
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2013.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        World evangelization needs to be conducted by both older churches (sending churches) and younger churches (receiving churches) because the distinction between the former and the latter has disappeared. God uses great resources from the younger churches for world evangelization.The church, defined as all Christian churches without regard to denominational distinction, needs to understand the urgency of the evangelistic task. More than two-thirds of mankind have yet to be evangelized and there is a great receptivity to the gospel in many parts of the world. The church should be ashamed that so many souls have been neglected and unreached for Christ.The church needs to understand the significance of evangelism as it relates to different world cultures. Missionaries need to be sensitive to different cultures through which the gospel can be effectively communicated to different people groups. The gospel message needs to be presented in such a way that it can be meaningful to the people.The church needs to develop indigenous leadership to enable native leaders in every country to evangelize their people, plant the indigenous churches according to their needs, and extend God's kingdom. Christian leaders are not born but made through appropriate training and education. The church needs to follow Jesus Christ in terms of making disciples of all nations.The church needs to understand the spiritual conflict involved when the church is active in world evangelization. Churches are engaged in constant spiritual warfare with the principalities and powers of evil seeking to overthrow the Lord's church and frustrate its mission of world evangelization. The church needs to equip itself with the word of God and prayer.The church needs to understand the importance of religious freedom and the seriousness of religious persecution throughout the world. The church needs to pray for world leaders and call upon them to guarantee freedom of thought, conscience, and freedom to practice and propagate religion according to God's will. The church needs to understand the power of the Holy Spirit and to believe the Holy Spirit will help the church to effectively carry out world evangelization. World evangelization calls for conviction of sin, faith in Christ, a new birth, and Christian growth. The church needs to be filled with the Holy Spirit to become the true missionary church.The church needs to believe in the imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ to consummate His salvation and His judgement. The church needs to remember that God will perfect His kingdom which anticipates the new heaven and new earth where righteousness will dwell and God will rule forever.The Lausanne Movement for World Evangelization is based on the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. The Lausanne theology of missions is based upon the Lausanne Covenant, the Manila Manifesto, and the Capetown Commitment which were officially adopted as the promise, the declaration, and the devotion of the church to carry out the world evangelization until the return of Jesus Christ.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This thesis is to represent a application of ‘Community Health Evangelism’ to ‘Multicultural Mission of Korean churches’ as a method of balanced evangelisations and Christanised social responsibility in the aspect of ‘Holistic Mission’, while there are much interest of Korean society on increasing number of migrants and ‘Multiculture’. The main works of CHE are ‘Maternal and child health’, ‘Village development’. ‘Educational works’, ‘Enterprise for women and children’ and so forth. These works are very similar to works of migrants' centres; ‘Medical services’, ‘Shelters’, ‘Enterprise of Multicultural family’, ‘Consultation centre’ etc. However, these kinds of centres are just offering one way-helps to migrants but, they can not support migrants to develop and grow themselves overcoming their inferior environments and lives. Accordingly, CHE strategy would play positive roles in making their works maintain the identity and trait of Christian gospel in works of Multiculture missions which stress on social responsibility and then suggest concrete and modified alternatives for social evangelisations.
        2006.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The 1974 nation's christianizing reform had become an important long-pending question for Korea's unification. During 1980 and 1990 the KNCC and WCC established, using democracy and the people as a medium, roads for independent unification. It was then, when the liberative and conservative fractions of the Korean Christianity had disputes about the view toward the identification of North Korea. At the end there will be a nation's christianizing reform in a shell of liberative unification which is actually filled with conservative thoughts. This is the mission and the way of the Korean Church. Following below, there are results from analyzing treaties worked by ten South Korean Christian scholars themed on this issue. 1. The nation's christianization in the perspective of unification based on international and domestic situation studies. The direct experiences of the unification research workers, studies based on nation's christianizing reform about the North Korean Church and data from North Korea are the most reliable research materials. 2. Korea's unification plan and nation's christianizing reform established through evangelism'sliberalism. The liberalism's way of the nation's christianization reform has been to pursue for news about who actually holds the power for independency and democracy and thus create a road for unification. 3. The North Korean MissionPolicy Researcher's view of actualization of nation's christianization reform is not based on unification but missionary strategies. Their idea is to set up the whole nation's christianization reform concept and doing social work and spreading the good news to revive followers for strategic purposes and afterwards proceeding with a spiritual movement. The question here is having this vast discourse on the unification what news to put into the nation's christianization reform. If it had been only for strategic purposes, now is the time to set aside differences between fractions and concentrate on reconciliation, forgiveness and a unified settlement on how to proceed. How to achieve that is still left to solve. Although in the liberal's unification approach, may not be the direct statement about nation's Christianization reform so apparent, it is significant in creating a road for unification. What is left to solve in the future is how to get an agreement of the North Korean Mission Policy Organizations and graft every Christian societies together to cooperate and get an integreated statement.