본고는 부정문에 출현해서 소위 ‘강조’의 의미를 갖는 어기부사 ‘就’와 ‘才’의 화용 기능 차이를 분석했다. 화자가 ‘就’를 사용하는 것은 청자에게 자신의 입장을 일방적 으로 통보하고, 청자의 개입을 차단하기 위해서이다. 반대로 ‘才’는 담화를 시작하며 청자의 동의와 공감을 기대하는 확신 표지 ‘呢’와 결합해 화자의 발화에 대해 청자가 동의하고 공감해 주기를 바란다. 즉, 부정문에서 사용된 ‘就’는 화자의 입장만을 일방 적으로 전달하는 폐쇄적인 표지라면 ‘才’는 청자의 개입을 허용하는 열린 표지라고 할 수 있겠다.
In this study, a researcher transcribed Korean negation sentences presented on four episodes of the [Love of 7.7 Billion] and analyzed the discourses of foreign panel members by focusing on Korean negation sentences. The aims of this study are to (1) analyze types and accuracy of Korean negation sentences in foreign panel members’ discourse and (2) present pedagogical implications for efficient Korean education on negation sentences. This study was launched as an attempt to analyze how correctly and variously foreign panel members in the program use Korean negation sentences in their discourse. Since discourse is closely related to the ordinary life of humans, discourses which appeared on the [Love of 7.7 Billion] would be suitable data to analyze since it is a discussion-based program. Therefore, discourse is useful from a pedagogical standpoint to look into the Korean language proficiency of them. Through discourse analysis, several implications were found. (1) foreign panels tended to use short negation sentences rather than long negation sentences; (2) panels’ use of Korean negation sentences was not various; (3) panels divided Korean negation sentences into often-used negation sentences and rarely-used negation sentences; (4) the use of negative polarity was not found that much.
The rise of multiple negation which bears negative concord can be explained in terms of the word order change from (S)XV having preverbal predicate negation to (S)VX having postverbal predicate negation in the history of English language. In a multiple negative sentence with V2 where a second negative adverb appears in the second stage of the Jespersen`s negative cycle, the first negator performs the grammatical function of focalization in the Spec of CP and the second one confirms the negative meaning in 1P. The linguistic circumstances in which ne.....na ̄/no ̄>na ̄ht/no ̄ht was preferred to ne seem to be closely related to the grammatical function of focalization which was realized in the syntactic structure of V2. The head C in V2 word order has a focus feature as the uninterpretable EPP-feature of OCC, and this feature induces the operation Agree that is accompanied by the internal Merge of a focus element. It is widely recognized that the negator ne in CP has come to be weak and cliticized, but it is still treated as an independent constituent in the multiple negative sentences with V2.