The spectral energy distribution of the ionizing radiation is adopted from stellar model atmospheres. Based on photoionization models, we derive the elemental abundances; C & N appear to be similar to be smaller than the Galactic planetary nebular value while O is enhanced. Our result is compared with the Contini (1997, 2003) who analyzed the UV region spectral data with the shock + ionization model. The Fe abundance appears to be enhanced than that of normal planetary nebulae, which suggests that AG Peg may have formed in the Galactic disk. The models indicate that the temperature of the central star which excite the shell gas may have fluctuated to an unexpected extent during the years 1998 - 2002.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Chemical compositions of planetary nebulae are of interest for a study of the late stage of stellar evolution and for elemental contributions to the interstellar medium of reprocessed elements since possibly a large fraction of stars in 0.8 - 8 M⊙ range go through this stage. One of the methods for getting chemical composition is a construction of theoretical photoionization models, which involves geometrical complexities and a variety of physical processes. With modelling effort, one can analyze the high dispersion and find the elemental abundances for a number of planetary nebulae. The model also gives the physical parameter of planetary nebula and its central star physical parameter along with the knowledge of its evolutionary status. Two planetary nebulae, NGC 7026 and Hu 1-2, which could have evolved from about one solar mass progenitor stars, showed radically different chemical abundances: the former has high chemical abundances in most elements, while the latter has extremely low abundances. We discuss their significance in the light of the evolution of our Galaxy.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cassegrain interface module (CIM) of the fiber-fed high resolution echelle spectrograph has been designed and manufactured for the 1.8 m reflector at the Bohynsan Optical Astronomy Observatory. We also constructed a long slit spectrograph attached to this CIM, which would replace the earlier rather inefficient medium dispersion spectrometer. We present detailed description for design and manufacturing concepts of the CIM which consists of a slit assembly, slit monitoring system, calibration lamp system and a long slit spectrograph, in order to provide how the overall system and each part. are constructed. The preliminary performance test carried out so far seems to indicate a successful result.
        2000.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Planetary nebulae provide a direct way to probe elemental abundances, their distributions and their gradients in populations in nearby galaxies. We investigate bulge planetary nebulae in M 31 and M 32 using the strong emission lines, Hα, He I, [O III], [N II], [S II] and [Ne III]. From the [O III] 4363/5007 line ratio and the [O II] 3727/3729, we determine the electron temperatures and number densities. With a standard modeling procedure (Hyung, 1994), we fit the line intensities and diagnostic temperatures, and as a result, we derive the chemical abundances of individual planetary nebulae in M 31 and M 32. The derived chemical abundances are compared with those of the well-known Galactic planetary nebulae or the Sun. The chemical abundances of M 32 appear to be less enhanced compared to the Galaxy or M 31.
        2000.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The international ultraviolet explorer (IUE) spectra of a low dispersion ~6 Å, have been investigated for two Seyfert 1 galaxies, Mrk 335 and NGC 4051, well known for the line variability. The electron densities of broad line region (BLR) of these variable Seyfert 1 galaxies have been derived, which showed a non-linear abrupt variation from 10 8 to 10 10 cm-3 within a month. We also found the excitation (or temperature) changes in the Mrk 335 BLR from the IUE broad line profiles analysis, but no such evidence in the NGC 4051. The large amount of mass inflow activity through the bar or spiral structure of host galaxies, may trigger the density change in BLR and emission line variability for both objects. Mass of the giant black holes appear to be order of 10 7 M⊙ for both variable Seyfert l's.
        1999.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        NGC 6537 is an extremely high excitation bipolar planetary nebula. It exhibits a huge range of excitation from lines of [N I] to [Si VI]or [Fe VII], i.e. from neutral atoms to atoms requiring an ionization potential of ~ 167eV. Its kinematical structures are of special interest. We are here primarily concerned with its high resolution spectrum as revealed by the Hamilton Echelle Spectrograph at Lick Observatory (resolution ~0.2Å) and supplemented by UV and near-UV data. Photoionization model reproduces the observed global spectrum of NGC 6537, the absolute Hβ flux, and the observed visual or blue magnitude fairly well. The nebulosity of NGC 6537 is likely to be the result of photo-ionization by a very hot star of Teff ~ 180,000 K, although the global nebular morphology and kinematics suggest an effect by strong stellar winds and resulting shock heating. NGC 6537 can be classified as a Peimbert Type I planetary nebula. It is extremely young and it may have originated from a star of about 5 M⊙.