로마제국 2~3세기에 발생한 대규모 전염병을 겪는 초대교회와 한국전쟁이라는 위기를 겪은 한국교회가 어떻게 복음을 전파하면서 전도의 방향과 목적을 정립해갔는지 살펴본다. 각각 사회적 질서의 아노미 현상이 발생하는 국가적 재난 속에서, 그들은 불신자들에게 어떤 영향을 주었으며, 이것이 기독교에 대한 인식과 전파 그리고 교회의 성장에 어떻게 영향을 주었는지 전도의 차원에서 조명한다. 오늘날 코로나 팬데믹으로 인한 한국사회의 위기 속에서 한국교회가 마주하는 어려움을 역사의 거울에 비추어 봄으로써, 전도의 기회를 모색한다. 코로나 팬데믹을 위기가 아닌, 복음전파의 기회로 인식해야 한다. 교회 내부의 결속과 회복만을 강조하기보다는 그리스도의 사랑과 희생을 실천하여 교회가 사회에서도 유익함을 나타내야 한다. 그러기 위해서는 예전 중심의 전도가 아닌 삶 중심의 전도를 모색해야 한다. 더 나아가 변화된 코로나 이후의 환경에서 전도의 새로운 영역과 방법에 대하여 도전해야 한다. 폐쇄적인 종교모임이 아닌, 개방적인 네트워크 중심의 신앙공동체로 성장하여 복음을 모르는 자들을 만나고 그들의 삶의 형편에서 복음을 전해야 한다.
Up to recently at the modern education in Namyang the christian education’s influence before 1905 has not particularly received attention. But according to Shin Hak Wol Bo, the Namyang Church was founded in 1900 and in 1902 nine churches were established around Namyang. From the time in which the churches were founded, the schools of the boys and the schools of the girls for the modern education were built. The schools of boys were Boheung elementary school and Powell school and the school of girls was Jeha elementary school and the nine day schools of boys and girls were built in the nine churches. Teachers of these schools were Lee Chang Heoi and An Elizabeth. They taught the Hangul and arithmetic. Particularly after the girls and women were participated in the Bible Class, they grew into the women leader of church and the modern education patron.
After 1905’s Protectorate Treaty nineteen schools were founded. Among these schools, three schools such as Boheung girl school, Bosung elementary school, and Bomyung elementary school were set up by christians and church. Many christians such as Lee Chang Hoi, Choi Sung Dae, Kim Hyeun Jun were participating in the establishment of Sangdong elementary school, Yangsung school, Songlim school, and Junkok Private House. Moreover Boheung school was the center of many schools and held the union sport and inspired the patriotism and the military spirit. And Boheung school and Boheung girl school with YangSung school established the ordinary course and the higher course and led the middle education. These two schools with the public elementary school joined the National Debt Compensation Campaign.
The Namyang branch of Daehan-Jaganghoi was set up by the leadership of christians such as Lee Chang Hoi. Christians such as Kim Hee Kyung and Kim Hyeui Kyung and An Maria founded the EuiSungHoi and they participated in the National Debt Compensation Campaign. They established Women Education Society and gave the positive support for the women education. On the contrary Buddism and the Cheondogyo did not establish even a modern school.
When we observe from this side Christianity led the modern education and the patriotic enlightenment movement in Namyang quantitatively as well as qualitatively. Christians such as Hong Sung Ha and Lee Chang Hoi among Namyang church exhorters and SeoYeuDa Myeon Head Choi Sung Dae, Kim Kwan Hyeon as Kim Hong Su’s son and An Elizabeth got into the positive act in the patriotic enlightenment movement with country governors such as Jang Ho Jin, Bang Han Duck, and the enlightened confucian scholars.