Electric motors in electric vehicles has quite fast torque response, thus fast minor feedback loops can be applied for vehicle slip control. In this study, a model following control based slip ratio controller is suggested. This paper introduced a novel strategy of control for wheel slip in electric vehicle by computer simulations. This paper suggested that the control strategy in this paper can control the driving motor torque to drive the wheel on the slippery road surface.
A differential drive wheeled robot is a kind of mobile robot suitable for indoor navigation. Model predictive control is an optimal control technique with various advantages and can achieve excellent performance. One of the main advantages of model predictive control is that it can easily handle constraints. Therefore, it deals with realistic constraints of the mobile robot and achieves admirable performance for trajectory tracking. In addition, the intention of the robot can be properly realized by adjusting the weight of the cost function component. This control technique is applied to the local planner of the navigation component so that the mobile robot can operate in real environment. Using the Robot Operating System (ROS), which has transcendent advantages in robot development, we have ensured that the algorithm works in the simulation and real experiment.