본 연구는 남한에서 복음을 경험한 청년, 북한에서 출생하여 중국 및 제3국을 거쳐 복음을 경험한 청년, 그리고 남한에서 태어나 해외에서 복음을 경험한 청년들을 인터뷰하여, 국내외적으로 복음적 통일을 준비하기 위한 방향성을 제시하는 데 목적을 두고 있다. 복음적 통일의 준비를 위해, 한국 교회와 한인 디아스포라 교회는 다음 세대 청년들을 위한 구체적이고 실질적인 전략을 마련해야 한다. 첫째, 남한, 북한, 디아스포라 청년들이 상호 문화를 이해하고 소통하며 서로를 격려할 수 있는 공간, 가칭 ‘KNDS(Korea, North Korea, Diaspora, Space)’ 를 조성해야 한다. 둘째, 남북한 청년들과 디아스포라 청년들이 함께 참여하여 복음적 통일의 비전을 공유하고 실천할 수 있는 복음통일 캠프를 계획하고 실행해야 한다. 셋째, 메타버스(metaverse) 플랫폼 을 구축하여 남북한과 디아스포라 청년들이 사이버 공간에서 지속적으 로 대화하고 생각을 나눌 수 있는 장을 마련해야 한다. 청년들이 복음과 사랑을 기반으로 소통하고 연대할 때, 복음적 통일은 더욱 빠르게 이루어질 수 있을 것이다.
The 1974 nation's christianizing reform had become an important long-pending question for Korea's unification. During 1980 and 1990 the KNCC and WCC established, using democracy and the people as a medium, roads for independent unification. It was then, when the liberative and conservative fractions of the Korean Christianity had disputes about the view toward the identification of North Korea. At the end there will be a nation's christianizing reform in a shell of liberative unification which is actually filled with conservative thoughts. This is the mission and the way of the Korean Church. Following below, there are results from analyzing treaties worked by ten South Korean Christian scholars themed on this issue. 1. The nation's christianization in the perspective of unification based on international and domestic situation studies. The direct experiences of the unification research workers, studies based on nation's christianizing reform about the North Korean Church and data from North Korea are the most reliable research materials. 2. Korea's unification plan and nation's christianizing reform established through evangelism'sliberalism. The liberalism's way of the nation's christianization reform has been to pursue for news about who actually holds the power for independency and democracy and thus create a road for unification. 3. The North Korean MissionPolicy Researcher's view of actualization of nation's christianization reform is not based on unification but missionary strategies. Their idea is to set up the whole nation's christianization reform concept and doing social work and spreading the good news to revive followers for strategic purposes and afterwards proceeding with a spiritual movement. The question here is having this vast discourse on the unification what news to put into the nation's christianization reform. If it had been only for strategic purposes, now is the time to set aside differences between fractions and concentrate on reconciliation, forgiveness and a unified settlement on how to proceed. How to achieve that is still left to solve. Although in the liberal's unification approach, may not be the direct statement about nation's Christianization reform so apparent, it is significant in creating a road for unification. What is left to solve in the future is how to get an agreement of the North Korean Mission Policy Organizations and graft every Christian societies together to cooperate and get an integreated statement.