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        검색결과 122

        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Campylomyza Meigen, 1818, from the Micromyinae subfamily of the Cecidomyiidae, includes 40 known species globally. The genus Campylomyza has been primarily studied within the Palearctic region, with 39 species, 2 from the Nearctic region, and 1 from the Oriental region. As of now, four species have been documented in Korea: Campylomyza appendiculata, C. flavipes, C. furva, and C. spinata. Our research from 2017 to 2020 uncovered five previously unreported species in Korea (C. abjecta, C. aborigena, C. cornuta, C. cavitata, and C. cingulata) and introduces seven new species (C. angusta sp. nov., C. ambulata sp. nov., C. convexa sp. nov., C. cornigera sp. nov., C. hori sp. nov., C. odae sp. nov., and C. yeongyangensis sp. nov.). These findings are based on morphological evidence and DNA analysis. We present comprehensive data, including the mitochondrial COI sequences, diagnoses, detailed descriptions, and identification keys for these species. This work was supported by a grant from the National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR), funded by the Ministry of Environment (MOE) of the Republic of Korea.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Caenoscelis C. G. Thomson (Coleoptera: Cryptophagidae: Cryptophaginae) comprises approximately 30 species in the world, primarily distributed in the Holarctic region. Although 15 Caenoscelis species occur in the Palearctic region, only a single species, Caenoscelis sibirica Reitter, has been documented in Korea. In this study, Caenoscelis koreanus sp. nov. is described, and Caenoscelis ferruginea (C. R. Sahlberg) is reported for the first time in Korea. The new species can be distinguished from other Caenoscelis species by their subquadrate antennomere 10, fully developed hind wings, and male genitalia with subacute parameres and indistinctly separated lateral lobes. Illustrations of habitus, diagnostic characters, and a distribution map of Korean Caenoscelis species are provided.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Here we review the genus Nycteola of the Nolidae (Lepidoptera). As the result of this study, we recognized already synonymized species N. costalis Sugi, 1959 of N. coreana (Leech, 1900) and newly recorded species N. dufayi Sugi, 1982. Whlie the number of Korean Nycteola species remain unchanged, the composition has been changed.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The family Ptiliidae, also called featherwing beetle because of their remarkable feather-like hind wings, is group of the smallest beetles, with their body size generally about 1 mm long. Although more than 1,000 valid ptiliids within approximately 100 genera are distributed worldwide, this family remains one of the least understood beetle groups in Korea. In this study, we introduce 13 known Korean ptiliids species within seven genera and additional some unknown species. All available information about Korean ptiliids, including their natural histories, distributional data, and diagnostic characters are provided.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was conducted to review the genus Bucculatrix Zeller, 1839 belonging the family Bucculatricidae. In Korea, only three species have been reported to date (Park, 2013; Lee and Jeun, 2022; 2023). A total nine species were identified in Korea in this study. Among them. two species, Bucculatrix sp. nov.1 and B. sp. nov.2 was described as new to science. Also four species: B. duanwuia Liu, 2020, B. tsurubamella Kobayashi, Hirowatari & Kuroko, 2010, B. demaryella (Duponchel, 1840) and B. comporabile Seksjaeva, 1989 are reported for the first time from Korea. These species were identified by visiting Osaka Metropolitan University and comparing the specimens. Available information, host plants, images of adults and genitalic structures, and DNA barcode for the species are provided.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구를 통해 한국산 Thyas속을 검토하였다. 이 중, T. coronata (Fabricius, 1775)는 성충 및 생식기 도해사진을 기반으로 최초로 그 분류학 적 기재문을 작성하였다. 모든 한국산 Thyas속 종에 대한 분류학적 진단형질 및 분포 정보를 함께 제공하였다.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The tribe Tropidocephalini Muir, 1915 (Delphacidae: Delphacinae) comprised 37 genera 204 species worldwide. In Korea, only three species, Epeurysa nawaii Matsumura, 1900, Tropidocephala brunnipennis (Distant, 1906), T. nigra (Matsumura, 1900), have been reported. In this study, one species, Epeurysa distincta Huang & Ding, 1979, is reported for the first time from Korea. We provide the morphological characteristics, photographs and taxonomic keys of the four species belonging to the tribe Tropidocephalini.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A taxonomic study of Korean Psammodiini is present. Seven species [Rakovicius coreanus (Kim), Leiopsammodius japonicus (Harold), Psammodius flavolittoralis Kim, Psammodius hangangensis Kim, Psammodius sungshinarum Kim, Rhyssemus inscitus (Walker), Trichiorhyssemus asperulus (Waterhouse)] belonging to five genera are recognized based on morphological characters. A pictorial key, habitus photographs and illustrations of the diagnostic characters of Korean Psammodiini species are provided to facilitate identification.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Halictus Latreille, 1804 and Seladonia Robertson, 1918 are nearly cosmopolitan group, consisting of more than 206 described species worldwide except Antarctica region. In previous taxonomic and phylogenetic research, this genus regarded as a sister group of genus Halictus. In this study, a total of two genera seven species were reviewed from Korean peninsula (three Halictus, four Seladonia) with three new records (Halictus hedini hedini, Seladonia confusa, S. henanensis). A key to species and images of adult are provided.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Margarinotus Marseul, 1854 is one of the highly diverse groups of Histeridae (Histerinae), consisting more than 100 described species in the world. About 80 species are known to distributed in Palaearctic region, among them, 11 species have been reported from Korea. In this study, we report a new species, Margarinotus pseudoboleti sp. nov. and a new record, Margarinotus yezoensis Ôhara from Korea. Also, we provide a revised taxonomic key for Korean Margarinotus, including above two species and images of adults.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Hilara is one of the largest group in the family Empididae. It is usually found on the water surface, banks of rivers, streams, lakes or ponds and damp forests. The genus Hilara was established by Meigen in 1822, based on the type species Hilara maura (Fabricius, 1776). In this study, the genus Hilara is reported for the first time in Korea. A total of 6 species was recognozed in korea. Amog them, 3 new species of the genus Hilara Meigen: Hilara sp. nov. 1, Hilara sp. nov. 2 and Hilara sp. nov. 3 Hilara sp. nov. 4 and Hilara sp. nov. 5 are described as new to science. Also, one species, Hilara echinata Frey, is reported for the first time from korea. Adults and genitalia were examined and illustrated with a key to the genus Hilara in Korea and DNA barcodes, when available.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was conducted to review of the genus Bucculatrix Zeller, 1839, belonging the family Bucculatricidae of the superfamily Gracillarioidea from Korea. The genus Bucculatrix was comprising more than 300 species worldwide. In Korea, only two species have been reported to date. In this study, a total of 10 species are recognized from Korea. Among them, five species, Bucculatrix sp. nov.1, Bucculatrix sp. nov.2 and Bucculatrix sp. nov.3, Bucculatrix sp. nov.4 and Bucculatrix sp. nov.5 are described as new to science. Also, three species: B. duanwuia Liu, 2020, B. tsurubamella Kobayashi, Hirowatari & Kuroko, 2010 and B. splendida Seksjaeva, 1992 are reported for the first time from Korea. All available information, host plants and images of adults and genitalic structures for species is provided.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As a result of our taxonomic study of the genus Epistrophe (Walker) in Korea, we recognized a total of 16 species including seven putative new species (code names are temporarily given from A to F). We also conducted a DNA barcoding analysis of 25 nominal species and 130 samples of Epistrophe. In our barcoding analysis, despite insufficient bootstrap support, Epistrophe formed a cluster with two genera, Epistrophella and Leucozona, topologically supporting their close relationships. Our analysis also showed some interesting results worthy of attention: First, at least two distinct cryptic species were found within the E. grossulariae cluster. Second, the taxon identified as E. nitidicollis seems to represent at least three distinct species. Third, three BOLD-deposited European samples listed as E. olgae showed almost identical barcode sequences with the European E. nitidicollis.
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