
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to assess the relative importance of providing rural life services for the sustainability of rural communities and determine their prioritization, this study employed Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to derive the relative importance of sectors and items in the realm of life services influencing the quality of rural life. A survey was conducted with three groups of experts. Group I consisted of experts in rural life services and rural environmental research (22 individuals), Group II included government officials responsible for implementing rural agreements in pilot areas (18 individuals), and Group III comprised executives from the Rural Life Improvement Association and 4-H organization working towards improving rural life and society (20 individuals). The analysis results revealed the following facilities as top priority in their respective categories: ‘National and Public Childcare Centers’ for ‘Childcare,’ Elementary and Middle Schools for ‘Education,’ Senior Welfare Facilities for ‘Welfare,’ Cultural Centers and Local Cultural Facilities for ‘Culture,’ Public Sports Facilities for ‘Sports,’ Emergency Medical Services for ‘Healthcare,’ Commercial Facilities in daily routines for ‘Commercial and Residential Services,’ Emergency Safety Agencies for ‘Administration and Security,’ and rural village Shelter for ‘Leisure and Rest.'
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since rice is the main food in Korea, there are no regulations on corn milling yet. Corn is known as one of the world's top three food crops along with wheat and rice, and it is known that 3.5 billion people worldwide use corn for food. In addition, corn mills are not developed or sold in Korea, but the use of corn mills is increasing significantly in many countries in Southeast Asia. In the Philippines, as Korea's rice mill import increases, Korea's KAMICO (Korea Agricultural Machinery Industry Cooperative) and domestic company A agreed to develop a corn mill jointly with PHilMech, an organization affiliated with the Philippine Ministry of Agriculture. However, research on corn milling was very insignificant, so the development was carried out based on the technology of Korea's rice mill. Rice milling is performed by peeling off the skin of rice and producing brown or white rice, so it is carried out by removing the skin and cutting the skin. On the other hand, in the corn mill, the skin of the corn is peeled, pulverized and selected to produce main products suitable for edible use. Therefore, in order to develop a corn mill, processes such as peeling, transfer, grinding, sorting, and by-product separation are required, and suitable parts must be developed. In addition, the performance must be gradually improved through experiments in which corn is repeatedly milled. The Philippines produces 7.98 million tons/year of corn, which is about 100 times that of Korea, and is mostly consumed as a staple food. This is about 10% of the total crop production in the Philippines. In addition, the main cultivation complexes of corn are the mountainous regions of Tarlac or Pangasinan, and the produced corn is 72.4% of the so-called yellow corn called Arabel and Sarangani, and the remaining 27.6% are known as white corn. In this study, it was intended to produce grains of 2.5 mm or less suitable for food for yellow corn and to develop a corn mill for 200 kg per hour. Detailed conditions for development are stipulated as more than 55% of the main product recovery rate, more than 31% of the by-product recovery rate, less than 5% of the raw material loss rate, and more than 80% of the embryo dislocation rate. In this study, to achieve this, the overall process of the corn mill was developed, and the optimal conditions for the corn mill were obtained through the development of parts and empirical tests to improve performance. In addition, it was intended to achieve the development goal by evaluating and analyzing the performance of each part so that it did not conflict.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper was to investigate the comparison of balance and muscle strength between dominant and non-dominant legs in adults. Thirty adults in their 20s participated in this study. The dominant and non-dominant legs were selected based on the dominant hands of the target. The subject's muscle strength of legs was measured with Nicholas MMT, and the balance was measured with BIO-Rescue. We compared the dominant and non-dominant legs based on the results. The result, indicated no statistical difference on balance and muscle strength between dominant and non-dominant legs(p>.05). The results of this study will be helpful in setting the effective treatment direction and treatment level, and in controlling posture, balance and motor function.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국내외 여건으로 침체되고 국내 인삼산업 활성화에 필요한 인삼가공식품의 경쟁력 제고를 위하여 대표 인삼제품인 홍삼토닉의 소비자 선호속성을 선택실험법을 통해 분석하였다. 실험에 사용된 선호속성으로는 재배연근, 우수농산물(GAP) 인증 여부, 당류함량, 가격이 포함되었으며 총 1,796개의 실험에 대한 답변을 취득하여 각 속성에 대한 가치를 다항로짓모형을 이용하여 추정하였다. 그 결과, 6 년근 원료를 사용하여 우수농산물(GAP) 인증을 받은 저당도 제품에 대한 선호도를 화폐가치로 환산하였다. 이를 정리하면, 5년근 대비 6년근 원료를 사용한 제품에 약 94,000원, GAP 인증을 받지 않은 경우에 비해서 약 89,000원, 당을 1g 줄인 경우 약 5,000의 추가지불의사금액을 확인할 수 있었다. 따 라서 단기적으로 GAP 인증된 6년근 원료를 사용한 저당의 제품 개발이 필요하며, 인삼 GAP 인증에 대한 지원과 홍보가 필요할 것으로 보인다. 한편 인삼 농가 생산성 개선을 위해 저년근 인삼 효능에 대한 과도한 저평가를 개선하기 위한 장기적인 노력이 병행되어야 할 것으로 보인다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of foot position adjuster on body alignment and weight loads in chronic stroke patients. The subjects were 15 chronic stroke patients who were admitted to KHospital in Daegu, South Korea. The study compared the body alignment and weight load changes on flat ground with the foot position adjuster using Foot scan and Dartfish video analysis software. In the results of this study, posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) alignment decreased significantly after use of the foot position adjuster and center pressure was significantly increased after use of the foot position adjuster. This study suggests that foot position adjuster influences body alignment and weight distribution.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 전국의 686개 농가에 대한 설문조사를 통해 농가의 GM 기술과 GM 작물 및 이를 활용한 사료에 대한 인식, 농가의 생산 현황과 속성을 바탕으로 농가의 GM 벼 (쌀)와 GM 사료작물에 대한 기술 수용성을 분석하였다. 개 별적인 농가 속성에 따라 수용 의사가 다르지만, 2개의 GM 기술 수용성 추정에서 공통적으로 GM 기술 수용 의 사를 높이는 변수는 GM 농작물의 필요성에 대한 인식과 잡곡이나 조사료 재배여부로 나타났다. 평균적인 경종 농 가의 경우 7.8% 유의수준에서 농가소득이 47% 증가할 경 우 벼 (쌀)에 대한 GM 기술을 수용하고, 벼 (쌀)를 제외한 사료작물의 경우에는 14.1% 유의수준에서 농가소득이 43% 증가할 때 GM 기술을 수용하는 것으로 분석되었다. 벼 (쌀)와 비교해서 사료 작물은 상대적으로 적은 소득 증가 에도 불구하고 수용 가능성이 나타났다. 그러나 두 가지 경우 모두 통계적 유의성이 5%를 넘어가 신뢰도에 문제가 있다. 앞으로 GM 기술에 대한 신뢰성이 높아짐에 따라 CVM에서 발생하는 가상적 편의가 줄어든다면 통계적 유 의성이 높아질 것으로 기대되므로 이에 대한 추가 연구가 필요하다.