Busulfan is the most commonly used drug for preconditioning during the transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells and male germ cells. Here, we describe side effects of high doses of busulfan in male mongrel dogs. Busulfan was intravenously administered to three groups of dogs at doses of 10, 15, and 17.5 mg/kg body weight. The total white blood cell, neutrophil, eosinophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, and platelet counts steadily reduced in a dose-dependent manner following busulfan treatment. The white blood cell, neutrophil, and monocyte counts recovered after 6 weeks of busulfan treatment, however, the eosinophil, lymphocyte, and platelet counts remained unaltered. Additionally, there was one fatality in the each of the groups that were administered 15 and 17.5 mg/kg busulfan. The gross lesions included severe hemorrhage in the stomach, intestinal tracts, mesentery and urinary bladder. Microscopic investigation revealed severe pulmonary edema and hemorrhage in the lungs, and severe multifocal to coalescing transmural hemorrhage in the intestines and urinary bladder. These results indicated that treatment with busulfan at doses higher than 15 mg/kg initiates severe bleeding in the internal organs and can have fatal results.
Canine cloning have been succeeded for a decade. To obtain in vivo matured dog oocytes, Serum progesterone (P4) level were employed for ovulate determination. However, accuracy of P4 methods is not satisfied. The aim of this study was to compare both methods of serum estradiol (E2) and P4 on the accuracy of canine ovulation determination. Canine serum P4 and E2 concentration during both proestrus and estrus were detected. Correlation between accuracy of each method and environment temperature were analyzed. Following ovulation, oocytes were collected by surgery. As a result, higher percentage of mature oocytes was obtained when using E2 (56.43%) as compared to P4 (39.60%). Accuracy of P4 increased from spring (30.76%) to summer (47.92%) and decreased in autumn (37.50%) and winter (29.16%) gradually. Especially, E2 maintained about 50% to 65% whatever the season and temperature. Correlation analyze showed that dynamic of P4 accuracy highly correlated with environment temperate (Rp4=0.862) but E2 could not be affected by the temperature (RE2=0.199). To determine whether obtained oocytes by E2 method could be used for canine cloning, twenty canines were selected as oocyte donors, and two puppies were produced after somatic cell nuclear transfer(SCNT) and embryo transfer(ET) with the oocytes by E2 method. In conclusion, comparing to the P4 method, the E2 is an accuracy and reliable method for canine cloning.
To obtain in vivo matured oocytes for dog cloning, serum progesterone (P4) level were employed for ovulate determination. Radioactive immunoassay (RIA) is a traditional serum hormone assay method with highly radioactivity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of RIA and to compare its canine serum P4 concentration determination accuracy to that of the electric chemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLI). To obtain in vivo matured oocytes for canine somatic cell nuclear transfer, serum P4 levels were accurately measured with both methods of RIA and ECLI. Although both methods detected similar P4 level before ovulation, the mean P4 concentration using ECLI was significantly higher than that using RIA from 3days before ovulation. Following ovulation, oocytes were collected by surgery, and a lower percentage of mature oocytes were observed using ECLI (39%) as compared to RIA (67%) if 4-8ng/ml of P4 were criteria for determination of ovulation. On other hand, high percentage of mature oocytes was observed using ECLI when 6–15 ng/mL of progesterone was criteria for ovulation determination. To determine whether in vivo oocytes obtained by ECLI method could be used for canine cloning, six canines were selected as oocyte donors and two puppies were produced after SCNT and embryo transfer. In conclusion, compared to the traditional RIA method, the ECLI method is a safe and reliable method for canine cloning.
오늘날 물류 서비스 산업에서는 수요예측을 통해 불확실성을 줄여나가는 것이 경영상 매우 중요한 이슈로 제기되고 있다. 비교적 시장 점유율이 견고하게 유지되는 제조산업과는 달리 물류 서비스 산업은 매우 빠른 속도로 시장이 성장하고 변화하기 때문에, 시장 환경의 변화를 반영하여 정확한 수요 예측에 기반한 적절한 물류 서비스 공급을 위한 운송 및 인력 공급 계획을 수립하여 운용하여야 한다.
본 연구는 물류 서비스 업계를 위하여 추세 요소, 계절 요소 등 수요에 영향을 미치는 요소를 분석하고, 영향 효과를 산출하여 물류 서비스 산업을 위한 수요예측 시스템에 반영하는 방안을 연구하였다. 특히 지역 특산물, 기상효과, 음력으로 발생하는 명절 효과 등 수요를 크게 변화시키는 중요 영향 요소에 의한 수요 변동을 수요 예측에 활용하는 방안을 도출함으로써, 물류 서비스 산업계의 수요 예측을 위하여 분해법(Decomposition Method)을 제시하였다.