Wind turbines are designed and analyzed using simulation tools capable of predicting the coupled dynamic loads and responses of the system. In this paper, an overview of the capabilities of a Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) tool called FAST or Fatigue, Aerodynamic, Structures, and Turbulence in modeling wind turbines in different depths of water will be presented. Different offshore wind turbine support systems structures will be discussed. These support systems are classified into three categories according to the water depth, namely, shallow water, translational water and deep water depths. This paper will be focusing on the support structures used in translational and deep water depths only. This will also be focusing on incorporating hydrodynamic loading for multimember structures using FAST through its hydrodynamic loading module, Hydrodyn. Also, a quantitative comparison of th*e responses of different floating platforms will be tackled.
본 연구는 등분포 하중에 종속된 폼내장 콘크리트 샌드위치 패널 (foam insulated concrete sandwich panel)의 구조거 동특성을 파악하였다. 유한요소모델이 콘크리트, 폼 그리고 철근의 비선형거동과 연결부재 (connector)의 상세 전단 저항거동을 모사하기위해 사용되었다. 개발된 모델은 미주리대학 (University of Missouri)에서 수행된 정적실험자료 를 사용하여 검증되었다. 합성 및 비합성 거동이 샌드위치패널의 구조거동에미치는 영향을 정확히 모사하기 위해 전단연결재의 저항력을 모델에 정확히 반영하는 것이 중요하다. 본 연구에서 개발된 모델은 구조물의 극한강도및 좌굴이후의 거동까지 모사하였고 미국콘크리트 학회 (ACI)의 설계예제와 비교하였다. 본연구의 결과는 정적 및 동 적하중에 종속된 폼내장 콘크리트 샌드위치 패널의 해석및 설계에 유용한 정보를 제공할것이다.
This study analyzes the buckling safety in the area of circumferentially edge-stiffened door openings without any additional longitudinal stiffeners of offshore tubular steel towers. The tubular steel tower is subjected to six (6) different load situations which are deemed to be normal and abnormal operating cases for the ultimate limit state. Analytical method using parametric equations based on Eurocode 3 - Design of Steel Structures and numerical method of finite element are used to analyze the critical meridional buckling stress. ABAQUS, a finite element program, is used for the numerical method analysis. Buckling safety analysis in the localized area near the opening is studied, and points of interest are defined for comparison between the two aforementioned analyses. Findings are tabulated and shown in illustrative charts, and conclusions are made.
This parametric study investigates the effect of significant parameters on the elastic global lateral torsional buckling capacity of horizontally curved twin I-girder systems. Included are the effect of curvature and the effect of girder spacing. Twin I-girder systems analyzed in this study are those which are interconnected by intermediate cross frames and are subjected to uniform moment. The finite element analysis software, ABAQUS, is used to model the horizontally curved twin I-girder system and conduct the buckling analysis. To see the significant effect of curvature and girder spacing, the results from the finite element analysis of horizontally curved twin I-girder systems are compared to the results of a closed form solution for straight twin I-girder systems. The findings of this parametric study will be shown using illustrative figures and tabulated data and conclusions are made.
The Korean native rice collection consists of landrace and weedy strains. The weedy strains are represented by two dis-tinctive populations, Share and red rice. The 242 representative accessions of Korean native rice collection were selected basedon the p