
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 8

        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Self-Powered Neutron Detector (SPND) is one of devices for in-core fluxes detecting without external electricity source. SPND consisted with emitter, insulator and collector. When neutrons reacted with emitter material, it generates electrons and these electrons cross insulator area to make electric signal in collector area. For calculating sensitivity of SPND with Monte-Carlo code such as MCNP, many physical components must be considered. Cobalt shows that prompt signal and relatively low signal comparing with other delayed signal SPNDs. Initial sensitivity was calculated as 4.28×10−22 A/nv-cm for one electron. Due to Cobalt’s complex decay chain and maintaining high efficiency of SPND, it is necessary to analysis the effect of activation of emitter. Therefore, the DPA (Displacements Per Atom) assessment and activation analysis of the detector components have been evaluated with MCNP 6.2 and ORIGEN-S. With these activation analysis results, that is expected to be used to determine the shielding thickness of the storage system.