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        검색결과 882

        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the current digital word, social media represent a relevant tool for marketing and communications strategies, which create new opportunities for firms to engage with their customers (Leeflang, Verhoef, Dahlström, & Freundt, 2013; Lemon & Verhoef, 2016; Libai et al., 2010). Among the sectors that leverage on social media in their communications, the luxury industry represents a main one. As previous research has mainly analyzed the consumer-side (Godey et al., 2016; Jin, 2012; Kim & Ko, 2012) overlooking the firm-side, the aim of this study is to investigate the cross-cultural issues faced by foreign luxury brands in implementing their social media strategies in China by carrying out a qualitative inquiry. China is the setting of analysis as it represents an increasingly relevant luxury market, characterized by the role of digital media as main communications and sales channel. Data collected consist of semistructured interviews with managers from foreign luxury brands operating in China in order to understand the issues faced and the strategies implemented. Moreover, an analysis of their social media presence on Chinese platforms such as WeChat and Weibo is conducted by considering the type of response activated among users. As pointed out by Belk (2017), qualitative advertising research can provide a better understanding of consumer response to advertising also in the rapidly growing field of social media, which have been mainly unexplored by qualitative approaches (Hadija, Barnes, & Hair, 2012). Moreover, an analysis on the firm-side will fill a gap in the existing literature and provide relevant managerial implications for international firms that operate in China.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In an increasingly digital and interactive global marketing landscape, social media marketing is emerging as one of the most important strategic tools for brand communication. This is especially true in the luxury fashion context, which traditionally exploited virtual environments as an effective communicational tool of brand-related content and product usage information all over the world. A contemporary consumer cohort that exhibits digital- and virtual-oriented behaviors are Millennials, which represent the digital native generation highly inclined to Internet interaction and, thus, a relevant strategic opportunity for social media marketers in the luxury industry. While the literature reports a positive relationship between Millennials’ social media usage and purchase intention towards luxury brand, scant attention has been paid to the underlying mechanisms explaining such a relationship. To fill this gap, the current research proposes and tests a conceptual model to provide three main contributions to the social media and brand communication literature: first, consumers’ perceptions of interactivity – a multidimensional construct comprised of real-time conversation, no delay/timing, and engaging/navigation – is hypothesized as an antecedent of social media usage. In this way, relevant theoretical and practical implications are provided to online luxury marketers interested in embracing virtual environments for brand communication. Next, two significant constructs of consumer behavior such as materialism – comprised of success, hedonism, and happiness – and morality – comprised of moral judgment and moral intensity – are hypothesized as mediating variables of the relationship between social media usage and purchase intention towards luxury brands. Particularly, these materialistic and ethical decision making processes emerge as relevant for Millennials’ online purchasing activities, with the expectation of transparent and effective brand-related information through social media. Finally, these mediating influences are hypothesized to be moderated by two other relevant constructs in the brand communication process—consumers’ motivation to use social media and advertising skepticism. In fact, a better assessment of Millennials’ motivation and skepticism toward social media marketing communication result as crucial for modern strategic marketers. Such hypotheses are tested using bootstrapped moderated mediation analysis on a sample of 297 Millennials actively following luxury brand social media activities. Our results confirm the proposed hypotheses, particularly both materialism and idealism partially mediate the relationship between social media usage and purchase intention. Moreover, motivation to use social media improves the effect of social media usage on materialism, whereas advertising skepticism reduces the effect of idealism on purchase intention. These findings contribute to the social media and brand communication literature, providing interesting avenues for future research.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Recently global luxury brands have put their effort into strengthening their businesses online. This can be seen as an effort to overcome their stagnant growth by focusing on steeply increasing online markets as their target. In the midst of global recession, online luxury brands have continued to show rapid growth each year. Bain & Company (2017) has forecasted offline growth of global luxury brands at the annual average growth of 2~3% by 2020 while the online markets would show the average growth of 15% annually by 2020. Moreover, due to the expansion of importers with official copyright to the online sales and stabilization of e-payment system, online markets have gained consumer trust leading to the increased rate of consumers purchasing luxury brand online more. McKinsey Consulting (2017) has forecasted online sales of luxury brand would reach up to 28% of the total sales by 2025. Reflecting such expectations, luxury brands are in the process of proposing multiple channels of online sales and communicating through Social Network Service (SNS) marketing as their core strategies. As consumer usage of SNS, such as Facebook, tweeter, or Instagram, have increased, so the value of consumer toward luxury brands has changed. Since the introduction of the standing characteristic of social media-communication to the luxury brand market, the luxury brands not only became a privilege of the high minority group but also became available for anyone to easily purchase with absolute information availability of price, quality, location, etc. Theoretical Development Consumers are using social media sites to search for information and deviating from traditional media (e.g., television, radio, and magazines) (Mangold and Faulds 2009). The emergence of social media has changed communication method from one-way communication to multi-dimensional, two-way, peer-to-peer communication (Berthon, Pitt, and Campbell 2008). Social media platforms offer a chance for brand to familiarized interact with consumers. Also, consumer can be interacted with another consumer through social media. The most important factor for luxury brands to establish an online business strategy is communication with their consumers. Luxury brands that are most accustomed to communicating with their limited consumers in their offline stores providing high quality services, it is inevitable for them to fear the lack of face-to-face interaction with their consumers in online markets. Social media began to serve the luxury brands as the alternative communication channel within the online markets. Moreover, social media has proven effective in drawing consumer’s voluntary Word of Mouth(WOM) since social media interaction is important motivation for consumer to creating user-generated contents (Daugherty al., 2008). The social media provides the consumers with a platform to meet and communicate with others with similar interests in specific brand goods and services that makes target marketing easier than before (Muntinga et al., 2011). Furthermore, the social media platforms provide the consumers with restriction-free comments on a certain brand to other interested parties, the users voluntarily taking the role of eWOM (Kim & Ko, 2012; Vollmer & Precourt, 2008). Luxury brands also seek to take this advantage of social media. The extent of spreading word of mouth is at the most viral through social media platforms, influencing the consumer’s purchasing behaviors to a great extent as proven in many previous researches (Lau and Ng 2001; Nabi and Hendriks 2003). Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine the impact of the consumer’s multidimensional value towards luxury brands on social media WOM intention and purchase intentions at the same time. Moreover, through extensive literature review with qualitative interview on consumers’ perceived value on luxury brand/product, consumer value dimensions on the luxury brands are categorized into six value factors (e.g. conspicuous value, status value, materialistic value, hedonic value, uniqueness seeking value, price-quality perceptions). Research Design The study conducted a thorough literature review and focus group interview to develop a comprehensive model of understanding the importance and dimensionality of customer value on luxury brand. After analyzing qualitative data on consumer value perception on luxury brands/product, online survey was performed using a customer sample in the United States. A web-based online survey was conducted using an online research panel service. After filtering and cleaning data collected, a final usable sample of 287 were analyzed to test hypothesized model. Measures for luxury brand on perceived values (including conspicuous value, status value, hedonic value, materialistic value, uniqueness seeking value, price-quality perceptions), social media word-of-mouth intention, and purchase intentions for luxury products were rated on a 7-point Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Result and Conclusion The result show that the relationship between conspicuous value, hedonic value, uniqueness and price-quality perceptions with social media WOM were found to be significant impact. However, social media WOM were not affected by status value and materialistic value of luxury brand. Conversely, status value and materialistic value had a considerable influence on purchase intention for luxury brand online. And social media word-of-mouth had a significant positive effect on consumer purchase intentions for luxury brand. In the era where digital importance is at its peak, the expansion of the luxury brands to online business has become requirements and not optional consequences. It is not easy for luxury brands with their unique styles and identity, as well as high brand awareness to settle in an online market where variety of lifestyles and cultures coexist. For this reason, the study on the multidimensional consumer value on luxury brands holds its contribution to the academia and industry practitioners. This study empirically examines the influence of consumers’ perceived multidimensional value on the luxury brands to WOM and purchase intentions through social media. This paper has revealed that the consumer’s WOM intention on luxury goods does not necessarily correlate with the purchase intention. However, the consumer who has developed WOM intention through social media has shown to possess positive influence on the purchase intention. This results also indicated the importance of the exposure of the unique luxury brand image by the luxury brand managers to the social media in order to generate voluntary consumer WOM. Furthermore, in order to increase their social status, the necessity of online consumer community for sharing their special experiences is ever more present. Such online consumer community would serve to expand the communication channel between the brand and the consumers, thus leading to increase intimacy between two parties. The study was carried out to the American consumers; following study should be carried out to Chinese consumers or developing countries where luxury brands are exposed to the rapidly growing luxury brand markets. Moreover, an in-depth study on strengthening effective marketing strategy by segmenting consumer value on luxury brands should be conducted consequently.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Digital technological development has created different new possibilities. New products and services are developed to cater the needs and wants of these digital consumers (or digital natives). It has also changed the means of marketing communications. Social media has become an integral part of many people’s lives, thus social media marketing is found in the marketing strategy of every brand. Western social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and so on are banned in China. In their places, Weibo, WeChat, Youku and more are the main social media channels in China and thus the main battlefields of social marketing for brands entering China Market. WeChat is the largest social network in China, with over 900 million users daily. Chinese users spend an average of over 70 minutes a day using WeChat, for nearly all types of services, including booking flights, restaurant table reservation, shopping, paying bills, hailing taxi, transferring money, and posting Moments on their walls, etc. Not only that, WeChat allows companies and celebrities to create official accounts to generate content for promotional purposes. Moreover, WeChat allows one-to-one personalized interaction between brands and the users. To cater the needs of the new generation of Chinese digital natives, a mobile app eM++ was developed that creates new customer services and enables tailored fashion marketing. The eM++ app has three components. The first core component is 1Measure, which users can obtain their body measurements by skimpily taking two photographs of themselves in normal clothing anywhere and anytime. Without the involvement of expensive equipment, users can enjoy similar benefit of body scanning but more flexibility and convenience, they not only instantly receive their measurements but also have their digital body model and a shape analysis report. Based on this information, the second component of the app eShop allow users to shop fashion items currently available in different online fashion stores like ASOS, Zara, and H & M, etc. In eShop, users are suggested the right sizes to order for different fashion items, based on their measurements and shape information, and also mix-and-match recommendations. The last component is eTailor, where users can order clothing like suit jackets, pants and shirts that tailored made for them, but save the need to take body measurements in a physical store. This new digital service will first be launched in China as there is high demand on Made-to-Measure fashion and marketing through WeChat social media platform. This paper will discuss how to market this new digital service using social media like WeChat in China and consumers’ reactions to this new business model in this digital world.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study focuses on the digital generation in China and their engagement in social media to co-create values with firms. The study employed a qualitative research approach to first develop a social media co-creation value scale. This was followed by motivational analysis of social media engagement to co-create values. A spectrum of utilitarian and hedonic motives related to value co-creation behaviors via social media were then identified. Many theoretical and practical implications are provided based on the study findings.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        New media has been an important component of modern life with recent development of immersed media-rich environments (Lim & Nekmat, 2008). Jenkins and his colleagues (2006) refer such environments and their dynamics as participatory culture, in which meaning making and consumption processes are influenced by other new media users. These processes are especially attracting youth, who are open to experimentations with online identities. Such experimentation does not necessarily have to be related with entertainment. Rather it can also be related to learning and education. The primary aim of the current study is to understand the relationship between new media literacy and imaginativeness among undergraduate communication majors. The main assumption of the study is that communication undergraduates heavily use new media products and services. And such practices inevitably impact on their creative, social and practical imaginativeness. Findings aim to shed light on how interactions with the new media technologies impact on imaginative processes and practices of aspiring communication professionals.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With the tremendous development of social media in recent years, luxury brands have welcomed social media with open arms as a means to engage with their customers. How luxury brands can make good use of social media marketing strategy is a top priority for both academicians and partitions but has not been well investigated. Many significant research gaps are present in this area warranting further explorations. For example, there is little research on the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement on social media (except for Chung and Cho’ (2017) study), even less for luxury brands. In addition, previous research on social media marketing mainly focuses on western-based platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Given the mentioned research gaps, this study builds on social media marketing and celebrity endorsement literature and aims to investigate the key factors influencing the effectiveness of celebrity-based social media marketing efforts for luxury brands. In particular, China market and Sina Weibo are selected as our research setting. We propose the message characteristics, celebrity characteristics, celebrity-brand relationship and brand characteristics have impact on customer engagement in celebrity-based social media marketing activities. We combined two data sources to generate the key variables. First, we derived posts on the brand pages of 12 luxury brands (e.g., Cartier, Tiffany, BVLGARI and PIAGET) that were published on Sina Weibo from September 2016 to March 2017 on the middle of December 2017. Then celebrity-related posts were all picked out. The final sample includes more than five hundred celebrity-related brand posts. For each post, it contains three kinds of engagement measures (i.e., the number of Likes, Retweets and Comments) observed on Sina Weibo. They are dependent variables in our model. We built up regression models to test the hypotheses. To generate those variables that cannot be derived directly from the posts, a set of independent coders was recruited to quantify those variables. The exploratory results show that posts related to celebrities (e.g., brand ambassador/spokesman) take a significant part of posts on Sina Weibo brand pages.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        While extant research examines the consumption of luxury products, the disposal behaviors of such products and business’ means for promoting this behavior through social media has yet to be examined. This research builds on belief congruence theory and the anticonsumption literature to understand how religiosity (with prescriptions against material possessions and performing actions just for show) influences disposal method of luxury goods and disposal behavior on social media. Specifically, findings show that extrinsically (intrinsically) religious consumers are more likely to throw away (donate) luxury products after use. The moderating influence of emotions is also explored to show that intrinsically (extrinsically) religious consumers are more (less) likely to use sustainable methods of product disposal for luxury and non-luxury products alike after being primed to feel shame/guilt in comparison to a control condition. A separate study manipulates product type (luxury vs. non-luxury) and product state (used vs. new), showing that extrinsically religious consumers are most (least) likely to use sustainable disposal methods when a product is used (new) and non-luxury (luxury). Additionally, findings show that identity mediates this relationship and has clear outcomes on social media behavior regarding product disposal and end-consumption behavior with luxury products. Implications for belief congruence theory and advertising practitioners are provided (with a specific emphasis on advertisers of luxury products using social media).
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study presents a machine learning approach using conditional inference tree (Ctree) to determine how brand equity can be used to factually engage consumers into social media brand-related activities. Using the Ctree algorithm (Hothorn, Hornik, & Zeileis, 2006), a predictive model was computed using self-reported data on consumers’ perceptions of brand equity (Aaker, 1991) and engagement into social media brand-related behavior (Muntinga, Moorman, & Smit, 2011) from a sample of 690 individuals. The predictive modeling analysis revealed 5 different rules (patterns) that trigger social media brand-related behavior. Each rule comprises behavioral engagement discriminating low, medium, and high levels of consumption, contribution, and creation of brand-related social media content. Additionally, the analysis portrait 5 subtypes of consumers according to their behavior. This study has incremental explanatory power over preceding consumer brand engagement studies, in that it demonstrates how to manage brand equity to factually engage consumers into social media brand-related activities, therefore, generating valuable insights that may be used to support business.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Bird screen meshes are installed at the air inlet and outlet ducts of spent fuel storage casks to inhibit the intrusion of debris from the external environment. The presence of these screens introduces an additional resistance to air flow through the ducts. In this study, a porous media model was developed to simplify the bird screen meshes. CFD analyses were used to derive and verify the flow resistance factors for the porous media model. Thermal analyses were carried out for concrete storage cask using the porous media model. Thermal tests were performed for concrete casks with bird screen meshes. The measured temperatures were compared with the analysis results for the porous model. The analysis results agreed well with the test results. The analysis temperatures were slightly higher than the test temperatures. Therefore, the reliability and conservatism of the analysis results for the porous model have been verified.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Jang, In Chull & Yang, In Young. 2018. “Linguistic Representations of Korean Immigrant English in North American Media Space: An Analysis of Appa's English in Kim's Convenience”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 26(2), 1~36. With the increasing importance of the mass media in social life and the linguistic changes it incurs, sociolinguistic research on linguistic representations in cinematic discourse has been increasing recently. Situated within this growing body of emerging scholarship in sociolinguistics, this study examines how Korean immigrant English is represented in a Canadian TV sitcom, Kim’s Convenience. Drawing on the perspective that linguistic performances in fictional discourse serve as resources for sociolinguistic styling and characterization, this paper investigates how the linguistic representations of Korean immigrant English contribute to authenticating the character of a middle-aged male Korean immigrant called Appa in the TV series. For this purpose, Appa's English used throughout the TV series' first season (13 episodes) was analyzed at the phonological, syntactic, lexical, thematic, and semiotic levels. The analysis revealed that each linguistic level shows distinct but concerted efforts regarding the authentication of Appa as a Korean immigrant. The phonological features of his English effectively share those of Korean English, whereas the syntactic representations are characteristic of a simple register. The lexical, thematic, and semiotic representations additionally reinforce Appa's “Koreanness” through the sitcom's integration of topics and images related to Korean culture.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        꽃송이버섯 안정생산을 위해 액체종균배지조성 및 배양조건에 관한 연구결과, 물엿을 8Brix%로 조절하고 질소원으로 Yeast extract를 0.2%첨가한 배지에서 균사생장량이 우수하여 적합 배지로 선발하였다. 통기량에 따른 CO2발생량은 배양 9일까지 증가하다 감소하였고, 통기량이 높을수록 균체직경은 작아지고 배지감소율은 증가하여 통기량 0.9vvm이상에서 배지감소율이 급증하여 꽃송이버섯 액체종균에 적합한 통기량은 0.3~0.6 vvm 이 적합하였다. 또한, 배양기간일 길수록 균체량이 많았으나, CO2발생량이 높고 배지감소율이 낮은 9~11일을 적합 배양기간으로 설정하였다.
        2018.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 초등학생의 개임 및 오락 목적의 매체 이용 정도, 가족과의 대화시간, 삶의 만족도의 관계를 살펴보고, 초등학생의 삶의 만족도를 높이기 위한 개입 방안 마련의 기초자료를 제공하는데 있다. 이를 위해 경기도 의정부에 소재한 초등학교에 재학 중인 고학년을 대상으로 눈덩이 표집방법에 의해 설문조사를 하였다. 그 중 277명을 한국청소년 정책연구원(2015)에서 사용한 게임 및 오락 목적의 매체 이용 정도, 가족과의 대화 시간과 삶의 만족도 척도로 각 변인을 측정하고, 독립표본 t-검증, 상관관계분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과, 게임 및 오락 목적의 매체 이용이 남학생이 여학생보다 높았고, 가족과의 대화시간은 여학생이 남학생보다 많았다. 게임 및 오락 목적의 매체 이용 정도는 가족과의 대화 시간과 부적 상관관계를 나타냈고, 가족과의 대화시간과 삶의 만족도는 정적 상관관계를 나타냈다. 즉 게임 및 오락 목적의 매체 이용은 가족과의 대화 시간을 줄어들게 만들고, 가족과의 대화 시간이 증가하면 삶의 만족도는 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 초등학생을 대상으로 가족과의 대화시간을 증가시키기 위해 게임 및 오락 목적의 매체 이용을 가정과 학교, 지역사회에서 관심을 갖고 자가조절이 가능하도록 교육과 지원이 요구된다.
        2018.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        One of the characteristics of suicide phenomena in the Korean society is that it witnesses suicide committed by entertainers quite often. Some entertainers choose suicide as a way to resolve crises and conflicts, and those suffering from maladjustments, when seeing this, are highly likely to follow their suit, committing copycat suicide. For this reason, society needs to pay close attention to entertainers’ suicide. Many entertainers with depressive, negative sentiments relate themselves easily to other entertainers’ suicide in terms of both their jobs and feelings, which in turn make them choose suicide. This study explores what psychological effect entertainers’ suicide has on those entertainers suffering from psychological maladjustment. This is done through analyzing texts appearing on different kinds of media. At the same time, the study discusses possible ways to help them think less about suicide, at a preventive level.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As mobile shopping has increased in the new media age, fashion consumers’ decision making and product consumption processes have changed. The volume of consumer-driven information has expanded since media and social networking sites have enabled consumers to share information they obtain. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors affecting information searching strategies and information sharing about fashion products. An online survey collected data from 466 respondents, relating to the influence of product price level and consumer SNS commitment level on information search and information sharing. Experimental design of three product price level and two consumer SNS commitment level was used. Analysis of the data identified factors in fashion information searching as ongoing searching, prepurchase web portal information search, and prepurchase marketing information search. For low-price fashion products, prepurchase product-detail influenced intention to share information. For mid-priced products, ongoing search significantly affected intention to share information. Both ongoing search and prepurchase marketing information search showed significant effects for high-price products. Consumers who are more committed to SNS engaged in significantly more searching in all aspects of information search factors. Significant interaction effect was detected for consumer SNS commitment level and product price level. When consumers with low consumer SNS commitment search for information on lower-priced fashion products, they are less likely do a prepurchase web portal information search.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the last several decades, cell therapy research has increased worldwide. Many studies have been conducted on cell therapy, and have revealed that transplanted cells did not survive for long, and implanted cells remained inactive causing immune rejection depending on the patient’s condition. Therefore, studies on cell-free therapy need to be conducted. To overcome these limitations, an alternative is the use of supernatant from cells, called “conditioned media (CM).” During in vitro cell culture, culture media supply nutrients to maintain cell characteristics and viability. In the culture, cells not only consume nutrients but also release beneficial proteins and substances, which are called “secretome.” CM from cells can be stored for a long time and is easy to handle. Moreover, secretome in CM can also be measured; exact amount of secretome is important to set the standard value for disease treatment. Here, we reviewed studies on CM and confirmed that various secretomes from CM were identified in these studies. Moreover, these findings could benefit cell and animal studies in future. In conclusion, CM could be a potential candidate for an alternative to cell therapy.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        다양하게 변화하는 재난양태와 기후변화로 인한 빈번한 재난발생뿐 아니라 생활수준 향상 등의 이유로 재난안전에 대한 국민적 관심이 증대되고 있다. 이와 연계하여 재난안전 산업에 대한 요구도 증가하고 있다. 그 동안 다양한 재난안전산업 육성 및 활성화 정책이 수립되었지만, 국가주도의 정책이 대부분이었고, 민간분야와 국민관심도가 반영된 정책은 부재한 상황이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 국민관심도를 고려한 재난안전산업 육성방안 수립을 위하여 소셜미디어 분석을 활용하는 방안을 제안하고자 하였다. 재난안전분야의 국민관심도를 분석하기 위하여 최근 3년간의 소셜미디어를 대상으로 분석을 실시하였다. 분석 결과, 국민은 실제 발생했던 재난에 대한 내용, 즉각적으로 실생활에서 필요한 분야에 대해 관심도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 또한 실제로 경주 지진발생 당시 재난 관련 소셜데이터가 급증하는 것으로 나타났고, 뉴스에서는 피해상황 등에 관한 내용이 많은 반면, 트위터와 블로그에서는 구호물품, 대피요령 등에 관한 내용이 주를 이루고 있는 것을 확인하였다. 본 연구의 결과로 국민적 관심도를 분석하기 위한 방법으로 소셜미디어 활용방안에 대한 가능성을 확인하였고, 재난안전산업의 민간분야 확산 차원에서 국민관심도를 반영한 재난안전산업 정책 수립방안을 제안한다.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        양송이 수확후 배지에서 분리한 Pantoea rodasill LH-1와 Burkholderia stabilis HS-7간의 단일 접종 및 동시접종에 따른 인산가용화능과 상추생육효과를 조사하였다. NBRIP액체 배지에 분리균을 접종하고 배지에 함유된 인산칼슘으로부터 해리된 가용인산(soluble phosphorus)함량을 측정한 결과, P. rodasill LH-1는 736.59 μg mL-1, B. stabilis HS-7은 743.90 μg mL-1, 그리고 B. stabilis HS-7와 P. rodasill LH-1을 동시 접종한 배지는 783.41 μg mL-1로 가장 높았지만 유의수준의시너지 효과는 나타나지 않았다. 배지 내pH는 초기 pH 7.0에서 배양 3일 후 모든 접종구에서 pH 4.3수준으로 감소하였으며, 또한 배지 내잔류 당 감소율은 P. rodasill LH-1 31.7%, B. stabilis HS-7은 53.7%, 동시 접종한 배지에서는 87.1%로 가장 높은 감소율을 나타냈다. 분리균에 의해 생성한 배지 내유기산을 분석한 결과, gluconic acid, lactic acid, malic acid, acetic acid, citric acid 이 검출되었으며, 이 중 citric acid가 주요 유기산으로 동시 접종한 배지에서 0.96 mg mL-1로 가장 높은 함량을 나타내었다. 상추 재배 실험결과 동시 접종구가 대조구에 비해 잎의 길이는 7.7%, 뿌리길이는 15.5% 생육증진효과를 보였다. 이 결과들을 바탕으로 B. stabilis HS-7 와 Pantoea rodasill LH-1이 동시 접종에 의해 유의수준의 인산가용화 시너지 효과는 관찰되지 않았지만, 무 접종구에 비하여 배지 내 인산가용화능과 작물의 생장이 크게 촉진되는 결과를 보임으로서 인산가용화균을 이용한 미생물 비료의 공급으로 염류집적토양의 인산가용화능과 작물의 생육을 향상시킬 수 있다고 생각된다.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigate the escape of Lyβ from emission nebulae with a significant population of excited hydrogen atoms in the level n = 2, rendering them optically thick in Hα. The transfer of Lyβ line photons in these optically thick regions is complicated by the presence of another scattering channel leading to re-emission of Hα, alternating their identities between Lyβ and Hα. In this work, we develop a Monte Carlo code to simulate the transfer of Lyβ line photons incorporating the scattering channel into Hα. Both Hα and Lyβ lines are formed through diffusion in frequency space, where a line photon enters the wing regime after a fairly large number of resonance scatterings with hydrogen atoms. Various line profiles of Hα and Lyβ emergent from our model nebulae are presented. It is argued that the electron temperature is a critical parameter which controls the flux ratio of emergent Lyβ and Hα. Specifically for T = 3 × 104 K and Hα line center optical depth α = 10, the number flux ratio of emergent Lyβ and Hα is ∼ 49 percent, which is quite significant. We propose that the leaking Lyβ can be an interesting source for the formation of Hα wings observed in many symbiotic stars and active galactic nuclei. Similar broad Hα wings are also expected in Lyα emitting halos found in the early universe, which can be potentially probed by the James Webb Telescope in the future.
        2018.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 배지의 종류에 따른 더덕과 황기의 발아와 육묘기의 생육을 구명하기 위해 수행되었다. 종자는 상업적 상토(토실이), 코이어, 암면, 우레탄스펀지에 파종하였다. 파종 후 밀폐형 식물생산시스템에서 22일간 발아 하였으며, 경상대학교 벤로형 유리온실에서 파종 후 35 일간 육묘 하였다. 양액은 EC 1.0dS·m-1, pH 6.5로 맞추 어 2일 간격으로 저면관수 하였다. 더덕의 최종발아율은 코이어와 암면 배지에서 각각 68.5%와 67.9%로 유의적으로 높았으며, 평균발아수 역시 코이어와 암면 배지에서 4.2립과 4.1립으로 가장 높았다. 황기의 경우 배지 종류에 따른 황기의 발아율은 유의적인 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 더덕의 초장과 엽면적은 암면 배지에서 각각 11.5cm와 11.3cm2로 유의적으로 높았으며, 최대근장과 뿌리의 생체중은 코이어 배지에서 5.8cm와 0.07g으로 가장 우수했다. 황기의 초장과 엽면적은 코이어 배지에서 14.0cm와 16.9cm2로 유의적으로 높았으며, 지하부의 생체중과 건물중은 0.34g과 0.03g으로 우레탄스펀지 배지에서 가장 높았다. 따라서 본 연구 결과에서 더덕과 황기의 발아와 육묘기의 생육을 위해 암면과 코이어 배지가 적합한 것으로 판단된다.