
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 484

        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Before analyzing the images taken with a Mosaic CCD imager, the images have to reach a state which can be used for further scienti c analysis. The transformation of raw images into calibrated images is called data reduction. Transforming HEavely Light into Images (THELI) is a nearly fully automated reduction pipeline software (Erben et al., 2005). This pipeline works on raw images to remove instrumental signatures, mask unwanted signals, and perform photometric and astrometric calibration. Finally THELI constructs a deep co-added mosaic image and a weight map. In this poster, THELI data reduction procedures will be reviewed and the reduction process for raw images of seven X-ray bright groups, extracted from GEMS groups (Osmond & Ponman, 2004) obtained by the Wide Field Imager (WFI) mounted on MPG/ESO telescope at La Silla in March 2006 will be discussed.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this paper, the numerical results concerning different orbits of a 3D axisymmetric non-rotating galactic potential are presented. We use Paczynski's gravitational potential with different birth velocity distributions for the isolated old Neutron Star (NS) population. We note some smooth non-constant segments corresponding to regular orbits as well as the characterization of their chaoticity. This is strongly related to the effect of different kick velocities due to supernovae mass-loss and natal kicks to the newly- formed NS. We further confirm that the dynamical motion of the isolated old NSs in the gravitational field becomes obvious, with some significant diffraction in the symmetry of their orbital characteristics.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Star formation activities dominate the evolution of galaxies. Elliptical galaxies are believed to be old galaxies in the Hubble sequence, and elliptical galaxies at different evolution epochs might have different star formation activities and/or morphologies. We investigate the connection between star formation rates and the morphology of elliptical galaxies. With the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the Galaxy Zoo, we select a sample of elliptical galaxies by morphology and consider their infrared emission as an index of star formation rate to study the relation between the star formation rates and their morphological properties, such as ellipticities. In addition, we select some nearby spiral galaxies with very low MIR emission to probe the mechanisms of these red spiral galaxies. We display our preliminary results and discuss their implication on the evolution of galaxies in this poster.