
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2019.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 광화문 월대로 사용된 석재를 대상으로 암석학적 연구를 활용한 석재공급지를 추정하기 위해 수행되었다. 월대는 2010년에 일부 구간이 다시 복원된 것으로 원부재인 담홍색 화강암과 신석재인 회백색 화강암이 사용되었다. 석재공급지 추정을 위해 북한산과 수락산의 지질조사를 수행하였으며 채취한 시료는 모두 담홍색 화강암과 유사한 특징을 보였다. 전암대자율은 북한산에 비해 수락산의 값이 크고 암석의 색에서 부분적인 차이를 보이지만 수락산이 상대적으로 선명한 담홍색을 띤다. 수락산은 월대에 사용된 원부재와 비슷한 암석기재적 특징, 전암대자율, 역사적 사료 그리고 야외조사 시 발견된 채석흔적 등을 통해 최종 복원용 석재공급지로 판단된다. 물성시험 결과, 월대 원부재는 풍 화로 인해 147 MPa로 다소 낮은 수치를 보이며 석재공급지로 생각되는 수락산은 244 MPa 높은 값을 보여 안정성까지 확보되어 양질의 석재로 사용 가능하다. 수락산 일대는 주거지역이 일부 포함 되어 있어 행정적인 문제, 자연파괴, 인근 주민 생활권 침해가 발생하여 채석활동은 어렵다. 또 다른 대안으로 QAP조성, 광물조직, 암색 등의 암석학적특징 및 물리적 특성까지 유사한 중-조립질 담홍색화강암의 포천 창수석과 영중석을 제안할 수 있다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        After the Korean war, two major attempts were made to reconstruct Gwanghwamun Gate as an important part of Korea’s lost cultural heritage. In December 2006, the Korean government replaced the concrete gate with a wooden one, yet traces of the attempts made in the 1960s to transform Gwanghwamun Gate and the main road remain to this day. At the time, the Third Republic of Korea, sought to legitimize itself in the name of modernity, and went on to modernize the architecture and urban landscape of Seoul. The location and design selected for the rebuilt Gwanghwamun illustrated the symbolic relationship between historic heritage and urban development. The reconstruction of the gate began as part of the Third Republic’s project to restore the Central Administration Building and culminated in the transformation of the main road in front of the gate. By reconstructing the traditional gate using concrete, the military government intended to convey the message that we could inherit our proud tradition using modern materials, and that we should actively adopt the new technologies of the modern era. This study begins with the premise that the Gwanghwamun reconstruction project of 1968 represents the application of new technological thinking to Korea’s architectural style, and has two objectives. The first is to summarize the reconstruction process and method using the records and drawings from the 1968 project, which was then under the leadership of architect Kang Bong-jin. The second is to analyze the characteristics of the architectural style and structure of the reconstructed Gwanghwamun so as to reinterpret the relationship between Korean tradition and modern technology.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Gwanghwamun was dismantled and displaced to the east side of the palace, at that time, the Chosun Government General Building was constructed in the Gyeongbokgung palace. After the Korea war, it remained as a stonework as a result of the fire. In 1968, The Gwanghwamun came back in front of the palace. Then, why it was rebuilt in the 3rd Republic period? What was the reason for selecting concrete? Since the May 16 coup, the military regime had been utilized palace and surrounding urban space to show a visible practice of modernization. Attempting the combination of modern technology in the 1960s and traditional cultural property and reconstructing a city as a pretext called Cultural Heritage conservation was a typical mechanism of the 1960s. In this study, I start by assume that reconstructing Gwanghwamun(1968) was a part of project to change the surrounding urban space of Gwanghwamun than to preserve cultural assets. Two main contributions of the study are following. First, I collect availabe data on the reconstructing surrounding urban space of the Gwanghwamun and re-organize them in chronological order to make them as fragments of a map. Second, I analysis and identify the nature and phase of the Gwanghwamun reconstruction.
        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Gyeongbok Palace was completed during the reign of King Taejo and King Sejong in the early Joseon Dynasty. The most remarkable spacious feature of the palace is that it has an inner palace wall without an outer palace wall. The absence of the outer palace wall had its origin in the palace of the late Goryeo Dynasty which did not provide the outer palace wall. Gwanghwamoon was the main gate of the palace, and the office buildings of the Six Ministries were arranged on the right side in front of the main gate. A wide road called Six Ministries Avenue was made between the builidings. The avenue was completed during the reign of the third king of Joseon, Taejong, and it was assumed that this arrangement was influenced by the government office arrangements of Nanjing, the early capital city of the Ming Dynasty. Gwanghwamoon held national rituals as well as the civic and military state examinations nations in front of the gate. The avenue was decorated with flowers and silks when kings and the royal families, or Chinese envoys enter the gate, and the civilians watched the parade, Because there was no outer palace wall, all the events held at Gwanghwamoon and the Six Ministries Avenue ware opened to the public, it was the unique feature of Gyeongbok Palace that the palaces of Goryeo dynasty and China did not have.