무부자 쌍끌이 중층망은 유속에 관계없이 뜸줄은 거의 일직선으로 유지되고 뜸줄의 깊이 변화가 없었다 또한, 뜸이 없기 때문에 부력은 작용하지 않지만 아래 끌줄의 길이를 조절함으로써 망고를 유지할 수 있었다. 그리고, 무부자 썽끌이 중층망의 전개성능은 발줄의 침자 외에도 추(Front weight)와 날개끝 추(Wing-end weight)의 침강력을 증가시킴으로써 더욱 향상될 수 있었다. 연구는 회류수조에서의 모형실험을 통하여 무부자쌍끌이 중층망의 추와 날개끝 추의 무게에 따른 전개 성능을 규명하고 그 결과를 기준형과 비교 분석하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 유체저항은 유속이 2.0∼5.0knot로 증가함에 따라 거의 직선적으로 증가하였으며, 느린 유속에서는 저항의 증가폭이 작지만, 유속이 빠를 때는 저항의 증가폭이 커지는 경향을 보였다. 추의 무게 및 날개끝 추의 무게의 증가함에 따라서도 유체저항은 증가 하였다. 2. 망고는 유속이 증가함에 따라 거의 직선적으로 감소하는 경향을 나타내었으며, 망고의 감소율은 기준형보다 무부자망이 낮았다. 추의 무게가 0.70ton 에서 1.75ton으로 증가할 때 각 단계별로 약 2m씩, 날개끝 추의 무게가 0.28ton에서 1.11ton으로 증가할 때 각 단계별로 약 1m씩 각각 망고가 증가하였다. 망폭은 기준형보다 모든 무부자망이 약 10m 정도 더 컸으며, 추와 날개끝 추의 무게가 증가햄에 따라 그 변화폭은 2m 내외로 거의 일정하였다. 3. 망구면적은 추의 무게가 1.75ton 일 때, 날개끝 추의 무게가 1.11ton일 때 최대가 되었고 유속이 2.0∼3.0knot에서는 무부자망이 기준형보다 작았으나, 4.0-5.0knot에서는 무부자망이 기준형보다 더컸다. 4. 여과량은 기준형에서는 3.0knot일 때, 무부자망에서는 4.0knot일 때 각각 최대가 되었으며, 추의 적정무게는 1.40ton이었다. 팀은 환자가 원하는 영적 간호를 실시하도록 체계적인 접근 방법을 강구해야 할 것으로 사료된다.된다. 통하여 움직임 감소 장치를 사용함으로써 내부 장기 중 횡격막 움직임의 범위가 감소함과 동시에 CTV-PTV 마진이 크게 줄어드는 결과를 확인하였다. 이 결과를 통하여 흉부 또는 복부에 종양을 가진 환자 치료 시 더욱 질 높은 방사선 치료가 실현될 것으로 기대한다. 30∼40% 정도 느렸고, 퍼레니얼라이그라스도 퍼레니얼라이그라스 100% 단일종류에 비해 20∼30%정도 늦었다. 따라서, 뗏장 재배시 여러 종류의 초종을 천편일률적으로 혼합하여 파종하는 것은 바람직하지 않으며, 컨셉에 따라 적절하게 초종 및 품종을 선택해서 사용하는 것이 필요하다. 5. 뗏장의 뿌리 형성 능력은 퍼레니얼라이그라스가 가장 좋았고, 가장 저조한 초종은 켄터키블루그라스였다. 톨훼스큐는 켄터키블루그라스와 퍼레니얼라이그라스의 중간정도로 나타났다. 혼합구의 뗏장 형성 능력은 초종의 혼합비에 따라 뿌리 형성력 차이가 다르게 나타났는데, 특히 퍼레니얼라이그라스 혼합비율이 많을수록 뿌리 형성 능력은 증가하였다. 6. 뗏장 수확시 잔디 품질은 단일 초종구의 품질이 혼합구에 비해 양호하였는데 가장 우수한 초종은 켄터키블루그라스였고, 톨훼스큐는 켄터키블루그라스 다음으로 중간정도, 그리고 퍼레니얼라이그라스는 가장 저조하였다. 켄터키블루그라스는 균일한 잔디 면, 고밀도 및 예초 후 상태가 우수한 특성으로 품질이 양호하였고, 퍼레니얼라이그라스의 품질이 저조하였던 것은 초장이 길어 잔디 면이 누운 상태로 나타나 균일도 저하 및 예초 후 품질이 켄터키블루그라스나 톨훼스큐 보다 떨어지기 때문이다. 그리고 혼합구의 품질은 여러 종류가 혼합됨으로 인해 색상 및 밀도의 균일도가 떨어지고, 또한 예초 시 물결처럼 불균일하게 깎여 잔디 표면이 불량하였기 때문이었다. 7. 골프장이나 경기장 기본 설계 시 초기 피복도 및 뿌리 형성력이
Full scale experiment was carried out in the southern sea of Korea to compare some important factors tested in the model experiment. The results obtained can be summarized as follows ; 1. The changing aspect of mouth performance of the full scale net was almost coincided with the results obtained by the model experiment. The vertical opening(H) and the opening area(S) can be expressed as a function of the towing velocity(V) as H=48.78. e0.38V(unit: m, k't) S= 1,443 .e-0.25V(unit: m2V, k't) 2. The changing aspect of working depth of the full scale net was almost coincided with the results obtained by the model experiment. The depth(D) can be expressed as a function of the towing velocity(V) and the warp length(L) as D=92.49.V1.37(unit: m, k't, L= 150m) D= 12.07+0.32. L (unit: m, V=2k't) [)= - 7.90+0.22 . L (unit: m, V=3k't) 3. Some problems were found to operate A - type full scale net by common bottom pair trawlers. The problems can be summarized as follows; (1) Entangling of wing and square head ropes while net casting.(2) Man power needed and time spent for net hauling by common bottom trawlers increased considerably.( 3) Tearing of nettings caused by over -load of tension and entangling of net pendant while net hauling. To solve these problems, the trawlers are favorable to be equipped with variable pitch propeller and llet drum. While the net is favorable to be constructed with trifurcated net pendant in stead of quadrifurcated net pendant used at present.
Towing tension of the model nets were determined by the load cell(O~20kg, 20DBBP) in front of W〈lrp with the combinations of towing velocity, warp length and the distance between paired boats. Towing tension of the full scale net was determined by the load cell( 0 ~ 6ton) in front of warp with the towing velocity. The results obtained can be summarized as follows; 1. The changing aspect of towing tensions of the model nets A and B varied by the same tendency in the range of O.356-2.019kg and O.352~2.117kg, respectively, depend on the operational factors. Among the factors, the towing velocity was the most influential. The tensions(T) can be expressed as a function of the towing velocity(V) as TmA = 1.57 . V1.86 (unit: kg, mlsec) TmB= 1.58 . V1.90 2. The towing tension of the full scale net was almost coincided with the results obtained by the model experiment. The towing tension(T) can be expressed as a function of the towing veJocity(V) as T=479V1.75(unit: kg, k't)
Working depth of the model net was determined by using of the same experimental tank and the same model net that used in the forwarded report in a series studies. The depth of the net which indicates the depth of the head rope from the water surface, was determined by the photographs taken in front of the net mouth with the combination of towing velocity, warp length and distance between paired boats. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. Working depth of model nets A and B was varied in the range of 0.09~1.66〈TEA〉m,and 0.04~1.34〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉m〈/TEX〉(which can be converted into 2.7~40.2〈TEA〉mand 1.2~49.8〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉m〈/TEX〉in the full-scale net) respectively, and the depth of model net A was slightly deeper than the depth of the model net B. 2. Working depth (〈TEA〉D,which is appendixed m for the model net, f for the full-scale net, A and B for the types of the model nets) can be expressed as the function of towing velocity〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉Vt〈/TEX〉, as in the model net(〈TEA〉Vt=〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉m〈/TEX〉/〈TEA〉sec) 〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉DmA〈/TEX〉=(-1.99+0.65〈TEA〉Lw) 〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉e-1.72Vt〈/TEX〉 〈TEA〉DmA]=(-1.91+1.04 〈TEA〉Lw) 〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉e2.88Vt〈/TEX〉 in the full-scale net(〈TEA〉Vt=〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉k〈/TEX〉'〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉t〈/TEX〉 〈TEA〉DfA=(-29.32+0.65〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉Lw〈/TEX〉)〈TEA〉e0.40 Vt 〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉DfB〈/TEX〉=(-57.60+1.04〈TEA〉Lw)〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉e-0.67 Vt〈/TEX〉 3. Working depth 9〈TEA〉D appendixes are as same as the former) can be expressed as the function of warp length〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉Lw〈/TEX〉) in the model net, and can be converted into full-scale net as in the model net (〈TEA〉Vt=〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉m〈/TEX〉/〈TEA〉sec) 〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉DmA〈/TEX〉=-0.99 〈TEA〉e-1.42Vt+0.67〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉e-1359Vt〈/TEX〉〈TEA〉Lw 〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉DmB〈/TEX〉=-.258〈TEA〉e-3.77Vt+1.16〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉e-3.15Vt〈/TEX〉 〈TEA〉Lw, in the full-scale net(〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉Vt〈/TEX〉=k't) 〈TEA〉DfA=-29.28〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉e-0.32Vt〈/TEX〉+0.67〈TEA〉e-0.37Vt〈TEA〉Lw 〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉DfB〈/TEX〉=-69.10〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉e-0.81Vt〈/TEX〉+1.16〈TEA〉e-0.72Vt〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉Lw〈/TEX〉. 4. Working depth was gradually shallowed according to the increase of the distance between paired boats.
A model experiment on the pair midwater trawl net applicable to 800 PS class Korean pair bottom trawlers was carried out in the special-prepared experimental thank. the tank was prepared as a reverse trapezoid shape in its vertical section by digging out flat soil. The dimension of the tank showed the 9.6 W×43.0 L(m) of the upper fringe and the 4.8 W×38.0 L(m) of the bottom with 3.0m in depth. The depth of water was maintained 2.7m during experiment. The model net was prepared based on the Tauti's similarity law of fishing gear in 1/30 scale considering the dimension of the experimental tank. Mouth performance of the model net during towing were determined by the photographs taken in front of the net mouth with the combinations of towing velocity, warp length and distance between paired boats. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. Vertical opening of the model nets A and B was varied in the range of 0.18~0.88 m and 0.21~0.78 m (which can be converted into 5.4~26.4m and 6.3~23.4 m in the full-scale net) respectively, and was varied predominantly by towing speed. Vertical opening (H which is appendixed m for the model net. f for the full-scale net. A and B for the types of the model net) can be expressed as the function of towing velocity〈TEA〉Vtas in the model net 〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉Vt〈/TEX〉 : m/ sec)〈TEA〉HmA=1.67〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉e-1.65Vt〈/TEX〉 〈TEA〉HmB=1.15〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉e-1.13Vt〈/TEX〉, in the full-scale net (〈TEA〉Vt : k't) 〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉HfA〈/TEX〉=50.27〈TEA〉e-0.37Vt 〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉HfB〈/TEX〉=34.46〈TEA〉e-0.26Vt. 2. Horizontal opening of the model nets An and b was varied in the range of 1.03~1.54m and 1.04~1.55 m (which can be converted into 30.9~46.2 m and 31.2~46.5m in the full-scale net) respectively, and was varied predominantly by distance between paired boats. Horizontal opening (W, appendixes are as same as the former) an be expressed as the function of distance between paired boats 〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉Db〈/TEX〉as in the model net 〈TEA〉WmA=0.69+0.09〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉Db〈/TEX〉 〈TEA〉WmB=0.73+0.09〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉Db〈/TEX〉, in the full-scale net 〈TEA〉WfA=20.81+0.09〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉Db〈/TEX〉 〈TEA〉WfB=22.11+0.09〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉Db〈/TEX〉 3. Net opening area of the model net A and B was varied in the range of 0.28~1.04 〈TEA〉m2 and 0.33~0.94〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉m2〈/TEX〉(which can be converted into 252~936〈TEA〉m2 and 297~846〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉m2〈/TEX〉 in the full-scale net) respectively, and was varied predominantly by towing velocity. Net opening area (〈TEA〉S, appendixes are as same as the former) van be expressed as the function of towing velocity〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉Vt〈/TEX〉 as in the model net 〈TEA〉vt : m/sec) 〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉SMa〈/TEX〉=2.01〈TEA〉e-1.54VT 〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉SmA〈/TEX〉=1.40〈TEA〉e-1.65Vt, in the full-scale net (〈TEA〉Vt : k't) 〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉SfA〈/TEX〉=1.807〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉e-0.35Vt〈/TEX〉 〈TEA〉SfA=1.265〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉e-0.24Vt〈/TEX〉. 4. Filtering volume of the model nets A and B was varied in the range of 0.32~0.55 〈TEA〉m3 and 0.37~0.55〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉m3〈/TEX〉(which can be converted into 8.640~14.850 〈TEA〉m3 and 9.990~14.850〈TEA〉〈/TEX〉m3〈/TEX〉in the full~scale net) respectively, and was predominantly varied by towing speed. filteri..