최근 수목 병해충을 방제, 예방하기 위해 나무주사법이 많이 사용되고 있다. 나무주사법은 기상에 상관없이 약제처리가 가능하며, 약제사용량 감소와 천적등 비표적 생물에 대한 영향을 줄일 수 있다는 장점이 있다. 하지만 현재 국내에서 나무주사법은 산림 해충을 대상으로만 등록, 적용되어 있을 뿐, 과수에 등록된 제품은 없다. 과수에 나무주사법이 적용되기 위해서는 농약잔류와 약효에 대한 연구가 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 복숭아(천중도)에 Acetamiprid 10% SL을 나무주사 후, 잔류성과 약효를 조사하여 실용가능성을 확인하였다. 약제가 나무주사된 나무는 복숭아 벚나무깍지벌레(Pseudaulacaspis prunicola)에 대하여 방제효과가 있으나, 가지별로 불균일한 약효와 잔류성을 보여 향후 수형, 흉고직경 등을 고려한 나무주사제의 처리법 최적화에 대한 연구가 지속적으로 필요할 것으로 생각된다.
Effectiveness of Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) to control Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) was investigated in the commercial tomato greenhouse from January to June, 2010. Densities of T. vaporariorum were monitored using the yellow sticky trap for adult, and a lupe (x10) for 4th instar nymph and pupa at 1 week interval. Tomato seedlings were transplanted in mid-January and the nymph and adult of T. vaporariorum were first discovered in February 4th. E. formosa was applied as a mummy card at a recommended density (3 parasitoids per 1m2) at 2 weeks interval for 8 times. Mummy cards were collected 2 weeks later and the emergence and survival ratio of E. formosa were examined. Density of adult T. vaporariorum was significantly lower in the treatment plot (F=42.48, p=0.0001). The control efficiency ranged from 57.3% to 88.5%. The nymphal density was also significantly lower in the treatment plot (F=8.85, p=0.0053). The control efficiency was 84% on 25th March, 75% on 18th May and 95% on 25th May. Maximum 50% parasitism by E. formosa occurred in the treatment plot. The emergence and survival rates of E. formosa on mummy cardboards that were released in the greenhouse during February to March were only 53% and 41%, respectively. These rates increased to >70% as the temperature rises.
This study was conducted to identify the seasonal occurrence patterns of peach pyralid moth, Dichocroscis punctiferalis (Guenee), and persimmon fruit moth, Satthmopoda masinissa Meyrick, in persimmon orchards in four different regions, Ulsan and Jinyeong in Gyeongsangbuk-do, and Naju and Yeongam in Jeollanam-do. Three pheromone traps (Delta trap, GreeAgro Tech) for each moth species were installed at each site and checked with 1 week intervals. Peach pyralid moth and persimmon fruit moth occurred in all four study sites. Two moth species exhibited two distinctive peaks, but there were some time differences in the peak among sites. Peach pyralid moth first occurred in late May to early June in Ulsan, Jinyeong and Naju but occurred in late July in Yeongam. Overall, the first peak appeared in mid- to late June but the time of the second peak varied widely among sites. Persimmon fruit moth first occurred in early to mid-June in Ulsan, Jinyeong and Naju but occurred in mid-May in Yeongam. The first peak appeared in mid- to late June in Ulsan, Jinyeong and Naju but it appeared in late May in Yeongam. The time of the second peak was around late August in the study sites except Ulsan where the second peak time was in late September.