In order to determine the optimum harvest time for the seed production of inbreds and hybrids in silage corn, the ears of sib-pollinated 'KS5', 'KS7rhm', and 'Ga209' and cross-pollinated 'KS5' ~times 'KS6' (Suwon19), 'KS7 rhm' ~times 'KSl17' (Suwonok), and 'Ga209' ~times 'DB544'(Kwanganok) were harvested at the one-week intervals from 4 to 10 weeks after silking. The optimum harvest time for the seed production for 'KS5', 'KS5' ~times 'KS6', 'KS7 rhm', and 'KS7rhm' ~times 'KS117' was 7 weeks after silking considering both emergence rate and plumule growth in cold test. Although earlier harvested seeds showed similar germination rate as the seeds harvested at the optimum time at 25~circC , their emergence rate were lower in cold test. Seed weight and α -amylase activity of earlier harvested seeds were lower compared to those of seeds harvested at the optimum time, while leakage of total sugars and electrolytes were higher. However, the later harvested seeds showed lower germination rates at 25~circC and emergence rates in cold test probably due to the lower α -amylase activity although they showed increased seed weight and reduced leakage of total sugars and electrolytes. In contrast, the emergence rate of 'Ga209' and 'Ga209' ~times 'DB544' in cold test increased up to 10 weeks after silking probably due to the increased seed weight and α -amylase activity and reduced sugar and electrolyte leakages during the germination. The cross-pollinated F1 hybrid seeds showed higher germination and emergence rates at 25~circC and in cold test, and higher plumule growth and α -amylase activity compared to those of sib-pollinated inbreds.