
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, a finite element domain decomposition method using local and mixed Lagrange multipliers for a large scal structural analysis is presented. The proposed algorithms use local and mixed Lagrange multipliers to improve computational efficiency. In the original FETI method, classical Lagrange multiplier technique was used. In the dual-primal FETI method, the interface nodes are used at the corner nodes of each sub-domain. On the other hand, the proposed FETI-local analysis adopts localized Lagrange multipliers and the proposed FETI-mixed analysis uses both global and local Lagrange multipliers. The numerical analysis results by the proposed algorithms are compared with those obtained by dual-primal FETI method.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this paper is to confirm that, in the local domain, Korean reflexive caki is not a bound-variable pronoun but an anaphor. According to Choi (2014, 2015), in the local domain caki has [-speaker] feature, namely, (f(x)) and, therefore, cannot be coindexed with the antecedent of caki. However in this paper, it is pointed out that only the antecedent which has [-speaker] becomes the antecedent of caki. In consequence, if caki is a pronoun, Binding Theory B must be violated in the relevant constructions unlike Choi’s (2014, 2015) claim. Futhermore, this paper shows that the argument that 'caki' is not a pronoun but an anaphor in the local domain can be maintained by examining Reinfart and Reuland’s (1993) Binding Theory and Lidz’s (2001) new approach to anaphors (SE-anaphor and SELF-anaphor), too.