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        검색결과 5

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fishing losses require a practical rather than an academic theoretical approach. As of the end of 2023, in accordance with the construction plan for the Gadeokdo New Airport, we are in a situation where we must realistically deal with losses not only to land and other obstacles in the area, but also to the fishing industry. However, in order for such compensation to be properly made, the legal realization procedures, ranging from the Land Compensation Act a general law, to the Fisheries Act, a special law, and even the Gadeokdo New Airport Special Act, must be identified and practically implemented. We will look into special cases in a special way and ultimately make efforts to resolve social conflicts in advance, and then, if unavoidable, take care to ensure that appropriate compensation for losses is provided in spite of ex-ante and ex-post rights relief. We would like to present a feasible plan. Going further from the concept and implementation method of compensation so far, shares of so-called 'post-asset' are distributed to fishermen so that other benefits can be provided to fishermen for the development of nearby areas at the same time as the construction of Gadeokdo New Airport. Effective plans will also have to be devised. In order to execute above targets, research and implementation concerning the compensation should be conducted according to the following procedures: 1) Resident and Status survey, 2) Reviewing measures for preparing a resettlement area and land for their livelihoods, 3) Selecting the candidate site for the resettlement area and land, 4) Establishment of Basic concept, and 5) Feasibility review.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main purpose of this study is to analyze and examine the problems of the law systems of the safety and maintenance of nuclear facilities and to propose the improvements with respect to the related problems especialy focused on safety management of aquatic products. Therefore, the results of the paper would be helpful to build an effective management law system of safety and maintenance of nuclear facilities and fisheries products. The research methods are longitudinal and horizontal studies. This study compares domestic policies with foreign policies of nuclear plants and aquatic products. Using the above methods, examining the current system of nuclear-related laws and regulations, we have found that there exist 13 Acts including “Nuclear Safety Act”, etc. Safety laws related on nuclear facilities have seven Acts including “Nuclear Safety Act”, “the Act on Physical Protection and Radiological Emergency”, “Radioactive waste control Act”, “Act on Protective Action Guidelines against Radiation in the Natural Environment”, “Special Act on Assistance to the locations of facilities for disposal low and intermediate level radioactive waste”, “Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety Act”. “Act on Establishment and Operation of the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission”. The seven laws are composed of 119 legislations. They have 112 lower statute of eight Presidential Decrees, six Primeministrial Decrees and Ministrial Decrees, 92 administrative rules (orders), 6 legislations of local self-government aself-governing body. The concluded proposals of this paper are as follows. Firstly, we propose that the relationship between the special law and general law should be re-established. Secondly, the terms with respect to law system of safety and maintenance of nuclear plants should be redefined and specified. Thirdly, it is advisable to re-examine and re-establish the Law System for Safety and Maintenance of Nuclear Facilities. and environmental rights like the French Nuclear Safety Legislation. Lastly, inadequate legislation on the aquatic pollution damage should be re-established. It is necessary to ensure sufficient transparency as well as environmental considerations in the policy decisions of the Korean government and legislation of the National Assembly. It is necessary to further study the possibilities of accepting the implications of the French legal system as a legal system in Korea. In conclusion, the safety management of nuclear facilities is not only focused on the secondary industry and the tertiary industry centering on power generation and supply, but also on the primary industry, which is the food of the people. It is necessary to prevent damage to be foreseen. Therefore, it is judged that there should be no harm to the people caused by contaminated marine products even if the “Food Safety Law for Prevention of Radiation Pollution Damage” is enacted.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article’s aim is to review the jurisprudence which has emerged pursuant to the international dispute settlement provisions and to provide a provisional expectation as to the future of international dispute settlement under“UNCLOS”. Globally, marine fisheries play an important role in ocean biodiversity and the food security of millions of people, providing a vital source of high-quality dietary protein and supporting individuals’livelihoods and income. In the 1982 Convention, the establishment of co-operative mechanisms for effective monitoring, control, surveillance and enforcement, decision-making procedures facilitating the adoption of such measures of conservation and management, and the promotion of the peaceful settlement of disputes are called for. In this study,‘Northeast Asian Sea’means that the Yellow/ East China Sea, the East Sea, the Ohotsk Sea, the Kamchaka Sea, the Alaska Sea, and the Bering Sea surrounded by Korea, China, Japan, Russia, U.S.A. and Canada including their EEZs. There are several bilateral fisheries agreements existing in Northeast Asian area, the Fisheries Agreement between Republic Korea and Japan, between Republic of Korea and China, between China and Japan, between Republic Korea and U.S.A., between Republic Korea and Russia, between Russia and Japan, And there are several regional fisheries organizations existing in Northeast Asian area, for example NPAFC(Convention for the Conservation of Anadromous Stocks in the North Pacific Ocean), CBSPC (Convention on the Central Bering Sea Pollack Conservation), PICES(North Pacific Marine Science Organization), NPFC(North Pacific Fishery Commi-ssion) etc. It analyzed the proliferation of bilateral treaties and multilateral treaties due to the adoption of the EEZ in Northeast Asia reviewed the strengthening of management rights on the high seas marine living resources and marine environment preservation of regional fisheries organizations. In view of the changes in the international fisheries mechanism this paper suggested the future direction of the country in overseas fisheries. We concluded as follows. We shall apply bilateral treaties first, regional fisheries organizations’treaties secondly, and provisions under“UNCLOS”for dispute settlement last.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nowadays, Under the current system of fisheries laws, fishery division and marine division are unified into one marine-fishery related law system indiscriminately. So they are not divided by nature. Moreover, terminology of fishery Law has been used by now in inappropriate conditions from Japanese 1951 fishery law systemct. Because fisheries administrative reorganization is also in parallel with the same logic as above, the reorganization of the legal system should be made. Finally, when the above mentioned problems is clearly defined and improvement is actually performed, more efficient management will be achieved through the beneficiary of more simple legal services. And so fisheries managers will be able to contribute to the development of the industries through more efficient management. While the existing framework of laws and regulations currently being enacted or established should be kept as much as possible, in order to ensure better control of fisheries resources and ensure sustainable development of related industries. Under various existing laws including the Fisheries Act, the Enforcement Regulations/enforcement rules, notice, instruction, established rule, the recognition of problems and improvements on the overall delegate legislative framework will be needed.