To obtain confidence in the safety of disposal facilities for radioactive waste, it is essential to quantitatively evaluate the performance of the waste disposal facilities by using safety assessment models. Thus, safety assessment models require uncertainty management as a key part of the confidencebuilding process. In application to the numerical modelling, the global sensitivity analysis is widely employed for dealing with parametric and conceptual uncertainties. In particular, the parametric uncertainty can be effectively reduced by minimizing the uncertainty of critical parameters in the safety assessment model. In this paper, the numerical model of each step disposal facility (Silo, Near surface, and Trench type) at Wolsong Low and Immediate Level Waste (LILW) Disposal Center is designed by using a two-dimensional finite element code (COMSOL Multiphysics). In order to determine the critical parameters for non-adsorbed nuclides such as H-3, C-14, Tc-99, we introduced the variance-based sensitivity analysis methodology of the global sensitivity analysis. In the case of Silo type, the density of waste is highly sensitive to the total leakage quantity of all nuclides. Additionally, the initial nuclide concentration of H-3 was identified as another important parameter of H-3. On the other hands, the mass transport coefficient showed a high contribution in C-14 and Tc-99. In other types of disposal facilities, the leaking properties of H-3 are significantly affected by the amount of infiltration water. However, C-14 and Tc-99 were found to be more sensitive to the density of waste.
Numerical model was developed that simulates radionuclide (3 H and 14C) transport modeling at the 2nd phase facility at the Wolsong LILW Disposal Center. Four scenarios were simulated with different assumptions about the integrity of the components of the barrier system. For the design case, the multi-barrier system was shown to be effective in diverting infiltration water around the vaults containing radioactive waste. Nevertheless, the volatile radionuclide 14C migrates outside the containment system and through the unsaturated zone, driven by gas diffusion. 3 H is largely contained within the vaults where it decays, with small amounts being flushed out in the liquid state. Various scenarios were examined in which the integrity of the cover barrier system or that of the concrete were compromised. In the absence of any engineered barriers, 3 H is washed out to the water table within the first 20 years. The release of 14C by gas diffusion is suppressed if percolation fluxes through the facility are high after a cover failure. However, the high fluxes lead to advective transport of 14C dissolved in the liquid state. The concrete container is an effective barrier, with approximately the same effectiveness as the cover.