As the basic study about improvement of yellow croaker drift gill net fishing implement and development of the fishing system, this study drew problem after synthetically analyzing hauling system of yellow croaker drift gill net used in the coast of Chuja Island and tested several characters and analyzed in hauling process with 5 step net hauler model for improving the problem. The analysis results are as follows. When the angle between axises of drum centers was small, it showed the tendency that hauling time was fast. Hauling time was faster when drum was 5 step rather than 3 step. When drum was 5 step, slippery phenomenon was small and hauling was stable. Tension was larger when drum was 5 step rather than 3 step. When drum was 5 step, the range of change of the maximum and minimum value was small and hauling was stable. When drum was 3 step, there was following formula between hauling time (Ht3) and angle between axises of drum centers (Ag) Ht3 : (7.15Hs-0.81) Ag-0.81, when drum was 5 step there was following formula.Ht5 : (6.45Hs-0.75) Ag0.10, here, Hs is hauling speed. When drum was 3 step and hauling speed was 28cm/sec, tension was T=0.08A83-1.60Ag3-0.49Ag+369.56(r=0.99), when drum was 5 step, tension was, T=-0.01Ag3+1.96Ag2-34.05Ag+414.58 (r-0.99), here, T was tension(g).
This study was conducted in order to improve the automatic fishing operation system for anchovy boat seine by comparison with the fishing gear geometry and efficiency using the labor saving nets and the combined type net with midwater trawl. Field experiments were carried out to observe the geometry of nets and improve the fishing operation system by catcher boats. The vertical net opening of fore wing net, square, fore bag net and after bag net of the combined type net were varied in the range of 9.9~12.9. 16.2~28.2, 6.8~12.1 and 9.5~15.2m respectively, when the towing speed was 1.0m/sec and the distance between boats were 100m, 200m, 300m. The vertical net opening of the combined type nets was gradually decreased as function of with increasing the distance between catcher boats. Labor saving net which was maintained the net opening and towing depth stable was more suitable for the automatic hauling operation system by improvement of bag net rather than the combined type nets which was impossible in swallow depth and near to anchovy school. 3 boats hauling operation system of the labor saving net was carried out by crane with power block in 2 catcher boats for improvement of hauling operation and pushing equipment of anchovy cooking system in the processing boat for maintain more anchovy in dry frame. From the results of field experiments, 3 boats hauling operation system with power block and improved cooking system was very 3 boats hauling operation system with power block and improved cooking system was very useful and more practical as hauling time 20~35min and No. of fishermen 12~13 in comparison with the traditional system such as hauling time 30~50 min and No. of fishmen 28~38.
기선권현망어업의 어구 개량과 조업시스템 개선을 목적으로 생력형어구를 제작하여 현장조업선에 의한 해상실험을 실시하여 어구의 형상과 조업시스템을 관찰한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 생력형 어구의 양선간격에 따른 오비기 앞끝, 오비기, 수비, 앞창, 자루그물 입구, 깔때기, 자루그물 뒤끝의 망고 변화폭은 각각 5.0~7.8, 14.4~21.1, 16.2~21.2, 14.0~17.3, 11.7~13.9, 5.4~6.9, 8.2~9.8m이었고, 각 부분의 실제 전개율은 50~78, 25~36, 24~31, 31~38, 61~73, 71~91, 87~104%로 나타났다. 2. 생력형 어구는 그물목줄 부착으로 오비기 앞끝의 전개가 신속하게 이루어지고 있으며, 개량된 나발그물 부착으로 축소형 개량어구보다 포켓형상을 대폭 개선시켜 어군의 유도가 매우 원활하였다. 또한, 양선간격 및 예망속도 변화에 따른 어구 형상이 매우 안정되었으며, 망고의 변화 폭이 크지 않아 어구의 전개성능이 향상되었다. 3. 자루그물의 개량으로 어구저항 감소, 예망속도 증대 및 입망된 어군의 도피가 현저히 감소하여 어획량이 현용어구보다 증가하였으며, 조업시스템의 개선이 가능하였다.