
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Bio-efficacies of two different types of fungicides, Diniconazole and Paclobutrazol with their effects as plant g rowth regulators f or Kimchi Cab bage were e valuated o n February 4 to A pril 13, 2024 in Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. The experiment was done during the off-season planting of Kimchi Cabbage in the country. Yield and other horticultural characteristics were observed for seven different groups: group 1, untreated control; group 2, recommended rate of granular fertilizer (RR-G); group 3, recommended rate of granular fertilizer plus recommended rate of Diniconazole; group 4, recommended r ate of D iniconazole (alone); g roup 5 , recommended rate o f Paclob utrazol (RR-PBZ), group 6, RR-G plus RR-PBZ; and group 7, RR-G plus ½ RR-PBZ. Results showed that combination of recommended rate of granular fertilizer plus the full recommendation of Paclobutrazol (group 6) resulted in a significantly higher yield of 64.9 tons/ha than other groups with yields ranging from 23.3 to 55.3 tons/ha. Such significantly higher yield in group 6 was also attributed to the number of leaves produced by plants at the time of harvest. Regarding effects of two chemical treatments, the combination of Diniconazole a nd P aclob utrazol a s recommended granular f ertilizers h elped in t he heading of K imchi Cabbage during hot conditions with an average temperature of 32-35°C from March to April at the heading stage plus a f actor of b eing planted a t a lowland area i n the country. T he a dvantage o f Paclobutrazol aside from yield is its availability in the country as compared to Diniconazole (Binnari).