Anthocyanin in blackish purple rice is composed of cyanidin, peonidin, malvidin, pelargonidin and delphinidin flavylium ion and their glucosides, which shows antioxidant activity similar to a-tocoperol. It has been demonstrated that cyanidin-3-glucoside(C3G) of anthocyanin has a high-potency antioxidant activity, and is a prominent in anticancer and antithrombotic activity. In analysis of content of anthocyanin from the genetic source of blackish purple rice, the level of C3G was approximately 80% of total contents of anthocyanins, and showed the highest content in Heugjinjubyeo, of which contains an amount of 500 mg by weight of 100g brown rice in comparison that most of varieties has less than 50mg by weight of 100g brown rice. We found that C3G pigment in blackish purple rice was considerably affected by cultural season, cultivation area, ripening temperature, and weather condition, etc. as well as genetic properties. In cross combination between Heugjinjubyeo and Suwon425, intermediate parent F9 generation which was three times higher or more in C3G content than that of Heugjinjubyeo was bred, of which it contained an amount of 1678 mg by weight of 100g brown rice, and we called it 'C3GHi' Rice. And, we found that the C3GHi rice was more excellent than that of the existing Heugjinjubyeo in anticancer and antithrombotic activity. Methanol extract from Heugjinjubyeo was fractionated by organic solvents in order of n-hexane, CH2Cl2 and n-BuOH, and then oryzafuran, quercetin, vanillic acid and protocatechuic acid and their structures from the n-BuOH fraction were ascertained. Oryzafuran of these compounds was a natural compound found firstly in nature. Quercetin and protocatechuic acid besides new compound oryzafuran showed excellent antioxidant ability to vitamin C. These results suggest that blackish purple rice has very high value as a source of various functional food as well as staple food.
The antioxidant activities of methanol extracts of sixteen samples were tested using 1.1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl(DPPH) reactivity and TBARS substances assay in vitro. The methanol extracts of the rice brans from three wild rice -O. minuta, O. rufipogon, and O. barthii-were found to be the most effective in DPPH radical scavenging activity. The next effective ones were the rice brans of Heugjinjubyeo and leaves of Tapgolbori. When tested on lipid peroxidation using a lipid peroxidation generation system mediated by H2O 2 /Fe2+ in rat liver homogenates, the brans and hull of wild rice (O. minuta, O. rufipogon, and O. barthii) and rice bran of Heugjinjubyeo exhibited protective activities against lipid peroxidation in the order of effectiveness.s.
The cyanidin 3-glucoside (C3G) extracted from pigmented rice seeds in 0.5% TFA (Trifluoro acetic acid) -95% ethanol was separated by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). A HPLC system using a Develosil ODS-5 column and 0.1 % TFA-H2O ~0.1 % TFA-CH3CN gradient elution was selected for separation and quantitative determination of C3G. Regression equation obtained for the standard content of C3G pigment was as Y=21.95293* X-14.726771 (r=0.99** ). Using this method, 326 domestic and introduced collections were evaluated for the C3G content. The Korean bred cultivar 'Heugjinjubyeo', showed highest C3G content (552 mg/100g seed) among the tested cultivars. Among the pigmented rice cultivars ten cultivars were selected for containing a high content of C3G. The content of C3G per 100g seeds was in high order as follows: Heugjinjubyeo (552mg)>Cheng Chang (321mg)>Kilimgeugmi (240mg)>PI160979-2 (224mg)>Hong Shei Lo (221mg)>Heugnambyeo (191 mg)>Mitak =PIl60979-1 (186mg)>Suwon425 (163mg)>Sanghaehyanghyeolla (108mg). The C3G pigment was not detected in the common white rice cultivars.
In order to investigate the causes of epidemic out break of rice blast disease in 1978, investigations were undertaken in respect of climatic conditions, variety, cultural practice and plant pathology. During 1978, especially in August at heading time, it was higher temperature and humidity, higher frequency and amount of rainfall, lower amount of sunshine and solar radiation than less blast infested years. Nitrogen content in rice plant was higher than previous years. Acreage increase of semi-dwarf varieties brought about a result of proportional increase of new blast races which are able to infect the semi-dwarf varieties. It was concluded that those conditions mentioned above might have caused the result of severe neck blast disease in rice varieties in Korea, 1978.
재배시기를 달리하고 질소시용량을 달리하여 수도품종별로 잎, 줄기의 질소함량과 현미의 단백질함량변이를 출수후 10 일 간격으로 조사하고 수중을 시기별로 조사하여 미립내의 단백질축적에 품종간 차이가 있는가를 검토하였다. 1. 성숙이 진전됨에 따라서 잎, 줄기의 질소함량은 감소하였으나 그 정도는 품종에 따라서 달랐다. IR계통에서는 급격히 감소하였으나 진흥에서는 감소정도가 완만하였다. 2. 질소시용량을 증가함에 따라서 잎, 줄기의 질소함량은 증가하였으며 그 정도는 품종에 따라서 달랐다. IR계통에서는 거의 직선적으로 증가하였으나 진흥에서는 그 증가정도가 완만하였다. 3. 성숙이 진전됨에 따라서 현미의 단백질함량은 감소하였는데 그 정도는 품종에 따라서 현저히 달랐다. IR계통들은 거의 변화하지 않았으나 진흥에서는 급격히 감소하여 결국 낮은 단백질함량을 나타내었다. 4. 질소수준이 높아짐에 따라서 IR계통들은 현미단백질함량이 직선적으로 급격히 증가하였으나 진흥에서는 증가정도가 완만하였다. 5. 시기별 수중의 변이와 출수기 이후의 잎과 줄기의 질소함량의 변이를 종합하여 볼 때 경엽의 양분을 이삭으로 이동시키는데 품종간 차이가 있는 것으로 판단되었다.