Vietnam is a multi-ethnic country with many cultures, languages, and forms of texts that coexist independently and interactively. Among the Vietnamese ethnic minorities is the Tay, the most primarily populated one. Before the use of the Latinized script, the Tay people used to use Nom which is made up of the graphic, phonetic and semantic elements of Han characters. Currently, the cultural source of the Tay is one of the most precious cultural heritages of Vietnam. If we want to decode, research, explore and promote the values of this heritage, it is impossible not to have a good set of reference books, which are Nom-Tay (word-based and character-based) dictionaries. It is undeniable that the compilation of Tay-language dictionaries and texts has attracted interest, and been in implementation for about half a century, thanks especially to the government, research institutions, and generations of Vietnamese scholars. However, the achievements have not met the needs and utilization potential of the explored materials. With the extremely abundant resources of ancient Nom-Tay texts, with the proper attention and investment of the state and investment funds, and with researchers’ enthusiasm, the compilation of the Nom-Tay (word-based and character-based) dictionaries will, to be sure, attain remarkable achievements.
The core of dictionary compilation model is the using of terms. Such are all subjects to be studied in the process of further research into ancient Chinese Japanese and Korean Character Dictionaries as origin research of compilation terms, comparison between extension and connotation, analysis of signifier and signified and frequency and so on. Because the terms in them involve rich experience with compiling a dictionary and information on using, communication and identification of characters. So they have become rare research material today. Research into compilation terms in ancient Chinese Japanese and Korean Characters Dictionaries from the perspective of the Chinese character cultural circle would provide a solid foundation for studying Chinese modern character history and character communication history.
몽골에서 본격적으로 한국어교육이 시작된 지 이제 20여년의 기간이 지나고 있다. 그동안 몽골에서의 한국어교육은 주로 한국어 교수법 및 교재제작을 위주로 하여 몽골인들에게 제 2외국어로써의 한국어 교과목의 확충과 교재개발에 있어서 적지 않은 성과를 거두고 있는 것으로 사료된다. 한편 이러한 학습교재와는 별도로 특히 주목할 만한 현상으로는 몽골인을 위한 한국어사전 편찬사업을 들 수 있다. 또한 그 중요성에도 불구하고 몽골에서의 한국어 사전편찬 과정에는 상당한 문제점들이 노정되고 있다. 따라서 본고에서는 몽골에서의 한국어 사전편찬 현황 및 문제점에 대하여 논의하여 차후 사전편찬의 개선점과 미비점을 보완하는 계기를 마련하고자 한다.