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        검색결과 3

        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        하(夏)나라와 상(商)나라는 중국 노예제도 사회의 초기 단계 이다. 이 시대는 문헌 자료가 부족하기 때문에 하나라와 상나 라의 역사는 고고학적 성과에 더 많이 의존하고 있다. 갑골문 은 고대 점복(占卜)의 유물로 상나라의 원시종교시대 문화라고 할 수 있다. 당시의 지배 이데올로기 상황에서는 어려운 일이 있으면 반드시 신에게 점을 쳐 길흉을 결정하였다. 아울러 이 시대에서는 굿이 크게 성행하였으며 국가적 대사이었다. 특히 갑골문은 언어를 바탕으로 발전한 것으로 인류가 원시에서 문 명으로 나아가는 징표의 하나인 문자 산생의 주요한 자료이다. 이렇게 본다면 갑골문은 지식을 전파하기 위한 도서로 사용되 는 것이 아니라 오직 상나라의 왕실만을 위한 것일 수도 있다. 갑골문의 하나 하나는 정인(貞人)에 의한 상왕(商王)을 위해 점 친 결과였다. 갑골문은 상왕과 신(神)과 주고받는 교환부호(書 信)이며, 이들은 오늘날 우리에게 유용한 사실을 규명하는 좌표 의 하나이다. 본고는 그 속에서 춤꾼과 무당이 나타나는 문화 와 특징의 일면을 규명하기 위한 것이다.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The origin of the ‘rainbow’ in oracle bone inscriptions has been debated in the academic circles, but no final conclusion has yet been found. According to what the ‘rainbow’ in the oracle bone inscriptions looks like, scholars roughly divide it into two categories: the ‘snake’ and ‘dragon’. Reviewing previous argumentations on this issue and resting on comprehensive analysis of various views, this paper traces the academic origin of the ‘rainbow’ in the oracle bone inscriptions, and, at the same time, takes the ‘rainbow’ as the ‘dragon with two heads’, one of the description views on it. Furthermore, it, by means of combining with some arguments over the present archaeological results and discussing again relevant points of them, puts forward an argument that the ‘rainbow’ in the oracle bone inscriptions was taken from the image of the ‘dragon’. On the basis of this argument and relevant theories of philology, archaeology and cultural anthropology, it reinterprets the cultural connotation of ‘auspicious and ominous symbols’ and ‘gender metaphor’, both of which are unique to the special natural phenomenon of the ‘rainbow’ in Chinese culture. Analyzing the cultural meanings such as pouring rain, giving birth to an emperor or a sage, fornication and reproduction, etc. also helps to explain the cultural interconnectedness between the ‘rainbow’ and ‘dragon’ or, more specifically, dragon worship-related cultural prototypes of China.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Micro-Blade (Stone knife) and its manufacturing techniques or flaking methods, considered by many scholars as the marker of modern humans, are used popularly back from 20 000 years ago Lower Old Stone Age until to 2 500 years ago Zhou Dynasty. Visible technological processes map invisible thinking patterns. The thinking model of Genesis, create a pioneering work, hurt your skin and bruise in Oracle Bone Script all are derived from Stone knife flaking process model. Comparing a common thing or process to a concept, especially abstract concepts, are a common means for the expression of thought in ancient, like a parable in the Bible and proverb in public. OB Script uses a scene of a common process, a parable or proverb to expressing ideas. An Oracle character does not have to record language, first is an ideograph used for alluding. The other sample of Dongba (Mo-so) pictographic glyphs is largely a mnemonic system, and cannot by itself represent the Naxi (Mo-so) language. Tab.2 is a sample of Mo-so Genesis can be read as a long story for hours and hours by the priest. A popular and most academic understanding of the Oracle characters as logograph or phonograph hinders the deciphering of many Oracle characters. The character刅 (Tab.3 CH1, now write as創. 倉 is add-on sound, 刀 is刂 idea) imitated to K” (transcription),「K」set as a Knife, 「”」as like debris from broken scars. K” suggests a third scene of flaking a stone knife from a stone core by percussion (Fig.1), this is Scene-parable telling 說象 . The scene of Blade flaking suggests skin hit or trauma 創傷肌膚 , enemy hitting or attacking 重創對手 , pioneering tool by hitting or innovation and creation創 造全新 工具或創造全新 工具或創造全新 工具或創造全新 工具或創造全新 工具或創造全新 工具或創造全新 工具或創造全新 工具或創(a knife is a pioneering tool when comparing to Chopping tool that perhaps in nature), analogy of an egg hatch by mom percussion can be stretched a genesis by god percussion創世紀 , this is sense reading解意 . The scene is rich in symbolisms above that are depicted the word meanings as much as possible; this can be called as Self Deriving. For English example, a scene of hive is depicted meanings of a school of bees, gather into a hive, a place full of people who are busy as bees, hive off [divide up family property and live apart], store (like bees). A scene of hand (of head, of bow, of moon, so on) may be another example. The character刀 (Tab.4) is imitated to K (transcription), pictograph of Micro-Blade (Stone knife, Fig.3). The character勿(Tab.4) is imitated to C: (transcription), 「C」as bow, 「:」as no string, 「C:」suggest a third scene of an unstringing bow. The scene of the archery removed bowstring suggests no-shoot arrow or hunting, no attack, 勿 use as No, Do not in OB Script.